Thursday 31 December 2020

Worth Reading (The link, not the post).

Although the site and author should be taken into consideration article is worth reading.    

Lock-downs and house arrests throughout the world, particularly the ex-free world, are doing untold damage to the future of people who are not part of the "elite"  classes - i.e. those making millions off the totalitarian regimes now in force throughout the Western world.

Note the (seldom presented) figure quoted as survival rate for the new flu - 99.85%.

Personally I have always been in favour of what I have called a "benign dictatorship" but we now have that worst of all forms of government, a benevolent dictatorship, thrust upon us.

God defend New Zealand and the free world!

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Road Toll Increases

The "holiday" road toll has doubled this year and it's only at the half-way point.

As a professional driver I find this unsurprising, the standard of driving on South Island roads has deteriorated badly over the last few years.

Notably the dramatic reduction in "Asian" and foreign drivers has not improved safety on the roads, their places seemingly taken by old farts who should not have a license and young women (of either sex) too distracted to concentrate on what they and other road users are doing.

The pigs, of course, have taken their usual, bloody stupid to the point of brain dead, position and blamed speeding instead of the halfwits who's slow, inconsiderate driving is causing most of the angst among road users.

The other thing of note is that the anti-car scum influenced, ridiculously slow speed limits are simply being ignored by most - to the point where it confirms these are only in place as revenue gathering devices and nothing at all to do with safety.

A serious rethink on what roads are for is needed desperately.

Saturday 26 December 2020

Trouble at T' Blackboard

 A bunch of schoolteachers pretending to be scientists are having a spat over Pom-flu and how to deal with it.

Entertaining, often funny stuff, worth following.

 The letter to the editor in the NZ Journal of Primary Health Care from academics of several top universities claims New Zealand is "one of few countries chasing elimination of Covid-19" and that it is "stamping out livelihoods and lives".

One quote got me though: "There is no mention of the adverse health effects of the virus, direct and indirect mortality impacts, nor the impact on healthcare services and staff," Town says of the letter.

 Town is correct. There is none - because these things are not relevant to the argument.


Wednesday 23 December 2020

"Racism Alive and Well"

 I draw your attention to this article in which Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon is quoted as saying "Racism 'well and alive' in New Zealand".

This man should be listened to; after all he was appointed to his position because of his race and has made nothing but racist statements since his appointment.

You could argue, successfully, he is the most racist man in New Zealand.

He knows what he is talking about!

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Personal Financial Expectations With Closed Borders

 A quick calculation reveals that my budget will be down by between $10,000 and 15,000 this year.

This fall is directly due to the bloody stupid government reaction to Covid-19, particularly the still-closed borders.

These closed borders are delaying reality for Godzone, pushing back the chance of any return to normality for New Zealand.

All for a "flu" that kills those who would die anyway.

If you doubt that statement observe Britain, where in October this year (2020), in the midst of a panic that has seen the country once again subject to house arrest, the total death toll was eight - that's right 8!, in a population exceeding 70,000,000 - above normal.

Back to the $10 - $15,000. 

This means I shall spend that amount less, mainly on food, booze and domestic travel.

One semi-retired old fart.

It won't cause me much hardship, being self employed for years, dealing with the public, means I live a relatively frugal existence, by choice mostly alone.

I doubt, though, that I am unique, that there aren't many more in NZ who also will have a greatly reduced budget.

The only comfort I have is that there is a good chance I shall be either dead or completely do-lally, pissing and mewling in a forgotten corner of an old-farts home, before this reduction in spending bites New Zealand on it's arse.

Racism - Telling the Truth?

 Racism becomes official in New Zealand.

MediaWorks is fined by an official Government watchdog because an interviewer didn't kow-tow to a bunch of brown thugs.

The interviewer told the truth about the group and those behind them.

"During the segment, Plunket called iwi "bullies", "rogues" and "highwaymen", questioned how many iwi members were on a benefit, and asked why, with no context, it didn't focus on issues like child abuse."

All pertinent questions given the illegal and racist nature of the thugs' actions.

There should be no place for racism in New Zealand, particularly given the handicap New Zealand already suffers because of it's brain-dead voters.

To see it made official disgusts!

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Free Speech? Not here mate!

This  is what the current Government (via Mr Little) are preparing for New Zealand.


Make the first person you verbally abuse a left-wing pollie, the second a pig.



Tuesday 15 December 2020

Sexuial assault, physical assault.children

 The Headline:

Up to 250,000 estimated to have been abused in state, faith-based care - Royal Commission

The story.

Mainly due to boredom I've been reading a bit about this story.

The numbers, rather than inducing shock/horror, are about what would be expected given that "abuse" appears to include being frowned at, told off, made to study or eat at times not agreeable to the complainants etc. and spread over a long period.

By including these "incidents" the commission makes light of the very serious and nasty sexual and physical assaults that were hidden by officials until recently, genuine horrors that must never be allowed to happen again.

The commission was created to assist the State to protect vulnerable children.

They have failed!

Saturday 12 December 2020

Fire, Road Closure.

 There was a fire in the unpopulated hills in South East Christchurch on Friday night.

A few hectares of scrub, grass and rocks above some storage sheds and houses were burnt.

The fire service contained the fire, then put it out - all on Friday night.

They then closed a well used highway, connecting the port with Christchurch, for all of Saturday until about 19:00 to punish travellers and residents for the fire.

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Road Rage? No Wonder!

 Cantabrians More Likely To Experience Road Rage.

That's the headline, you need read no further.

You have a city in Canterbury, making up the vast majority of the population.

That city has deliberately made driving in the city an unpleasant and slow exercise (except for Mr Tarrant, of course, who traversed the city far too quickly for the local constabulary) simply because council bastards, outside their rate-payer limos, are roadlice lovers.

Personally, sick of becoming grumpy every time I venture forth, I now shop in North Canterbury whenever possible - voting with my feet you might say.

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Nothing for nothing, even the chicks aren't free.

 Twice now, I have read of Government members mouthing off over a well publicised give-away in Jafaville, including that giant of industry and commerce, the PM.

As an aside this promotional stunt by a previously unknown online company has been a huge success.The name, The Safety Warehouse, will remain in peoples' minds for decades.

Back to the mouthing off; What the fuck has it got to do with them?

Who and what do they think they are?

These incompetent, know-nothing fuckwits were elected to lead the country.

I suggest they learn how to do this rather than play important personages poking their nose into private business practices.

As for the slime who have driven the story of a few something-for-nothing losers not getting what they dreamed of (they certainly were promised nothing) into the headlines, probably to cover up the continuing gross ineptitude of the clowns in power, their performance grows worse by the day.

Monday 30 November 2020

Waste of time and money

 Is there a brain out there?

Does anyone actually understand that one Government department charging another Government department for breaches of law, whether safety or other, is simply the transfer of tax-payer money to shysters?   

Have an Inquiry if you must, although we all know what happened; The volcano went bang - as volcanoes are wont to do.

The charging of departments or maori organisations is a waste of tax-payer's hard earned money.

Sunday 29 November 2020


 A foreigner, armed to the teeth, wanders up to a property holding a large group of people, pulls a couple of rifles from his car, and while streaming his actions on u-tube, proceeds to shoot 80 odd people.

He then drives 7Km across a city which has it's streets designed to make driving a slow, unpleasant experience and shoots up another property, this time shooting somewhere around 20 people.

He then drives several more Kms, this time through suburban areas before he is first sighted by (out of town) policemen, pulled over and arrested without a fight.

The is something missing here; The bloody Police!

And yet not a single slime/journo/reporter asks where the bastards were.

Why not?

Would asking the question put the fraudster sheila supposedly running the country in a bad light?

In civilised countries every single one of the Police hierarchy in ChCh that day would have offered, to an accepting public, their resignations over this disgraceful non-performance.

Cover up? Much?

Saturday 28 November 2020


'He was targeted because he's a young Māori'*

 That's because young maori men commit the vast majority of violent and anti-social crimes you f#@king idiot!

* from Newshub.




 Taking the knee for BLM is racist!

It is saying bloody niggers (their word) are better than anyone else.

I shall never again travel to watch the New Zealand cricket team (now the BLM Caps?) play!

Friday 27 November 2020

What Are They Scared Of?

I notice this headline on NewstalkZB:

 Chch mosque attack inquiry: Evidence suppressed for 30 years, gunman's forever

 What are they scared of? Terrified of?

Just what heinous crime did NZ Police or NZ politicians commit that needs hiding for 30 years?

Just another mass murder by the foreignor Tarrant, at a time when mass murder world wide has become almost the norm, surely can't, in itself, be the reason to hide the facts from New Zealanders - even New Zealanders who have proven themselves, in the last couple of months, to be brain-dead stupid.




Thursday 19 November 2020

Vehicle Fit For Purpose?

 A vehicle gave way to me this morning.

He was turning right out of a side street, I was approaching from his right. He was doing everything correctly.

Why do I mention this?

The vehicle was one of the larger, new(ish) models with sharp edges rather than curves but the main thing that drew my attention was that I could not see, until very close, his direction indicator lights.

The consisted of a strip-light around the headlights and were completely invisible until about 20m away.

Just after that another (4WD type) vehicle went past me with his driving lights in the same place - again invisible until up close.


Surely the sole purpose of indicator lights, whether direction or stopping, and driving lights is to be seen.

I can understand an idiot designer coming up with this concept but not the issuer of certificate/warrant of fitness for road use accepting it.

A serious rethink is needed!

Tuesday 17 November 2020


 A couple of gang members shot at (or near, they seldom seem to hit anything) some cops in the pretty-much unpoliced north.

In response the Police Union demands gangs be disbanded and outlawed.

Hell No! No such response.

Instead they want to harass law-abiding gun owners again while allowing the gangs to carry on with their law-breaking activities including the illegal use of the guns they now secretly own.

No change from normal then!

Monday 16 November 2020

Letting You Down Again

 What sort of bloody horrible world do they want?

"They" in this case being the bloody slime.

In the last few days the Government has announced they will be interfering with your ability to move about freely (They pretend to blame a relatively harmless virus) and now that they are going to poke their noses into food purchasing.

The first a step towards compulsory identity cards and monitored, then restricted, movement of anyone who doesn't completely support communism, the second is attempting to corrupt capitalism in it's most common form, the private contract between seller and purchaser.

The slime, rather than producing editorials screaming against the loss of independence and freedom these moves produce, are all in favour.

Communist scum to a (wo)man!

To put things in context, within 20 minutes of the semi-rural area I live there are approx 10 supermarkets, at least the same number of vegetable or meat retailers plus various after hours/dairy-type outlets.

ALL of these compete for my $$$ - some more successfully than others.

Judicious shopping ensures I purchase what I need at the best value.

The Government can fuck off from the middle of these purchases!

Sunday 15 November 2020

All Blacks Returning Home

 I note the news that three members of the All Blacks touring squad are returning home, no longer needed for the losing tour.

The story I read had no names but surely two names, Foster and Cane, are guaranteed to be on the list.

Friday 13 November 2020

More Covid Lies

 Just reading the statement of the young lady who went to work with Covid and made all the news bulletins.

In the statement she stated that the stuff Hipkins, the MoH and, of course, Goff issued was outright lies.

Just the same as before the election then - You voted for them!

The young lady, having been confirmed to have Covid is, by now, of course, dead - or is she one of the 99%+ young healthy people who are completely unaffected physically by the virus?

Tuesday 10 November 2020


I am, to put it mildly, rather concerned.

It seems that places in Medical School are in short supply because too many unqualified brown-skinned people are being given a free pass.

(Note to self: only consult brown-skinned doctor if they qualified outside New Zealand.)

Rather than noting this absurdity and cut down on those free passes, thereby increasing the quality of entrants to second-year medical courses, the school-teacher types have come up with a plan that involves decreasing qualifying standards overall and then introducing a lucky draw for places.

This, of course, means there is a very good chance the best doctors will never be doctors while you and I will have no choice but to deal with the half-wit (literally) who got in in his/her place.

I see in the story Former Otago Medical School dean Peter Crampton states that the problem he sees is that currently to enter second year Medical School on merit (i.e. if you are white or East Asian) people need to be geniuses.

Mr Crampton; I WANT my doctor to be a genius!

Saturday 7 November 2020

Election thought

 Having read around the internet about the American election I can only come to the conclusion that Trump was voted for by the largest number of humans ever to cast a vote for any presidential candidate in the history of the United States of America.

I doubt they being denied their choice will cause as much trouble, slime anguish and woke wankery as the left showed when their candidate was legitimately (and correctly for any thinking person) defeated four years ago.

My query now is will president-elect Harris lead the Western no-longer-free World into a series of local wars or one big world-wide conflict?

Thursday 5 November 2020


 I notice Meridian have been forced to withdraw an advertisement because the electricity they sell is not just the electricity the generate but part of the whole generated in New Zealand.

Fair enough but not a single comment on the claim by Meridian that their energy is 100% renewable.

In the fact that the rain keeps falling (particularly here), the wind keeps blowing and the sun keeps shining (elsewhere) I suppose it is.

Or is it?

Could Meridian keep generating without continued mining, continued oil extraction, continued international transport?

Having noted just how large the maintenance force for just the Waitaki Valley power generation scheme is I seriously doubt it. 

Wind, rain and sun don't seem to make replacement metal parts, plastic components or industrial lubricants let alone the things people need to build and maintain houses and homes.

Monday 2 November 2020


 Headline on TVNZ website:

Four mummified Māori heads returned to NZ from Germany

So now we know where half the new cabinet ministers came from 😁

Your choice

 Ugly (in every sense), racist and representing you on the world stage.

NZ the way YOU wanted it!

"New"? Cabinet

I notice the government has elected a new cabinet and announced their first "It's Not Our Money" policy.

Problem with the new cabinet is they have appointed many of the worst incompetents from the previous government to it.

Gross incompetents like Adhern.

Sunday 1 November 2020


 The Herald headline:  

Quarter of scammed Kiwis tell no one

 How do they know?
Is Big Brother reality?

A bright side?

 A couple of weeks back New Zealanders voted for a fraudster in charge of a bunch of clowns, for a well written and promoted new legislation that any competent government would have simply passed into law and against cannabis being legalised.

The fraudster and it's clowns NZ is stuck with. Enjoy Venezuelan-style poverty, hopefully I shall be dead.

The drug legalisation rejection was predictable.

Even in their totally deluded, cowardice-induced covid-terrified state I suspect the vast majority of sober NZers realised that the one guarantee was that the current Labour/Green abortion would completely fuck up any legislation freeing up the drug.

 Most likely with the likes of Swarbrick driving it NZ would have ended up with heroin/LSD/horse tranquiliser dealers ensconced in corner dairies throughout the nation.

The reaction to that rejection, however, has been priceless.

From Swarbrick doing a Clinton (Hillary looked slightly more human - but only "slightly) and the slime darlings all upset their drug-induced "reporting" will come under scrutiny it is one long laugh.

This morning there's a cracker out there, with one luvvie suggesting research and development of medical use of cannabis will be forced to cease because of the rejection.

That luvvie has never heard of medical use of morphine I take it.

I look forward to many more such utterly brilliant sob-stories.

They certainly take away some of the pain of watching the gutless bastards of New Zealand voting for their country's economic demise.

Friday 30 October 2020

The Future Is The Past

 Every MSM site I have visited this morning has a similar headline, "What Happens Next" and a mostly made up story about the future after the Cannabis and Euthanasia referenda.

We all know what happens next because we all lived through the last three years.

What happens next will be exactly what has happened to every single thing the Labour (led?) Government has attempted to do.

 They'll fuck it up!

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Eroding Beaches?

 Via Breaking Views I note this story refuting alarmist rubbish about all the world's beaches eroding due to climate change.    

It appears the vast majority are doing no such thing BUT .... it appears beaches <i>near marine protection zones</i> are eroding quickly.

Could the reason for this be that in these areas, far more than other areas, greenie nutters have put measures in place to "protect" the beaches?

Is the Law that states <i>For Every Greenie Action There is an Equal and Opposite Result</i> being seen one again in action?

Monday 26 October 2020

Had to Happen.

 You have police actively working with scum to break the laws of New Zealand during the house arrest and then wonder why those scum have no respect for the police?

Sunday 25 October 2020

We Are Doomed!

Doomed I tell you. DOOOOOOOOMED!

 I continue to read "Where we went wrong" posits from National people. The latest From Veteran at No Minister.

Trouble is each and every one I've read so far gets it wrong, very wrong.

National finds itself in the position it's in, not because it offered the voter the wrong thing but because it offered the voter nothing.

When New Zealand needed leaders, needed politicians to stand up and point out the realities of the reaction to the Covid virus, National hid under it's bed.

Occasionally someone would put his (always "his", shamefully no sheila ever did) head up and state the truth.

 Labour, led by the slime, would immediately attack that truth-teller lest the public started to learn the facts and, importantly, that truth-teller would then be abandoned by his National colleagues, thrown to the wolves.

The changing of "leaders" had no effect what-so-ever, Soimon, Todd and Judith showing zero leadership between them. 

At no point did National actually stand up and say "NO", point out why and demonstrate the correct way forward for the people of New Zealand.

Never, not once, did National even show signs they were a able to do better, in fact not once did they show signs they could do anything at all.

 The only pollie who consistently  presented the facts was the actual (unpaid as such) Leader of the Opposition, David Seymour.

New Zealand went into the 2020 election with only two genuine alternatives, Labour and ACT.

Nation got the tribal vote and some protest votes.

Until New Zealand is presented with at least two main-stream parties with alternative views and prospective actions we are doomed to remain the Democratic Socialist Pacific Peoples Republic of Ao-whatever-the f@#k-it-is.

DOOMED indeed!

Saturday 24 October 2020

Face It, They Will Do What They Want!

 Let's get one thing straight: NZ Idiots have given Labour a three year (minimum) dictatorship.

 Denial won't change that.

They can do what they want for three years.

The only handbrakes are their own incompetence (legion) and their desire, if they cannot prevent a further election, to be re-elected in 2003.

The latter they'll do their very best to avoid, altering law after law to make it impossible to stand, let alone campaign, against them.

One thing you can guarantee: Free speech will be a thing of the past within 12 months and all left-wing parties will be tax-payer funded before 2022.

The coming depression will see the hand-outs to buy the 2020 election cease but, along with the three year election campaign, they won't be needed, opposition and criticism will be illegal.

Meantime watch a series of wealth-creators to vacate the country, the $NZD tank and costs rise dramatically.

If you have Kiwisaver, kiss it goodbye. The gummint needs the money.

Those now saying things like "Bbbbbbut, Labour doesn't have a mandate (Farrar from Kiwiblog is the latest I've read) because they campaigned on how they personally saved 1,000,000 lives by destroying the economy locking down the country, not putting forward a single policy, are tilting at windmills.

Your (yes YOUR) failure to demand rightwing politicians (except Seymoure) stand up and point out the faults in Covid reactions and to highlight the correct, responsible responses to the public has seen the communists elected with a working majority.

Shame on you!

Thursday 22 October 2020

Fruit picking.

 HDPA wants to let immigrants in to pick fruit.

It seems that fruit growers cannot get enough workers and HDPA claims it's not fair to expect unemployed NZers to go and work for a month or so.


Leaving aside that it would be unfair to the growers to have to employ wielders of bullwhips and cattle prods to actually get the bastards on the job and working why is it unfair to expect every man (and solo mum) to do their duty and actually benefit the country that pays their way?

Communism demands that everybody is equal.

The bastards voted for communism, make the lazy pricks do their equal share of the work!

Wednesday 21 October 2020

A positive new MP

 At least something positive.

 From here.

  If he ended up in Parliament, Waititi promised he would make changes in the “system” he says keeps Māori “in second place”.

I applaud Mr Waititi.

Mr Waititi taking his group of Maori back to 20th place where the bone-idle lazy, constant hand-out, miserable racist bastards deserve to be is an admirable, if somewhat surprising, ambition.

Saturday 17 October 2020

 New Zealand has proved you can fool Jafas and sheilas ALL the time.

God defend New Zealand!

Friday 16 October 2020

The Future

 A few expectations if the wrong result is declared tonight:

The free-everything for Maori and the bone-idle lazy will increase exponentially. 

Basically you'll be working for the lazy bastards so they don't have to.

Taxes on working people and the productive sector will double within 12 months - to pay for the above.

House prices will collapse in most areas, particularly areas large groups of taxpayers want to emigrate from.

Immigration of the lazy and the violent will be increased dramatically - basically, if you have a brown skin and nothing you're in - "Here's your free house and car".

Open road speeds will be reduced to 70 - 80 kph, city speeds to a universal 30kph.

Maori will be encouraged to claim everything, including water, air, the sea and all land.

New Zealand will be renamed, first Ao-whatever the hell it is and then, within two years, The Pacific People's Paradise of Venezuela.

God Defend New Zealand!

Thursday 15 October 2020


 I have been away covering much of the South Island. Today I head North.

This spring is certainly providing interest, in the last few days I have encountered a lot of rain, snow and hail interspersed with patches of sunshine accompanied by freezing-cold gale-force winds.

Just a normal week in spring in the South Island then. Where the hell is this bloody global warming?

One thing I have noticed is that the driving standards on the roads is as bad, if not worse, than before the Panic even though traffic is considerably lighter.

Maybe it wasn't the Asian tourists after all.

Saturday 10 October 2020

New Zealand sometime time in the next three years - and remember, we can't walk to the nearest country.

We'll be stuck here - suffering!

Friday 9 October 2020


 Climate alarmist lies are competing with Covid alarmist lies for headlines.

Reading the MSM around the world is becoming fun.

Thursday 8 October 2020

Hell No, Not That, Not There!

 I bring your attention to probably the stupidest thing I have ever seen in print - and I have seen current Labour party ad's.

I read this off Newstalk ZB but it is a NZ Herald piece copied from Star News.

The piece:

The article is about the proposal to put a bottle shop in a large exclusively shopping area.

The proponent has made a commercial decision that the closeness of two existing liquor outlets is not of concern.

But Bea Gooding of Star News obviously objects, quoting one local worrying about the usual "there's a bus stop nearby where children get on busses" as his reason.

That these children have already walked past a mall containing two supermarkets selling booze plus (probably) at least one other liquor outlet does not appear germane.

The facts of the matter is that a businessman has decided to start another business in a designated shopping area, selling a legal product that some do-gooder busy-body doesn't like and Bea Gooding, cub reporter?, had nothing useful to do so wrote a story about it from the false shock/horror point of view.

Now, to get things straight, I have no problem with people objecting to anything they wish. What I have a problem with is the slime, and it's anti-anything even slightly enjoyable stance, publicising such a silly objection to create weight for that stupidity.

Newstalk ZB, NZ Herald and Bea Gooding, it's been done before, better, and was as bloody stupid then as it is now!

Wednesday 7 October 2020

National = Trump?

 The MSM attack on National continues unabated.

Innuendo through to outright lies are presented as headlines through most of the NZ MSM sites, Judith of course, the main target.

Only Trump, telling the truth for a change, gets similar negative feed - while his senile opponent gets a free ride. 


You'd think we got to vote in both elections. 😊

Those in-house polls must be frightening indeed for the current clowns and their masters!

Tuesday 6 October 2020

Newsroom, 50,000,000 reasons

 Each morning while enjoying my first coffee and breakfast I visit several "news" sites.

This morning has been interesting indeed, with those organisations demonstrating in their own way their political bias.

None more so than Newsroom which has gone full Pravda, with negative to National, often dubious at best, stories covering the front page.

Has the word gone out that the dictatorship is in trouble?

Monday 5 October 2020

ACT, A Real Threat!

Notably ACT has, under the leadership of Mr Seymour (de-facto Leader of the Opposition) become relevant for many New Zealand voters.

Mr Seymour has stood alone in detailing the facts about Covid-19, the destruction of New Zealand's economy by the current clowns, the rise of the racists etc. while the main parties have remained mute at best and been overtly complicit at other times.

The slime (MSM) have finally started to awake to the threat Mr Seymour poses to their comfortable communist masters. 


Their reaction has been entertaining. More so because everything they throw at ACT and Seymour is quickly rebutted or completely ignored.

The latest attempt at handling ACT and it's enlightened supporters appears to be to ignore the party completely, no doubt hoping New Zealanders will forget ACT completely.

I doubt this will work any better than their other antics.

New Zealand needs ACT to be part of the incoming Government. Desperately!

Only that happening will see a chance, if only a minor one, of New Zealand avoiding Venezuela-like financial ruin in the near future.

Party vote ACT! I shall!

A rant.

A rant worth reading. 

 What a shame the communists "leading" (ha, ha) New Zealand will not understand it even if they did read it.

Sunday 4 October 2020

Problem Easily Fixed

 Too much rain in Southland, not enough around the inland border of Otago and Canterbury.

The solution is simple.

The PM is an all seeing, all knowing deity.

Ask it to send the rain north.

Thursday 1 October 2020


 The daily headline on MSM sites: 

Labour Promises To .........................

Haven't Labour just spent three years doing absolutely nothing positive?

 Not a single thing!

How can we expect that will suddenly change?

No Thanks.

 A headline on a NZ news site reads: 

NZ research institute leading global study into algae as food source

 Personally I'll stick to steak and pork chops.




Wednesday 30 September 2020

US Debate.

 Every comment I read about the USA debate tells how bad it was but nothing about the substance of the debate, nor who won it.

Does that mean Trump was superior?

Monday 28 September 2020

Maybe It's My Age

 There is a photo' doing the rounds of "news" sites at the moment of a beautiful   woman, 48, posing naked.

She looks good and certainly the photo' is better to look at that one of any bloody politician.

What I don't understand, though, is why this picture has made the news. Why does this picture showing skin (and a nice structure) interest?

The lady is basically a non-entity, pretty though she is, who used to pretend to be someone else for a living.

She has, to my knowledge, done nothing of any import.

I, and no doubt you, dear reader, can click a PC (phone, tablet etc) a couple of times and raise endless photographs of naked ladies, most not hiding themselves behind arms and legs - most as beautiful as the lady first mentioned.

So why?


Oh, and to any editor out there who may be unfortunate enough to read this: FREE THE NIPPLE!

Less Fuel?

 Headlines around the world are pretty much the same.

Germany, for instance: <b>Cases</b> increase.

USA: Hospital Admissions Increase.

Spain: <b>Cases</b> Soar After Life Returns to Normal.

Note not one of the above mentions death rate.

Is the world starting to run out of old and sick people?

Sunday 27 September 2020

I have been ill.

I have been unwell. Very unwell.

I have a disease (virus?) in my system that has been affecting me for three years. The doctors can't find or identify this disease and it normally only worries me when temperatures start dropping.

The current iteration of this illness has me unable to swallow, therefore eat, most foods, including meat

Very ill indeed. Even the wine stocks remain undiminished - a serious shock to my wine merchant and his family's budget.

Note that not one of the symptoms are of lungs or heart, the targets of the media-panic-virus now doing so much damage to the world - the panic that is, the virus is comparatively mild in nature.

Probably because of the affect on the state of my wine cellar I have not been blogging.

Another reason could be that nothing has changed, unfortunately.

Most of the world, particularly the young people, are happily accepting dictatorship by the group who's politics are the same as most of the world (outside of China) have fought against at some time or another in the last 100 years.

These dictators are supported almost universally by the slime (mainstream media) who are the very people expected to lead the resistance.

Those people are acquiescing mainly because they have been scare, mainly due to the slime, of a virus that attacks the old and the infirm, that has killed in adjusted figures, less than 1% of the numbers killed by the post WWI Spanish Flu and that most young, fit people don't even know they've got.

Whole economies have been destroyed to mitigate this virus - unnecessarily.

In New Zealand this destruction has been successful mainly because of a government of liars and fraudsters fronted by the most dishonest, disgusting thing ever to pollute politics in the Pacific Ocean.

Communism, for that is what the slime and their political masters are promoting, is on the rise.

I fear for my country!

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Slime again.

A TVNZ headline this morning stated that "up to 80% of businesses open in level 3".

I admit to only quickly perusing the site but would be unsurprised to read elsewhere headlines stating "Steamrollers Do Roll Steam", "Chocolate Fish Do Swim" and "The Moon Is Made of Green Cheese".

80% of New Zealand businesses are tourist orientated and the CAN be no tourism under current conditions, retail cannot open, restaurants can not open.

Still, I suppose they at least got the "up to" correct which is more than the dictatorship has.

If they, as the dictatorship assert, have eliminated Covid-19 what are people going to spread if they resume normal life?

Thursday 23 April 2020


Since February I have been hammering on about just how wrong and dangerous the Government are re the Corona virus.

As if reading my mind or my writings around the blogosphere (I doubt she does either, in fact I doubt either are decipherable) Dr Muriel Newman has included damned near everything I've warned of in one very good column.

I have nothing but contempt and disgust for those who have accepted the measures pushing NZ into a socialist dictatorship without comment or complaint.

That so many New Zealanders have done so literally depresses me.

NZ needs an immediate return to democracy starting with the reassembly of Parliament followed quickly by a general election in which ALL proven liars to the public are banned from standing for office.

Sunday 19 April 2020

Covid Diary

April 20

Woke up as usual this morning just after 07:00. Sleeping that extra 2 hours has become a habit.

Cursed at the scumbag c*%t dictator polluting the country.

Got up and had breakfast while perusing the local news media: Still full of badly written, no sense sycophantic bullshit about the c*%t.

Remembered even Kiwiblog has succumbed to this. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if it was written by, and for, adults. It isn't.

Cursed again at the scumbag c*%t dictator!

Read the overseas news. They hate Trump too.

Sat down to figure out which of my vehicles needs a run. Will "go to supermarket" later.

Turned to the blogs.


Thursday 16 April 2020

The Vandalism Continues.

April 16, 2020 the dictatorship announce the continued vandalism of the New Zealand economy.

They didn't put it that way but that is what "level 3" is according to the dictatorship.

Notably "level 3" was no such thing when we went through it prior to house arrest.

I am dismayed, not just to see the lack of objection from those elected to represent us but to also not see the demand that Parliament resume immediately and ALL measures henceforth be put to parliament before introduction.

That immediate resumption should see not just HM Opposition but the very few sane people in NZF who understand they will be unemployed if there is ever an election in New Zealand, demanding the dictatorship be put on trial for the wanton destruction of the New Zealand economy.

The first trial would involve the thing who took orders from the Pom Labour Party about and before the continued efforts, started after March 15, 2019, to destroy freedom and wealth in New Zealand.

Our elected representatives should make very clear that we want to import overseas-style police state conditions even less than we wanted to import the virus.

Thursday 9 April 2020

Questions on a not very good Friday

How many people in the next two weeks are going to try to start their car for the first time in weeks and find the car won't start, the battery is flat?

How many of those occasions will be in an emergency?

Why are the dictators only now looking at closing the borders? Now, when tourism is what earns NZ 20% of it's income and a return to normal is, for the free world, just around the corner?

Tuesday 7 April 2020

In every free country world wide the leadership has stated they are working to give their citizens freedom of movement as soon as possible.

Every country in the free world except for one.

I wonder which that one country is?

Sunday 5 April 2020

Helicopter Cash have a headline: Helicopter Cash Can't Be Ruled Out.

The story behind the headline discusses giving a cash payment out to all New Zealanders.

I cannot think of anything more stupid.

The CoL have already given an extra $80mil to the special people and $25. per week to the bone-idle lazy.

Many, if not most, of the rest of us are being paid by tax-payer funded donations.

ALL of these payments will have to be paid back at some stage, meaning higher taxes for a generation.

The working people of New Zealand do not need to be handed loaned more cash.

We need to be able to earn and spend our own.

Most of all we need freedom!

AfterPay v Retail Idiots

This headline from Stuff caught my eye:

Afterpay 'could hold on to tens of thousands' during lockdown, retailer says

Reading the story it seems some retailers are taking orders for stock they do not have and/or can not deliver and allowing people to pay over time using AfterPay.

AfterPay only pay sellers after goods have been delivered.

The retailers want AfterPay to take a risk and donate money to the retailers in the hope that in the future the retailer will actually deliver the goods, not go broke, abscond etc.etc.

AfterPay are sticking by their contracted obligations.

Based on the story the only argument the retailers have put forward is that AfterPay will hold on to significant amounts of money until the retailers fulfil their obligations and thereby gain some interest.

This is a front page story on

I can only assume the editor, journalist and, for that matter the complaining retailers, are Labour/NZF voters. No one else would be silly enough.

Thursday 2 April 2020


This virus house arrest is bringing out the very worst of New Zealand.

A group of backpackers in Queenstown, locked up and bored, decided to have a party.

Another group of stranded tourists, also young, decided to enjoy themselves by swimming and jumping off a bridge into the water.

Think about that; A group of young people, largely immune and far from home, with no contact with the outside world (including New Zealanders) decide to entertain themselves - harmlessly.

Any sane authority figure would quietly give these young people advice, note that they were extremely unlikely to be troubled either by the virus or pass the virus on to other people - who they have no contact with because both parties are locked up.

Not in New Zealand!

The head of the stasi goes to the press about one incident, the local council, incensed that some may be actually enjoying themselves, goes to the press about the other.

Thanks to successive governments we are so used to this type of behaviour most of New Zealand shake their heads and condemn the young people WITHOUT THINKING.

Tuesday 31 March 2020

The Unfortunates

This house arrest must be hell on the special people. Poor bastards!

Think of all the robberies not being committed because someone’s at home.

Think of all the cars not stolen, the muggees not mugged, the takeaway bars not held up.

No wonder they needed $56mil and now demand more.

Saturday 28 March 2020

"A" Movie

For many years we have seen it in the movies.

A halfwit in the wrong place at the wrong time is made dictator of a small island state.

The halfwit, who's only claim to fame is they can, for a very short period, look the part, has no idea - it has been put into place by people who want to control things from behind closed doors.

The populace suffers.

Those people out of sight are always rich people with dishonest intent, politically inept communists and the Chief of Police.

The halfwit gets carried away by their own sense of importance and starts making things even worse. Starts asserting it's authority, robbing the populace of even more of their rights in an attempt to look good to the UN.

The populace starts to see how bad the halfwit and cohorts are.

The Chief of Police gets the halfwit to give his totally corrupt police force even more power. Power to act as they wish with no responsibility, no control.

The police exercise this power ruthlessly.

The populace continues to suffer.

The situation carries on and on until a hero gets a call from his girlfriend's family - locked up for the duration.

Finally, the "A" team (or similar) come in guns blazing, shoot the rich people and the Chief of Police, arrest the halfwit so the populace can try it and then hang it (with partner) from the nearest lamppost and generally save the day.

Welcome to the movies.

Of course, before "woke" times the halfwit was always a man or a good looking sheila. How times have changed!

Now, how and where can I find Hanibal Smith?

Thursday 26 March 2020

Working From Home

I am, I suppose, a hoarder.

Many, many moons ago, following some bad luck, I found myself living in an isolated community, jobless, alone and pretty much dead broke.

I, quite literally, did not know where the next meal was coming from (Where I had been working used to provide my meals).

Some very kind friends purchased one of the carving projects I was doing to pass the time, at a far greater price than they should, to (from hindsight - I was far too proud to ask for help) help me out.

This enabled me to get to the city where I looked for, and found, a job.

Luckily tips from that job enabled me to get through the week, meals from the job enabled me to eat.

Since that time I have always tried to have food, drink and cash to tide me over if times became that tough again.

Generally that has meant buying about a month ahead although some things, essentials like coffee, honey, meat, tooth-cleaning (they're plastic) equipment, toilet paper and booze (mainly good red wine) three or four months has been the norm.

That is the position I find myself now.

I have not done any extra shopping prior to house arrest.

I will run short of, but probably not out of, bread, fresh fruit and cheese.

Meantime money will accumulate in my bank account until the dictatorship steals it.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Variation on a Theme

Since the end of the Vietnam war the Western world has started to value life.

Prior to this men went to war, to explore, to adventure and died.

Women dropped kids until they wore out and died.

That was nature's way.

With the advent of modern communications, particularly live television, all of a sudden we could actually see the face those dying outside our own family.

As a consequence we started extending life beyond it's natural limit, started changing nature.

Now nature is fighting back, targeting particularly those
who would probably have died by now, 50 years ago.

As an old fart, closer to death than life in the natural order of things, I wonder if we shouldn't just let nature regain her balance.

NB: For those of a religious bent replace "nature" with your god.

Thursday 19 March 2020

China Sneezed

China sneezed and the world caught a cold!

Now politicians of the world are using that cold to punish those pesky voters who voted the wrong way, voted for freedom.

Sunday 15 March 2020

Virus Alert!!!!!!!

There is a virus going around.

No, not a computer virus although this one will probably attack your savings as well.

Experts advise that while the virus is new it will probably be with us for many years to come.

Scientists world wide are trying to create a vaccine for the virus. How they will get this vaccine to 7.7 billion people I haven't been able to discover.

You may have heard of this virus.

Because of it I'm working from home.

As I give guided tours to tourists I doubt I'll be overly busy.

The virus attacks people from all walks of life in a particularly viscous way, symptoms have been described by 80% of known sufferers as between "nothing" and "a very minor cold'.

For a few older people and the already sick it can be serious - as can crossing the road, driving, sprinting, going out in the mid-day sun, living on the pension and a myriad of other activities.

Terrifying stuff I'm sure you'll agree.

Thank god the powers that be are taking it seriously.

They've shut down the world!

Saturday 14 March 2020


Throughout history humanity (hitherto “man”) has controlled it's numbers by the regular destruction of significan percentages of breeding males.

Recorded history and, indeed, recent archeology of pre-history, demonstrates this.

Mainly man has done this through war but regular indiscriminate killing has also occurred, usually under a pretext of the killees being slightly different than the killers.

In very recent times, however, man (particularly girly men led by the congenitally insane i.e. women) in many parts of the globe has upset this age-old balance by stopping war, restricting those breeding-age male killings to a few motor-vehicle incidents – and they're trying to prevent those.

The same people have also created conditions that sees people live far beyond their productive years – for no reason at all.

Nature needs to redress this balance.

To do so it has created a cold. A virus.

With this virus, instead of killing the breeding age (Nature is a nice entity) Nature has decided to kill the old, the infirm and the useless – and how more useless can you get than being a cruise-boat tourist?

Man (in fact part of nature but he regularly forgets this fact) has embraced natures plan to help him remain on the planet.

Has he fuck!

Man instead has closed up shop and decided to retreat to the middle-ages in an attempt to thwart (or fool) nature.

To ban fun, excitement and that most human of activities, forming groups. The luddites think they've won.

It won't work!

Not just because man is a social animal, designed by nature to form those groups but man needs these groups to continue his existance.

Those groups are important, those groups are indeed how man has advanced to the top of the food chain.

The cold Nature has created is designed to live for a very long time, to become part of existence that could very possibly see man reverting (in main) back to his allotted three score and ten years.

This, in my humble opinion, is a good thing – now to address that problem of the excess of breeding-age males and the fact that the virus is, in fact, not even killing enough to out-do the motor-vehicle.

Monday 9 March 2020

A bad cold


Sounds awful.

In fact is just a bad cold.

Doctors who aren't shouting politically motivated "pandemic" appear to agree that the new corona-virus is just a slightly more virulent form of the common cold - also a corona-virus.

From casual observation, other than the vulnerable due to age or illness the only people seriously affected appear to be smokers and those who live among heavy smokers. i.e. those with lungs already under attack.

The main danger to the world appears to be not the virus but the the politicians attempting to use the virus to advance their cause, most often to have more and more say over the lives of other people.

Most of these are, of course, from the left and NZ's current PTPM is no exception. Thankfully she's as incompetent at this as she is at everything that requires more than a tea-towel and a frown.

The cancel everything crowd, however, are having a field day, getting sports events, conventions and in some places, all public gatherings, stopped.

Here in Godzone the next thing I suspect to be advanced will be the suspending of the September elections because they might cause NZers to gather together to rubbish wanna-be and existing pollies - a good thing ;-)

Keep washing your hands (that's healthy), wear a mask IF YOU FEEL ILL and otherwise continue life as you've always led it (with the exception of voting ACT from now on) and only then will we, the people of first NZ and then the world, overcome this version of the common cold.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Jones v Indians

There is much ado about Mr Jones' comments about Indians, mainly Indian students, among the political jabberers this week.

Again to day there are calls for the harridan to sack Jones for his correct but racist remarks.

This would be a mistake for all except Peters and Jones. A mistake I suspect Peters is deliberately engineering.

The sacking of Jones, leading to the break up of the CoL is the last thing NZ politics needs.

The break up would give some legitimacy to NZ First allowing them to present themselves as truly independent of the left-wing nutters and may just get them over the line in September.

As they can only side with the left this would almost certainly result in another three years of mis-management, this time with Peters holding even more power.

I suspect Mr Peters knows this and the break up is inevitable.

Venezuela here we come!

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Jones and Indians.

Shane Jones has commented at least twice recently about Indians and their inherent dishonesty.

I admit I agree with much of what he says - based on personal experience.

I have had several dealings with people from (or people descended from) India and will be happy if I have no more (unless they are cricket fans).

The majority of New Zealanders are a basically honest people and most expect others to be the same.

This of course is why having a Prime Minister who lies by instinct is so very bad for NZ.

Many people in more populous countries accept dishonesty as a part of life; have fables praising thieves, fraudsters etc.

India is one of those countries.

Watching news reports of court proceedings, as I am wont to do, I regularly, in far greater proportion of their ethnic representation, see people with Indian-type names charged with dishonesty offenses, usually against other people with Indian type names.

Most of these offenses seem to be able to be committed because the "victim" is also trying to beat the system.

I have no doubt Mr Jones' comments are racist, what I doubt is that they are incorrect.

Thursday 27 February 2020

F@#king Bullsh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NZ Police fined $7000 plus other penalties.

What a load of pure and utter bullshit!

NZ Police don't have any money, they use taxpayer money.

Fining them simply transfers taxpayer money from one place to another, at a cost - also to the NZ taxpayer.

Fining ANY Government department does this totally pointless, except to the civil servant paid to transfer the money, exercise.

Take any errant civil servant out and hang them, flog them, march them through the street naked. Fire them!

I don't care which but the waste of my money fining them must stop!

I realise that the steps I recommend will also cost money but if they're done in public and televised the entertainment and general lift in morale provided by the spectacle will be well worth the expense.

Simply transferring money for feel-good reasons is not.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Hunger Strike

There is apparently a prisoner in Rimutaka gaol on a hunger strike because he wants more apartheid introduced into New Zealand.

I hope prison management are monitoring his weight - his increasing obesity could cause medical problems.


Just what sort of dweebs are NZ schools producing.

Two half-wit louts yelled at a bunch of schoolchildren.

They were out of date and apparently yelled "coranavirus".

"Coronavirus" for christs sake, not a threat, not a put down, not a racist chant but the name of a virus causing concern among all races and peoples.

There are half-wit dickheads everywhere.

Did the adults near the children explain to those children about the prevalence of dickheads and that words only do harm if one allows them to?

Did they suggest to the children they should simply ignore the dick-heads and all those like them?

Did they fuck!

They made an issue out of it, made sure that the children will now fear words.

They created several mini-snowflakes.

The "educators" among those adults are not fit for purpose, the other adults who allowed the abuse by those educators to exacerbate the situation need to seriously rethink their actions.

Next time, maybe, instead of reacting like a wanker, those adults will simply councel the children exactly as we were at a young age; Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me.

Monday 17 February 2020

Free country?

I draw attention to this article on

I should state now I am not a landlord - and I'm glad of that.

Why would anyone be a (residential) landlord when your investment is completely controlled by the government.

You cannot rent to whomever you choose (without justifying your decision if someone non-white is rejected).

You cannot visit your property or control your property without meeting conditions agreed to by your tenants, even if those tenants have not met their obligations.

You cannot rent without first bringing the property up to standards far greater than many, if not most, normal people happily and healthily live in.

You cannot eject your tenants who are causing damage when you first notice that dam,age without involving seriously biased civil servants and now, to justify the civil servants payroll (I can see no other reason for the proposed changes to legislation) you must ask those civil servants' permission before you take back possession of your property.

According to the something-for-nothing crowd (including the CoL) New Zealand has a shortage of residential properties and yet they put more and more impediments into residential rental ownership.

If the State was filling the gap (without use of very expensive motels) there may be justification for this.

It's not and there isn't!

Friday 14 February 2020

Double Homicide

A fellow up in the Bay of Plenty killed two gang members.

Why is he in gaol?

Thursday 13 February 2020

Hate Crime?

NZ Police have announced they are going to police "hate crime" (i.e. thought crime) differently.

They are now going top monitor "incidents" of thought crime, I assume with a view to correcting those errant thoughts.

I notice that while racism is listed as a "hate" crime there is no mention of doing anything about the constant stream of racist crap flowing from the mouths of many left wing politicians  (including parliamentarians) and North Island brown people.

Friday 7 February 2020


I note the news that Pravda for the brain-dead are going to merge with Pravda the red noise.

The Spinoff reckons NZ journalists better watch out.

Are there NZ journalists?

Barring the very odd report everything I see is from commentators.

Friday 31 January 2020


There are reports of a "Mankad" incident at the U19 cricket WC.

"Mankad"ing is when a batsman cheats and gets caught out doing so by the bowler - "out" being the pivotal word.

Many in cricket believe that a "Mankad" dismissal is not cricket (but that batsman cheating is) and call for the removal of this type of dismissal (despite it being technically a run-out.

There is one way to change the rule that should suit everybody:

Given that every international match is televised, with TV umpires, change the rules to penalise any batsman's team 1 run every time they cheat before the ball leaves the bowler's hand.

Monday 27 January 2020

Van for Sale

This van is for sale via TradeMe:

Sunday 26 January 2020

Progress - or more repression?

A headline on Stuff suggests progress.

Philip Arps, one of the people jailed for thought crime in NZ after the March 15, 2019 disgrace is to be released.

Readers may remember that the sentencing judge, the disgusting O'Driscoll, when sentencing him stated that he did not think the same as O'Driscoll thought he should and therefore he must be removed from society.

I doubt he does now but must pretend to do so to remain free. I wish him success in this endeavour.

I seriously hope the next election removes the scum who create thought-police from power but doubt it simply because so far they have preyed on low-lifes (like Arps) and children.

If the current lot get another three years expect a lot of "better" people to meet the "Arps" fate.

It really is a slippery slope!

Nailed It!

The best I have read so far on the "the-climate-emergency-is-a-threat-to-democracy" theme.

It is a landscape in which Western elites find themselves mortally threatened, not so much by climate change, but by those they can blame for it – the people.

Thursday 23 January 2020


I've always had a soft spot for Chas.

Born into a life that could only be lived in the spotlight, married to a whore and always second fiddle to mommy.

Everything he did was always wrong to most slime and, I suspect, the vast majority of citizens in the western world outside of England.

I know damned well I'd hate his life no matter the luxury, privilege and wealth it entails

Overnight, by ignoring the Seppo VP and playing up to the Scandanavian fraudster drop-out child-abuser, he obliterated that soft spot.

That behaviour is unforgivable!

Well Done

I wandered into Spark, Northlands, ChCh to buy a new 'phone.

The young man who served me looked at what I had and paid for, told me I should change both my plan and 'phone.

I let him do his thing - which included signing me up for a two year contract paying the 'phone off at zero interest.

I got my first 'phone bill since then today.

The bill, including of course the payment for the new 'phone (which works great and I can read, even in the sun) is almost $50. less than I was paying.

Well done that young man, well done Spark!

Saturday 18 January 2020

Four Minutes Wasted

I heard four minutes of Prime News last night.

I was doing something that required my hands and could not reach for the remote.

Four minutes of left wing anti-Trump bullshit that even Pravda, 1960, would have been ashamed to present.

"Fake news" is too kind of a description.

Using the term "News" in the title of this propaganda makes it false representation and the BSA should shut it down.

Saturday 11 January 2020


I note this alarming headline on

Climate change education resource to be in schools in 2020 

 I understood religion was no longer taught in New Zealand schools.

Friday 10 January 2020

TDS - It's Real

I bring your attention to this post on the usually very good Point of Order blog.

For some time now I have viewed TDS as a humorous label for left-wing nutters and the not very bright, accompanied by a few who rubbished Trump's chances of success four years ago and have never forgiven themselves for it (i.e. DPF over at Kiwiblog).

Recently, however, it appears to be affecting other, usually bright people.

Point of Order has been one of the very few non-partisan blogs, always worth reading but in the new year it appears that may not continue.

If the post linked to is an indicator of that I'm sorry.

The post starts off gently raising hopes that the Ockers may help NZ out, only to immediately dash those hopes then goes on to push a completely and provably false claim on Trump.

That claim is that he is an uncontrolled war-maker.

Mr Trump, who has in his presidency refrained from attacking Iran when they misbehaved in and near the Suez Canal (claiming consideration of innocent civilians as the reason), has brought North Korea's Kim to the table and is slowly withdrawing US troops from foreign soil, took out a terrorist responsible for thousands of murders and potentially saved thousands more people from a similar fate.

He did so cleanly and decisively and in doing so showed up Iran for the pathetic bully it is.

The Point of Order blogger ignores all the Trump positives, all the things that Trump has done and is doing to improve the world in which we live and implies Trump is an uncontrolled maniac.

Trump's record demonstrates the reverse.

TDS at it's worst!

Disclaimer: I am not Seppo but were I, I would have voted against Mr Trump's opponent in the last Seppo presidential election.

Thursday 9 January 2020

Led by?

I call your attention to the following headline from

Mob members overrun Tarawera campground

 A headline that actually tells the story, (a miracle in itself)  that story being that Mongrel Mob scum have once again performed a criminal act (acts) and got away with it.

Got away with it because the NZ Police are totally incompetent, mainly due to the fact the perpetrators have brown skins.

Now there is no doubt NZ Police are incompetent in almost every aspect when those with darker than white skins are involved their incompetence knows no bounds.

March 15, 2019, ChCh proved they are also incompetent when bullying won't suffice, even when non-brown skins are involved.

Time for a total revamp of this disgraced, disgraceful organisation!

Sunday 5 January 2020

Why the Dishonesty?

A headline, in fact the top headline, on Stuff reads: Kiwi Dad in Foreign Jail.

Leaving aside the Jail/Gaol argument (NZ follows English variants generally) the sentence (yes) needs addressing.

A reading of the attached story reveals a NZ/Ocker (dual citizenship) has been arrested in Singapore for fraud and theft.

He is being held awaiting trial.

The gaol is Changi - famous for it's harsh conditions in the early to middle 1940s.

The man travelled to Singapore on an Ocker passport.

The headline distorts the facts, the story is a disgusting attempt to gain sympathy for a suspected thief.

This is low, even for

If honesty ever breaks out the headline should be changed to: Ocker Theft Suspect in Singapore Gaol.

But then that wouldn't sell advertising, would it?

Friday 3 January 2020


Stuff tells us:

There were 81 prisoners with white power gang affiliations as of June 30 - up from 53 in 2015 and 71 in 2017, according to information gleaned via the Official Information Act.

 It doesn't tell us the number of those with non-white gang affiliations (more than 81 I'm guessing) but goes on:

White power prisoners, often skinheads, get a hard time from Māori and Pacific Island inmates, who make up a disproportionate percentage of the population, he said.
"If you're a baldy, you get targeted."


"It is likely that the current demographic of most prison units acts as a deterrence for right-wing activity."

I can only interpret this as corrections being racially and politically biased towards lefties and non-whites, failing (deliberately, by the tone) to protect those who's thoughts they disagree with.

A disgraceful bias that can only be described as racial discrimination.

Where is the celestial fellow who is paid to ensure this discrimination doesn't continue?