Tuesday 31 March 2020

The Unfortunates

This house arrest must be hell on the special people. Poor bastards!

Think of all the robberies not being committed because someone’s at home.

Think of all the cars not stolen, the muggees not mugged, the takeaway bars not held up.

No wonder they needed $56mil and now demand more.

Saturday 28 March 2020

"A" Movie

For many years we have seen it in the movies.

A halfwit in the wrong place at the wrong time is made dictator of a small island state.

The halfwit, who's only claim to fame is they can, for a very short period, look the part, has no idea - it has been put into place by people who want to control things from behind closed doors.

The populace suffers.

Those people out of sight are always rich people with dishonest intent, politically inept communists and the Chief of Police.

The halfwit gets carried away by their own sense of importance and starts making things even worse. Starts asserting it's authority, robbing the populace of even more of their rights in an attempt to look good to the UN.

The populace starts to see how bad the halfwit and cohorts are.

The Chief of Police gets the halfwit to give his totally corrupt police force even more power. Power to act as they wish with no responsibility, no control.

The police exercise this power ruthlessly.

The populace continues to suffer.

The situation carries on and on until a hero gets a call from his girlfriend's family - locked up for the duration.

Finally, the "A" team (or similar) come in guns blazing, shoot the rich people and the Chief of Police, arrest the halfwit so the populace can try it and then hang it (with partner) from the nearest lamppost and generally save the day.

Welcome to the movies.

Of course, before "woke" times the halfwit was always a man or a good looking sheila. How times have changed!

Now, how and where can I find Hanibal Smith?

Thursday 26 March 2020

Working From Home

I am, I suppose, a hoarder.

Many, many moons ago, following some bad luck, I found myself living in an isolated community, jobless, alone and pretty much dead broke.

I, quite literally, did not know where the next meal was coming from (Where I had been working used to provide my meals).

Some very kind friends purchased one of the carving projects I was doing to pass the time, at a far greater price than they should, to (from hindsight - I was far too proud to ask for help) help me out.

This enabled me to get to the city where I looked for, and found, a job.

Luckily tips from that job enabled me to get through the week, meals from the job enabled me to eat.

Since that time I have always tried to have food, drink and cash to tide me over if times became that tough again.

Generally that has meant buying about a month ahead although some things, essentials like coffee, honey, meat, tooth-cleaning (they're plastic) equipment, toilet paper and booze (mainly good red wine) three or four months has been the norm.

That is the position I find myself now.

I have not done any extra shopping prior to house arrest.

I will run short of, but probably not out of, bread, fresh fruit and cheese.

Meantime money will accumulate in my bank account until the dictatorship steals it.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Variation on a Theme

Since the end of the Vietnam war the Western world has started to value life.

Prior to this men went to war, to explore, to adventure and died.

Women dropped kids until they wore out and died.

That was nature's way.

With the advent of modern communications, particularly live television, all of a sudden we could actually see the face those dying outside our own family.

As a consequence we started extending life beyond it's natural limit, started changing nature.

Now nature is fighting back, targeting particularly those
who would probably have died by now, 50 years ago.

As an old fart, closer to death than life in the natural order of things, I wonder if we shouldn't just let nature regain her balance.

NB: For those of a religious bent replace "nature" with your god.

Thursday 19 March 2020

China Sneezed

China sneezed and the world caught a cold!

Now politicians of the world are using that cold to punish those pesky voters who voted the wrong way, voted for freedom.

Sunday 15 March 2020

Virus Alert!!!!!!!

There is a virus going around.

No, not a computer virus although this one will probably attack your savings as well.

Experts advise that while the virus is new it will probably be with us for many years to come.

Scientists world wide are trying to create a vaccine for the virus. How they will get this vaccine to 7.7 billion people I haven't been able to discover.

You may have heard of this virus.

Because of it I'm working from home.

As I give guided tours to tourists I doubt I'll be overly busy.

The virus attacks people from all walks of life in a particularly viscous way, symptoms have been described by 80% of known sufferers as between "nothing" and "a very minor cold'.

For a few older people and the already sick it can be serious - as can crossing the road, driving, sprinting, going out in the mid-day sun, living on the pension and a myriad of other activities.

Terrifying stuff I'm sure you'll agree.

Thank god the powers that be are taking it seriously.

They've shut down the world!

Saturday 14 March 2020


Throughout history humanity (hitherto “man”) has controlled it's numbers by the regular destruction of significan percentages of breeding males.

Recorded history and, indeed, recent archeology of pre-history, demonstrates this.

Mainly man has done this through war but regular indiscriminate killing has also occurred, usually under a pretext of the killees being slightly different than the killers.

In very recent times, however, man (particularly girly men led by the congenitally insane i.e. women) in many parts of the globe has upset this age-old balance by stopping war, restricting those breeding-age male killings to a few motor-vehicle incidents – and they're trying to prevent those.

The same people have also created conditions that sees people live far beyond their productive years – for no reason at all.

Nature needs to redress this balance.

To do so it has created a cold. A virus.

With this virus, instead of killing the breeding age (Nature is a nice entity) Nature has decided to kill the old, the infirm and the useless – and how more useless can you get than being a cruise-boat tourist?

Man (in fact part of nature but he regularly forgets this fact) has embraced natures plan to help him remain on the planet.

Has he fuck!

Man instead has closed up shop and decided to retreat to the middle-ages in an attempt to thwart (or fool) nature.

To ban fun, excitement and that most human of activities, forming groups. The luddites think they've won.

It won't work!

Not just because man is a social animal, designed by nature to form those groups but man needs these groups to continue his existance.

Those groups are important, those groups are indeed how man has advanced to the top of the food chain.

The cold Nature has created is designed to live for a very long time, to become part of existence that could very possibly see man reverting (in main) back to his allotted three score and ten years.

This, in my humble opinion, is a good thing – now to address that problem of the excess of breeding-age males and the fact that the virus is, in fact, not even killing enough to out-do the motor-vehicle.

Monday 9 March 2020

A bad cold


Sounds awful.

In fact is just a bad cold.

Doctors who aren't shouting politically motivated "pandemic" appear to agree that the new corona-virus is just a slightly more virulent form of the common cold - also a corona-virus.

From casual observation, other than the vulnerable due to age or illness the only people seriously affected appear to be smokers and those who live among heavy smokers. i.e. those with lungs already under attack.

The main danger to the world appears to be not the virus but the the politicians attempting to use the virus to advance their cause, most often to have more and more say over the lives of other people.

Most of these are, of course, from the left and NZ's current PTPM is no exception. Thankfully she's as incompetent at this as she is at everything that requires more than a tea-towel and a frown.

The cancel everything crowd, however, are having a field day, getting sports events, conventions and in some places, all public gatherings, stopped.

Here in Godzone the next thing I suspect to be advanced will be the suspending of the September elections because they might cause NZers to gather together to rubbish wanna-be and existing pollies - a good thing ;-)

Keep washing your hands (that's healthy), wear a mask IF YOU FEEL ILL and otherwise continue life as you've always led it (with the exception of voting ACT from now on) and only then will we, the people of first NZ and then the world, overcome this version of the common cold.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Jones v Indians

There is much ado about Mr Jones' comments about Indians, mainly Indian students, among the political jabberers this week.

Again to day there are calls for the harridan to sack Jones for his correct but racist remarks.

This would be a mistake for all except Peters and Jones. A mistake I suspect Peters is deliberately engineering.

The sacking of Jones, leading to the break up of the CoL is the last thing NZ politics needs.

The break up would give some legitimacy to NZ First allowing them to present themselves as truly independent of the left-wing nutters and may just get them over the line in September.

As they can only side with the left this would almost certainly result in another three years of mis-management, this time with Peters holding even more power.

I suspect Mr Peters knows this and the break up is inevitable.

Venezuela here we come!

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Jones and Indians.

Shane Jones has commented at least twice recently about Indians and their inherent dishonesty.

I admit I agree with much of what he says - based on personal experience.

I have had several dealings with people from (or people descended from) India and will be happy if I have no more (unless they are cricket fans).

The majority of New Zealanders are a basically honest people and most expect others to be the same.

This of course is why having a Prime Minister who lies by instinct is so very bad for NZ.

Many people in more populous countries accept dishonesty as a part of life; have fables praising thieves, fraudsters etc.

India is one of those countries.

Watching news reports of court proceedings, as I am wont to do, I regularly, in far greater proportion of their ethnic representation, see people with Indian-type names charged with dishonesty offenses, usually against other people with Indian type names.

Most of these offenses seem to be able to be committed because the "victim" is also trying to beat the system.

I have no doubt Mr Jones' comments are racist, what I doubt is that they are incorrect.