Sunday 31 March 2024

Discipline in Schools

 I have read several articles recently bemoaning the loss of discipline in schools.

I believe this loss can be corrected relatively quickly, by simple measures.

A staff meeting before school starts each week, attendance compulsory or no pay that week.

Discipline discussed and the worst offender identified.

That offender taken to the quadrangle (or other open, central location) stripped and beaten thoroughly.

I'm sure this will immediately improve that discipline and, when it does, the children can be assembled and threatened with the same if they transgress.

A Good Day to Die

 The road between Farlie and the Lindis Pass is some of the best driving road in New Zealand.

I admit I haven't driven it for at least two years but it is flat(ish), has plenty of width, great open vision, just enough minor features to keep you awake and fantastic scenery.

The only real hazard are half-wit tourists who need to stop in the middle of the road to gawk and take photographs.

Simply put, it's a road that is a pleasure to drive. Parts of it, if you are in a convertible or on a motorcycle, almost demand speed. Around the lakes I have regularly been passed by motorcycles doing approx 100mph.

I have ridden the road on a m/c and empathise.

There was a prang on it the other day (two vehicles and a m/c) and some people died.

At least two were foreigners, students, probably exploring the area for the first time, gawking at the scenery. I don't know how it happened but I can guess.

Two days later the inevitable headline appears in a slime publication calling for "safety improvements".

I didn't read the story but I could have written it.

The accident will be blamed, by the ghoulish bastard writer, on the fact that the road has no motorist-murderer fence and not even a single speed-bump, stop sign or set of traffic lights.

In other words motorists on this road are free from the complete control of the utter scum who demand to tell everyone what to do all of the time.

People like the last NZ Government and socialists.

My sympathy goes to those injured and the families of those killed but, if you've got to go, what a great place to do it in!

Saturday 30 March 2024


 The Headline: 

Gisborne police declare war on anti-social drivers

What a pity they don't declare war on murderers, assaulters, thugs, scum who beat and murder kids, smash and grab lowlifes, racist thieves, stand-over merchants, slow, ignorant drivers and all those other criminals they put in the too-hard basket.

They might start earning back some respect!

They Needed Research?


New research reveals male mammals aren't bigger than females

A quick wander down any busy street in New Zealand would have told you that.

A slow wander would offer the explanation that a very large percentage of the females not just outweighed the males but matched the males height in width..

One Mistake.

 I noticed the headline on NewstalkZB this morning

200 cars involved in illegal street racing in Auckland targeted by police

and read the story. The headline says it all.

Having cogitated about this I figure that the boys and girls involved only made one error of significance.

They forgot to wear gang patches, where upon the police would have stood aside and waved them through.

Friday 29 March 2024

Brilliant! A fantastic innovation.

 The most wonderful thing just happened.

I have been unwell and the illness affects my hearing, meaning watching movies etc. is a waste of time. 

Instead, when not trying to find opinion-type comment i have been playing no-noise games.

While playing one just now an e-mail came through. It was an advertisement from a menswear outfit advertising jackets.

Among those advertised was a jacket containing "vegan leather sleeves".

I admit I have long called vegans the most useless pack of halfwits on the planet - but, no more.

Now they have a use - they can be skinned, their hides tanned and made useful for keeping real humans warm.

What a wonderful innovation!

From Wikipedia:


Leather is a strong, flexible and durable material obtained from the tanning, or chemical treatment, of animal skins and hides to prevent decay.


 Recent reports note historical electronic spying on New Zealand by China.

Everyone appears to consider this, due to New Zealand's 2008 FTA with China to be reprehensible. New Zealand has even whinged to the Chinese ambassador about it.

I do mean "everyone", on this the left ad right seem unified.

Well, everyone but me maybe.

Consider the spying report: The report suggests that a decade or two ago China was spying on the "five eyes" countries.

How terrible, particularly because "five eyes" was set up after WWII to spy (they use "gather intelligence") on communist nations (mainly).

China at the time was becoming communist.

5 eyes goes strong, continues to spy on the world, including China.

The reaction to the report is rather interesting.

Do what we say, not what we do!

Thursday 28 March 2024

NZ Today

 Another stabbing: Just another day.

Armed burglary: Ho hum.

Dangerous burglar in the house: Cops'll be there next week some time.

Retailers livelihood destroyed by ram raiders: maybe there will be a "reporter" in the neighbourhood.

Don't even bother to report that rape.

A bit of paint on a road protesting poffta child abuse: CRIME OF THE CENTURY!

Wednesday 27 March 2024

English - As She Was Never Spoke

reference crime report.

This report is worth reading, not for it's content but for the absolute destruction of the English language and the use of a non-witness (who, of course, prefers not to be identified) to describe the event.

  “She saw a fellah all dressed in black. Black gloves, black everything.”

 A bit specific surely. How, driving past, she can ascertain the occupation of a black-dressed person ( A Saharan agriculture worker) wearing black gloves is beyond my comprehension.

My memory tells me that Flaxmere is a suburb of Hastings in Hawkes Bay.

Language is about communication. In this case Gary Hamilton-Irvine failed - badly.

Sunday 24 March 2024


 The Headline (NewstalkZB):

Otago University expert disputes Sir Russell Coutts' claim about dolphins

Am I the only one who, upon reading the first three words, immediately thinks "Once again a Dunedin schoolteacher with no knowledge verbally masturbates for the publicity?".

Saturday 23 March 2024

Savings to be Had


In the news recently has been a series of complaints about the dishonesty and overspending of the (remember this bit) duly elected communist  dictatorship of 2020 to 2022 and the the unelected joke of 2023.

Having considered this and not being a populist, think the below measures will help New Zealand both now and in the future.

Obviously New Zealand needs a financial boost. My solution(s):


A few ways New Zealand can save money:

Shoot every third “civil servant”. They won’t be missed and the savings will easily account for any post-shooting bullshit.

Put teachers on performance pay based on results of accredited-elsewhere tests. Any teacher (or should that be “teacher?) not getting his/her charges to perform should be offered either instant dismissal or a public flogging with dismissal automatic for a second offense.

What’s the bet, after a couple of dismissals, the fogging becomes the preferred option. Either way the children, therefore the country, benefit – both from improved standards and bloody fine entertainment..

In explanation; this should be in place until Bachelor level at State-funded Universities and schools. Private learning establishments should be, legally, permitted to take whatever steps they deem necessary to get results.

Your not going to like this next one: New Zealand’s standing Army should be stood down and a small (about 1,000 men) force set up and trained to fight bush, guerrilla style actions should the need arise.

To defend New Zealand, physically, against a determined attacker would need the entire population to be mobilised – twice each. The highly trained guerrilla force will do far more damage to an invader than anything currently available and will stop wannabe-pollies from using them for feel-good and get-me-re-elected purposes.

The remaining part of the Army can be set up as an unarmed force or as armed Police back-up when the racists get uppity, !! Wanker Alert!! for rescue, disaster relief etc.

NZ Navy would remain fisheries protection and observation, NZAF would be streamlined to provide transport and logistics for the new force and the Navy only.

Senior officers and politicians wanting transport for political reasons should be told to “bloody walk”.

Politicians should be made to itemise and justify all costs not already paid for by their inflated salaries. This work must be done and presented by the politician in question. The fraud-squad will probably need to be doubled just for this purpose but the savings to New Zealand.will well and truly justify this expense.

All traffic regulations should be removed, everywhere, and in their place rules against dangerous driving, inconsiderate driving and bloody silly driving instituted. Traffic enforcement must be on the basis of innocent until proven guilty. Cops who's charges fail this test should be made to personally compensate their victims and spend the rest of their careers as kindergarten pedestrian supervisors on minimum wages less expenses.

The racists should be told “No more! We don’t pay racist scum in this country!” and all finance for racists immediately cancelled. If they don’t like it tell them to keep on running as they were before they polluted New Zealand, I suggest next they take over the Auckland Islands,

Any person heard using imitation stone-age language, even if just as a greeting, should be beaten severely and left to crawl to the nearest refuge that will admit them.

This last measure won’t save taxpayer money but will make a lot of taxpayers very happy indeed – and a happy taxpayer is a productive taxpayer.


 I've lost another Kg.

I've hunted high and low for it and can't find it.

I can only surmise I've dropped it somewhere while out walking around.

I'm getting very careless, that's more the 40 Kg I've lost somewhere in the last eleven months.

Maybe that's why I'm feeling the cold this year - lack of insulation.

Friday 22 March 2024

Slime are at it again

 Apparently the Mayor of Invercargill spoke what is referred as "The "N" word". I assume he refers to "nigger", a word deriving from French and English origins (basically a bastardisation of "negro") invented by Southern US Americans to describe Black slaves and, post 1865, black ex-slaves.

The slime are jumping up and down, which is why they are considered just below Paedophiles on the social scale.

Based on their own reports the Mayor quoted the word from "art" works and the name of a gang.

The slime say that the Mayor is being "racist".

This is the same group of pathetic bastards who happily report verbatim the racist and sexist bullshit from a dozen partially brown sub-humans daily and treat those rantings as words from on high

Thursday 21 March 2024




There has been a fair bit of discussion over the Ocker court decision re Uber and their dishonest ways.

In many countries, including Oz and New Zealand, Uber came in and set up illegal operations.

In New Zealand they put anyone who wanted a go on their books.

At that time New Zealand had rather strict laws around transporting the public for monetary gain.

First you had to sit a couple of exams – one of those exams  I sat (The Area Knowledge for Christchurch) had 13 A4 pages of questions. You needed 80% to pass. You then had to have a police check to ensure you’d never been caught and the LTSA then had to approve your license. The P endorsement.

The license had to be renewed every five years although many chose renewal every year, mainly because of the cost.

Having that license (endorsement) you then could work for a authorised business.

If you wanted to own your own business you then had to sit more exams to gain a Passenger Service License at, of course, more expense.

You then took your shiny new PSL out into the world and purchased a vehicle.

Most I knew started with a used taxi, beaten up and very close to it’s use-by date. My first taxi (an imported 4 cylinder 1800 Camry) had about 250,000Kms on the clock. It had 350K when I sold it – to another cabbie.

If you decided to buy a new vehicle and set it up (quite often necessary due to the vehicle not remaining as pristine as the company demanded) on top of the coast of the vehicle you needed a sign-light, a metre (calibrated at CoF), cameras (Up to three depending on the vehicle) , a two-way radio and aerial. In many vehicles you also needed luggage racks and barriers.

Just setting up my last taxi (a 11 passenger van) cost me approx $10,000.

The CoF was every six months, company inspections at least as often and informal inspections daily.

In many companies drivers were also required to wear a uniform. I was a big, fat bastard and mine cost about $500. initially.

You then needed to buy a share in a taxi company (when I started anything from $10,000 to $35,000 depending on the company and subs in Christchurch, were normally in excess of $100. per week.

All that so you could go out every night with less than nothing and hopefully take enough to eat that week. As an example: With the van I needed to take just under $100. per day/night just to cover costs – those I mentioned plus fuel, RUC, maintenance and depreciation. You also had to earn enough to pay off any loan on the vehicle and/or save for the replacement you’d need in a few years time. In 17 years I wore out three vehicles and had started on no 4.

You then took the vehicle out where many members of the public tried desperately to damage it, after which you had to repair it.

Taxi drivers also have to deal with vomit and urine and the time spent not earning while those problems are fixed.

My share (the taxi number) in the company was at one stage worth, on paper, about $30,000.)

The Uber came in, publicly announcing that they would do none of the above. They would give anyone who asked an app for their ‘phone and let them go.

After a couple of rather nasty incidents the rules on “P” endorsement were tightened up but the company ignored New Zealand law and got away with it.

Two politicians in particular, Joyce and Bridges were terrified of being called racist because so many of the Uber scum were of brown skin, most hailing from the area encompased by the Sub-Continent across to North-East Africa (The area that celebrates theft and dishonesty as a honoured profession). So they ignored the honest, taxpaying New Zealand workers trying to feed their families and changed the law to accommodate the immigrant scum.

Bridges and Joyce gutlessness cost me approximately $100,000.

You may have got the impression I’m a bit bitter and twisted, still, over this.

I am!

I therefore applaud the Ocker decision and while it’s too late for me, hope it’s ramifications are felt this side of the Tasman forcing every Uber-driving scum and the disgusting business into bankrupcy.

May each and every one of the bastards die cold, starving, thirsty and very, very poor.

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Not Quite True


A post on Breaking Views this morning, taken apparently from Kiwiblog comments on free school lunches.

The post is worth reading.

Unfortunately, at the very end it makes an assertion that is palpably incorrect.

That assertion is that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

A quick perusal of the United Nations demonstrates the exact reverse.

Why do you think so many lefties end up there?

Monday 18 March 2024

St John

 The Headline on NewstalkZB:

St John failed in care of heart attack patient after 111 call

Now think about this: When was the last time you saw the ambulance company called by it's human name?

Saturday 16 March 2024

Back to 1830s

 There is an advertisement for a movie, posing as a news story, on Newshub.

"Lee Tamahori goes back to 1830s Aotearoa for new film The Convert"

It makes me laugh.

Now I'm not really up with the movin' pictures crowd but I think Tamahori was the one arrested for being a trans. streetwalker (before "trans" became a thing).

Obviously he, and the headline writer, are not students of history.

In 1830 New Zealand was not a country, just a group of disparate tribes occupying a land mass in the North and visited by whalers, sealers, flax-traders and the odd deserter from their boats who set up "farms".

Basically a blot on the map.

In 1830 the word "aotearoa" had not yet been invented (by white fellows).

Thursday 14 March 2024


 "a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! Hard and sharp as flint... secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster." **

 According to what I read in New Zealand media that is a local landlord.

Not The Government of course, (probably the largest landlords of all), they're worse, but private landlords.

The media tell me that landlords regaining tax deductability for legitimate expenses will keep the money and poor tenants will remain stuck in their cold, drafty, damp hovels still paying exorbitant rents.

Over many years, when it suits the left wing, I have been told a large percentage of landlords are old farts attempting to squeeze a bit extra out of their inheritance or savings.

Sir Bob Jones has often pointed out that most don't. A job would pay better and be less work.

Of course, most of those people will have no mortgage on Grandma's old house so the changes won't affect them.

The media and their communist politician cohort once again have chosen their fight thoughtlessly. That which they rail against is so small as to be insignificant.

Those crying "yes, the TV sheila is right!" can't be bothered voting.

** Charles Dickens description of Ebenezer Scrooge.


Tuesday 12 March 2024

Poof Squabble is News?

News? Only if the "Public Figure" is the statue of Captain Cook in Victoria Square.

NZ Daily Telegraph. The Headline:

Canterbury ‘Public figure’ embroiled in Grindr blackmail case

The story tells of a defended charge of attempted blackmail. A "he said, he said" sort of thing.

All identities are removed - the report notes both parties have been granted anonymity.

So why even report the thing? Why the bloody great headline?

What possible benefit can anyone gain by knowing about this?

Monday 11 March 2024

Disinformation or simply Blather?

 Chris Trotter writes a very good article here.

In it he discusses freedom of information, it's suppression and history.

Apart from the first decade of the 21st century information has never been free.

As soon as Gutenberg introduced his movable-type press to Europe the powers that be started censoring it's output. Initially, of course, the god-botherers who had the market in reading tied up, followed by Royalty in all its forms.

Academics were next (and the World still suffers) and not until the mid-war years did reading become cheap and easy for most, although still not free.

Always there was (and still is) a cost. That cost went down for a while but never really went away.

That cost is education.

Education, once you had it it allowed you to read; not just see and recognise the words but read.

With education you could understand the thoughts the words set out to convey, could choose whether the words had a meaning you could consider as advice or were simply blather.

Mr Trotter blames various entities or classes for controlling information by controlling the printing presses and thirty years ago he would probably have had a case. 

Now he is wrong, it is not the restriction on information that is the problem at all.

It doesn't matter what "reporters" or their editors produce (although it matters when the State steals from me to pay the bastards for it) as long as the recipients are bright enough to adopt or discard depending on what they read in it.

The problem is that almost all education has been taken over by people who actively discourage people from thinking. people who restrict education for their own selfish purposes.

It is these low-lifes, the schoolteachers, from ECE to the pathetic professors who need weeding out, need replacing.

Don't suppress them, just make the bastards earn their living honestly.

Look for the suits (without ties) in the Dole queue.

Shock! Horror!

 Stop the Press!

Jimmy Carr, non-woke (therefore guilty facist) made fun of an audience member.

 The idiot sheila was deaf.

Anyone who has ever seen a Jimmy Carr show, whether live or on an electronic device, knows that every show Jimmy Carr makes fun of an audience member (or members). That is part of his comedy.

It can be quite brutal but if you go to see him live and sit in the front row you are likely to be a target.

If you don't like that fuck off and let someone who appreciates him take your seat

Notably, once again it is a middle-aged sheila whinging. I'm just surprised she didn't play the "disabled Lesbian card as well. Time to start a re-education program for all middle-aged sheilas (of both sexes). 

They are, by their brain-disfunctioning disabilities, driving the whole woke bullshit wagon!

Sunday 10 March 2024

Sponsor Helen

 NewstalkZB carries a story of Helen Clark complaining about about Fair Go and something called "Sunday" being dropped by TVNZ.

Helen; it's a simple fix.

Use some of those millions of untaxed, unearned $ of UN money you were given and sponsor the program(s) yourself. 

You could probably buy TVNZ as a whole and leave your earnings untouched. Then you can schedule any crap you feel like.

Simple fix Easy peasy!

Saturday 9 March 2024

Chloe - So Many ?s

 Chloe Swarbrick (with the letter bullshit above the "a" attached) has agreed to become one of two "leaders" of the NZ Communist Party the Greens (notably not a single feed I can find actually names the joke - sorry, party - she partially takes over).

Swarbrick and co-racist, murdering anti-feminist racist promoter Davidson now "run" the Reds.

Should we look for the demand for pogroms in New Zealand? We already hear from Davidson re "From the Waikato to the Tasman" although she phrases it differently because she is gutless as well as racist.

Will Swarbrick follow her lead in this?

More importantly will "Swarbrick" become easier to type on my keyboard?

But most important of all given the much publicised rules of the Reds: Which one is the bloke?

Sleeping Bag

 I bought a sleeping bag. Relatively cheap and advertised as being suitable for inside or outside use down to 0c.

It came with a list of instructions in booklet form, about 6 A5 pages.

The first topic on use was labelled: Washing the Sleeping Bag.

The first line: Don't!

Then followed two pages of how to avoid dirtying it, pretty much all saying : "Wash and change into clean clothes (including socks) before entering the bag  and "Don't wear dirty shoes in the bag".

Until now I didn't know you could fill up two pages with that, sans pictures. You can.

After those two pages the instructions call for hand washing and drying on a flat surface - they suggest three days drying should do the job.

So I've sent away for two liners for the bag. They cost exactly as much as the bag.

All because the bed I want to use for winter is fixed in place meaning I have to climb over it to make it and I am too lazy to unfix/rebuild it and too tight to have a replacement built.

MT_Tinman: Both miserable and bone idle lazy.

Friday 8 March 2024

Ever Diminishing Circles

 I keep reading how NewstalkZB is on the right wing of NZ media.

It becomes obvious why New Zealand media keep going round in circles - ever diminishing circles at that.

A quick perusal of the front page just now shows three different laments for the closure of Newshub and/or four, unlikely to be lamented TVNZ programs - one from a fellow who once appeared on one of the shows and, when I met him, was so far up his own arse I figured he was an innie.

Other news stories - the few that aren't paywalled - displaying either a leftie slant or complete irrelevance to New Zealand.

There is some actual news there - stuff that would have made page 13 of a provincial daily on a slow-news day.

Even the soon-to-be-dead Pravda Mk II (Newshub) has more news and, dare I suggest it, a more balanced look to that news.


..... And Far Away

 There is a story on NewstalkZB this morning telling of the Transport Minister refusing to confirm he will waste tax-payer money to assuage the yearnings of a few roadlice by building them a separate tunnel through Mt Vic.

There is a second, far more viable option.

The new road tunnel will decrease traffic on other routes westward into the city (and eastward out of it - the preferred direction for all genuine humans).

I suggest roadlice are advised to use that option which would take them - wait for it - over the hill and far, far away, from genuine road users.

Tuesday 5 March 2024

Purity Through Prurience

Some previously unheard of "group", member numbers sometimes exceeding three, calling themselves Purity Through Prurience or Freedom Through Acceptance of Instruction or Democracy Unrequited or similar sends a New Zealand "news" organisation a press release.

Invariably, if that release is against Coalition policy or any member of the Coalition's previous stated aims and with accuracy and content unchecked for facts, that statement is headlined by that "news" organisation accompanied by "expert" opinion supporting it.

You can read these stories and comments daily, particularly in electronic "news" sites.

Instead of hiring professional newspeople to try to stay alive in the industry those "news" site employ (invariably sheilas - of either sex) woke, racist and sexist no-hopers in hopes they can perform a rescue.

There can be no surprise these "news" sites, many springing from traditional daily or weekly newspapers, are quickly dropping by the wayside.

Sunday 3 March 2024

Child Poverty

 A lot of noise about "child poverty" recently.

What a load of horseshit!

"Child poverty" doesn't exist except in the minds of a few self-serving con-men and the odd halfwit.

What most mean is children living in low-income households - almost as 'low-income" as a very large number of Boomers' households were in the '50s and 60s.

"Child Poverty" is simply yet another dishonest, emotionally targeted attempt to steal from working people and give to those they think will vote for them.

One article I read had the author complaining that mortgage rates were not factored in to statistics about these families.

The reason could, of course, be that most of these families don't have a mortgage.

Let's explore the poverty bit: three state houses on independent sections in the same street.

Family 1 has both parents working at different times so they don't have to hire babysitting. Their income gives them the money to have the newest fashion in clothing and electronics, to use food delivery services and have two, newish cars. The children are entertained with streaming services etc.

Their house has a manicured lawn at front and flower garden to impress the neighbours and the rear is a play area.

Family 2 are beneficiaries, always wanting but never attempting to do anything about those wants. The whole family is fed by the taxpayer through food vouchers and school feeding with charities and foodbanks helping out. Outside the house is unkempt and unloved, a dump for used-up machinery, toys and household appliances. Children play on the street or at someone else's place. Takeaways are a common meal. Obesity and crime the only family output.

Family 3 have just one income. They have converted their section into several vegetable plots, each growing seasonal vegetables and fruit. Some of their produce is sold at a market but the majority is for the family. The gardening is a family affair and the family appears close. Children play as much as the others but, often, that play is also work. They have few gadgets.

Of the three families 1 & 2 have about the same income (if you include the free stuff), family 3 income is no more than 60% of the other two but family three live a healthy, happy lifestyle. Plenty of food, time together and love.

According to the statistics family 3 are poverty stricken. 

According to the conmen and halfwits, family 2 are, despite their actual income outpacing family 3 by a lot.

Family 1 is doing OK according to the statistics but, because of their spending, they have no plan B. Any sort of emergency and the children will suffer. 

Which family would you rather be part of?

Which group of children live in poverty?


 The other day I spilt about 1/2 tablespoon of hot oil on a bare-wood floor.

I immediately scrubbed the floor with LoC but the stain remained.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked away.

The next morning the oil-patch was covered in very small ants. It was out of the way so I let them be.

They worked at it all day and some were still there the next morning. By lunchtime, day II, they were gone - and so was the oil patch.

Yesterday, while frying eggs for my lunch I lifted the lid, heat was off, and immediately the fryingpan spat hot oil all over the front of my trousers and shirt.

I considered recalling the ants - but then re-thought.

I figured ants in my pants was probably not a desired outcome.

Weather Forcast

 For the fifth day in a row at least one news site has carried a story about an approaching storm.

On Saturday the Met Service website carried a high-wind warning for Canterbury from 9am to 5pm.

I read that while I sat in perfect calm (barring the odd zephyr wafting in from the sea) at mid-day that day.

Are the weather people in New Zealand so committed to sending civilization back to  the stone-age using "climate change" as their too to do so that they need to constantly lie about the weather or is their Chrystal ball broken again?

Note: Norway - -  obviously maintain their chrystal ball, they are far more often correct for North Canterbury.