Thursday 26 September 2024

Racist Scum Mouths Off Again

 The headline:

Te Pāti Māori warns of ‘million Māori’ wrath over cut $30m te reo programme

 Oi Rawiri, why not just grab $30. each off those "million maori"?

Or is that number just another piece of bullshit from the racist piece of lying shit that you so obviously are?


 I bought a new pair of scissors today.

I need a good pair because they are the only thing I know of that gets you into the hard plastic sealed packs most things come in nowdays.

I have a couple of items still sealed just waiting for me to get new scissors to replace my old ones lost in the big shift.

I look forward to finally being able to open those packs with my new sciss..............


Friday 6 September 2024

Yet Another FRAUD!

 The people checking supermarkets are checking the wrong aisles.

Everyone knows that the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the innocent public - worldwide - is chicken-wings.

Selling previously thrown away bits of skin and bone in double the amount of batter (the only taste), pretending it is premium food and charging accordingly to deliberately skinny people was the work of a genius.

Previously recorded music held the number two spot, wavering slightly with electronics but hold on simply through the me-too factor demanding the perennial stupid keep buying god-awful noise simply because it's "new".

Previously recorded music cemented it's hold on the number 2 spot by demanding you paid for from 2 to 12+ pieces in order to buy the one track you wanted.

The only recorded time when the second track was worth the purchase was when the Uglies (Uglys?) put "Ugly Blues" on the reverse side of (I think) "It's All Right".

But now there is, in New Zealand at least, a challenger.

I refer of course to the liquid being added to meat by retailers who then seal meat and (water?) in plastic and charge the liquid at the same rate of the already grossly-overpriced meat.

It ain't just Supermarkets of course, I've seen examples at the local butcher, the closest meat retailer (Northwood, Belfast) and last week, at Verkerks, the small-goods outfit on Vagues Road, Papanui, Christchurch. Verkerks smallgoods, particularly their salami and European-style sausage, remain excellent.

This water-at-meat-prices fraud is not going to surpass chicken-wings but it's pushing recorded music very close indeed.

Thursday 29 August 2024



New Zealand appears to be short one King.

We do already have a real King, Charles the First of New Zealand, so which one was he who dropped out?

FucKING useless?

FucKING racists?

FucKING expensive joke?

Can't be the latter. That covers all Kings.

Friday 23 August 2024

Life - maybe this is it

 Today was my 71st birthday.

One year ago today my world changed.

On my 70th birthday my landlord, a man I imagined was a friend for the last 16 years, told me he was a liar and I would have to move out of the flat that was "mine until until I died" wasn't and his whore wanted it for his whorespawn.

I would have to move out.

No worries thought I, I will move to my son's place.

Over the years I have supported my son to buy his own house and done everything I could to make his home ownership successful. He had invited me to join him.

Unfortunately he is a drug addict subject to mood swings, I lasted but two months there before I had to leave.

I purchased a caravan and moved to Woodend Beach Holiday Park,

I have never been happier, the people there are fantastic people, living there was great  ..... BUT

I got hurt. I developed a hernia problem that became a serious problem.

My doctor not just ordered me to change my living arrangements but initiated a series of events that has seen me move into a state house (read "pensioner flat") in Kaiapoi.

I sat in the sun today, over the day I have consumed a bottle of bubbles, a bottle of Pinot Gris, have had the meal I chose (I preferred, after serious consideration, not to dine out) and for the first time in years, I'm contented. I'm happy!

That's it. I'm happy!

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Reality Bites

 This afternoon, coincidentally just after I finished my late lunch, a lady knocked on my door.

My doctor ordered me to move out of my caravan** into a flat and I have just done so; this lady was looking for the previous tenant.

The door-knocking lady was there to deliver free food. She told me that was what she/they (she had accomplices) did. This was not meals-on-wheels type food, it was groceries.

It seems that there are people out there who are not only incapable of fending for themselves, they are too bloody useless to get off their arses and go to charitable organisations to receive help.

The previous tenant was brown and sometimes had a partner.

Every fortnight this lady and her team would deliver groceries.

I gave the lady a contact number that she may be able to find out where the previous tenant moved to (although Hell would be my guess), she offered me food, gave me thanks.

I had been advised that my flat looked new when I first viewed it because they had had the builders in. I think I now understand why.

I'm a pathetic old fart, largely incapable of ambulating but even I can go and get the food I require - which at my age ain't much. I can cook (although I can't enjoy).

I was shocked by what I heard today.

I include myself in this comment: If we can't (or won't) fend for ourselves put us down. You would a dog. We're higher than dogs on the evolutionary scale, we should be first.

Free Speech

 I've left this for a couple of days but this morning I came across a still-highlighted column - that I won't link to, it would only encourage the bastard. It was a couple of days old but still there.

I've just made peanut butter and while doing the dishes from that (my only automatic dishwasher is creating this comment) I had time to think about it.

To explain, I am a right-wing liberal and as such believe in free speech. Not just free speech I agree with but the right for ALL people to speak freely.

I was dismayed over the last few days to read several people who claim to also be right-wing (although mainly conservative) using their free speech to call out others for exercising their right to speak.

The two people targeted were two people I detest.

Helen Clarke and Don Brash.

They are calling for New Zealand to remain neutral rather than the current Government align us with one side in the most likely major clash in the near future.

Free speech is the one thing we have left that gives us a chance to regain hope, happiness and relative wealth.

Free speech, consequently, is constantly under attack from the scum, such as the racists, the communists, the sexists and, more recently, the pooftas.

Free speech also allows us to hear what the other guy thinks (and wants), analyse that and then explain why he is wrong.

Free speech, for every person on the planet, is the most important goal for mankind.

We must protect it, not try to limit it to only speech we agree with.