Thursday 29 February 2024

Me, Myself, and as a bystander, I


Today I had a chat with myself.

I’m not talking figuratively, I actually spoke out loud – it was like two half-wits conversing. Not something I’m proud of but I needed it.

I’ve not always succeeded – in fact failures stack up far higher than successes, including buying this keyboard- I apologise for the typos.

I’m 70+, emphasis on the “+”.

I live as I deserve, but more importantly, as I have wanted.

I needed to talk to myself because I still want things – things I don’t need nor will use.

The thing is that, barring a ladder, I need nothing of importance and, should need arise I can wander down to the local town or hook up my PC and get what I want.

There lies the problem!

Man, and I qualify by birthright, is programmed to fight for what he needs. To struggle to attain things that make his life better or more comfortable.

Even an old fart like me actually needs that struggle.

If it’s not there neither is our sense of purpose.

Today I kept asking myself why, or why not?

I decided that I don’t know.

I decided that when I gain the wisdom that supposedly comes with old age I’ll be able to figure it out.

You’ll know when that time happens – the shock/horror headlines of the day will tell you.

Wednesday 28 February 2024

No Bloody Wonder!

 The Headline (NewstalkZB):

  • Newshub closure: AM hosts Lloyd Burr and Melissa Chan-Green shed tears as they open their show on Thursday

'Pretty tough': Tearful AM hosts open show after shock Newshub decision

 The accompanying photo' shows a screen shot of two sheilas (one male) crying as they present the propoganda they call "news"

These people are supposed to be professional! They should present themselves as such!

If that is the standard of professionalism at Newshub no wonder the outfit is dead.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Newshub Gone!

 I note Newshub is closing.

Warner Brothers/Discovery have no doubt discovered that while communists want everything, they pay for nothing.

Sunday 25 February 2024

Putin via Carlson

 I watched part, about a half hour, of the Carlson interview of Putin.

The bit I watched went exactly as I suspected.

I don't like Carlson, he annoys me, but in this interview he did exactly what an interviewer should: He allowed his interviewee to talk. If you want, to hang himself.

It is not for an interviewer to question the answers, just prompt the interviewee enough to continue. Analysis can (and should) come later.

The big problem was that Putin came across far better than any of his Western adversaries. (Imagine Joe being allowed to ramble.) He didn't hang himself.

That is a big problem for the Western media because, to them, Putin must be portrayed negatively. Nothing else will do.

So every Tom, Dick and brain-dead Fred are now picking holes, not in Putin, but in Carlson for allowing Putin to talk.

For not doing what they constantly do - fucking interviews up by pushing opinion rather than attempting to extract opinion.

Good on Carlson.

School Teachers

 More this morning!

Every time I go to a website for news-type stuff, be it reported news or comment, at least half the page is taken up by utter bullshit from bloody schoolteachers.

In a Western World where education standards are reversing at a great rate of knots (NZ leading the pack) schoolteachers, most giving themselves unearned titles (and often, credentials), are busy mouthing off to the world that they know best and no one else knows anything.

We see in their results just how much they know. Absolutely Nothing!

Time for these bastards to be told to shut the fuck up and start producing results or remove them from their jobs completely.

The result would be a massive increase in unemployment - probably including in the reporter/editor ranks as well - because none are capable of actually earning a living but the World would be better for it.

Children of New Zealand might start learning something useful.

Saturday 24 February 2024



On the NotPC Blog Cresswell poses the question “What would you do if Plague broke out in New Zealand?”

He asks only Libertarians for an answer and since I have no idea of what a “Libertarian” is I thought I’d answer here.

He won’t like it, you won’t like it but I’ll try.

Should plague be confirmed and the details known the panic over the Wu-Flu should provide answers to the first steps.

1/ Should the current Govt. Be left wing hang, without trial or hesitation, the Government leaders – it will be almost certain their incompetence and stupidity will have allowed the plague to get started here.

The rest of the socialists Govt. Employees, “teachers”, university publicity seekers will all then cower under their beds.

Leave them there, they won’t be missed.

At the same time tell the white-men masquerading as Maori to fuck off back to their “Tribal” grounds and stay there. I would use the situation to make claiming Maori status illegal for anyone who could not prove, beyond doubt, their bloodline is at least 80% Maori.

2/ Upon confirmation of the plague remove the suffrage of all middle-aged and old women (of either sex). This group have proved (in 2020) they are incapable of voting for the good of their country.

3/ Ensure that conditions are present for scientists to attempt to find a cure or at least mitigation course to fight the plague.

4/ Ensure education and proven facts are spread widely and make sure laws are in place to charge, under current legislation, any person blatantly endangering others.

4a/ Make capital and corporal punishment available to the courts for those convicted of deliberate endangerment of their fellow citizens.

Open borders to only those who are New Zealand citizens or are residents who have applied, before a set cut-off date, to become such. Exceptions for those who can be useful and self-supporting could be encouraged.

5/ Create an emergency Government of competent politicians answerable to the public (submissions, relevant group requests and referenda). If, in all likelihood, sufficient competent pollies can’t be found allow the Govt to approach and appoint suitable people. Confirmation must be a majority Parliamentary decision.

Use senior medical staff to set up facilities needed to treat people. Tell schoolteachers of the Baker type and civil servants to fuck off! In fact any medical person associated with any university or the Civil Service should face immediate disqualification.

6/ Shoot every third MSM reporter. This will not help fight the plague but will make New Zealand a far better place.

After that the rest of us can carry on, taxes will reduce and most of us will be happy and healthy for some time to come.

Friday 23 February 2024



I’ve been thinking.

Yes, I know. Painful. For me a bit like subbing your toe; A lot of pain for no discernible gain.

I’ve just read yet another load of utter bullshit about the times I’ve travelled.

I grew up in the latter 1950s and 1960s. Musically I liked the Beatles, accepted, grudgingly, The ‘Stones while getting off their cloud, was a fan of Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich and Fought The Law with Bobby Fuller and his four.

In New Zealand Kiwi Keith was the man – the man most despised for his false accent and pretend upper-class attitude – while increasing taxes n beer and smokes every budget while he drank duty free at Bellamy’s.

In New Zealand I saw the Big Man (Kirk) come and go without real impact and the shudder (looking for a spine to run up) attempt to carry on his legacy. (IMHO Muldoon’s best line ever.)

Then, in my awakening political years, Muldoon.

I was raised a gutless communist (socialist) mainly due to the NZ education system so initially the only impact of Muldoon was the taxes that kept increasing.

Then I started talking, and then thinking, politics.

I thought Think Big was pretty good but loathed Bolger and Birch who fronted it (I still loath them, now with reason).

Muldoon, leading up to 1981 was damned good in most things. Looking back his economic management wasn’t great but at the time most thought it was. The Western World was all run along similar lines.

In other aspects Muldoon was great at seizing the mood of the majority and building on it. He even started communicating with the racist gangs and most New Zealanders said “Good on you son, go for it.. In 1981 the racists did their normal thing and shit on him but at the time we knew no better.

Then 1981 and the dishonesty happened.

1981 wasn’t, despite ongoing slime lies, about pro-apartheid v anti-apartheid.

You would have struggled to find 100 pro-apartheid people in the whole of New Zealand.

1981 began as a disagreement over how you demonstrate to Jaapies that apartheid was wrong.

The majority of New Zealanders thought the showing the Jaapies, via news reports and television pictures that treating all people equally was the way to go.

On the opposing side a group of disgusting communist scum, some god-botherers and the racist gangs (most pretending they were seppos) with many unable-to-think (thanks to the New Zealand education system) teenagers, a group of not-yet-home-owners and the start of the always lying slime of the media.

The latter VERY low-lifes, of course, wrote and had published, their grossly dishonest account of the time.

Honest people were too busy living to do the same.

Unfortunately, probably due to the pressure but definitely assisted by the totally gutless media showing just how gutless they were (and are), Muldoon went mad.

To 1984 and the Great and Good Sir Roger Douglas came to the rescue, using the often brilliant and funny Lange as his front man.

The Great and Good Sir Roger saved the day but, as often happens to genuine heros, he was shunted aside so lesser men could bathe in his glory.

And New Zealand suffered.

They suffered through Palmer, then (Moore was a mere interlude) the worst and most damaging (MMP) of all until recently, Bolger, then Clark.

Key was different, effective in some areas, genuinely popular but his need to be loved meant he didn’t make all the hard decisions. Key/English are hard, though, to fault. They gave the country what it wanted and most of what it needed.

English, another interlude, then disaster.

Winston Peters selected the Coalition from Hell.

You all know what happened next – New Zealand went to Hell - was kept there by brain-dead middle=aged and old sheilas (of both sexes) for six long years.

It will take us a long time and a lot of fighting to complete the escape from Hell.

More than usual because we will have to fight and defeat the public servants, communists and fuckwits ( a significant number including, but not limited to, “educators”, fit in all three categories) in making that escape.

We can do without the mindless crap from slime who weren’t there, i.e. the mushrooms (raised in the dark and fed on crap) and have no idea, no concept of the actual past of New Zealand.

Meanwhile: God Defend New Zealand!

Thursday 22 February 2024

My attempt at serious comment, probably my one and only attempt

 I have been watching, with some amusement, the happenings in the USA; particularly the start of the Presidential election cycle.

The amusement has dissipated slightly.

The Dems appear stuck with a brain-dead (at best) old man a- there simply are no credible alternatives - and the GOP, adept at turning victory into defeat at every opportunity are, once again, stuck with Trump.

Trump, of course has already won twice - I doubt anyone with a functioning brain believes those thousands of election swinging votes came in in the dead of the night after counting originally confirmed Trump.

He will struggle to win a third time but the prospect of Joe or Kamala in the Whitehouse for four more years will probably swing it his way defeating even the corruption.

I won't vote either way. 

I can't. I ain't a Seppo.

Trump will be a good thing for the USA but not particularly good for the rest of the free World.

Trump will make NATO stand on it's own feet, he'll adjust trade deals so the USA is not disadvantaged, particularly by adversaries, and he'll once again be a peacemaker. His first Presidency seemed to be based on the idea that you don't trade with enemies so if any country (e.g. N Korea) was offered a chance at trade they would/could become non-threatening if not friends.

Trump, incidentally also recognised that the Middle-east and parts East of there had nothing to offer that would mitigate their mysticism and ignored them.

Not an idiot internationally was Trump.

But....................... there had to be a "but'

Wandering around NZ you can't avoid them, given the space they take up.

I diverge, But, not Butt.

But .....I would prefer to see Trump withdraw. 

Withdraw, naming De Santis as his preference.

Trump, will always be divisive. The Dems will never forgive him for seeing the Light. Becoming the real enemy - GOP.

DeSantis is today's man. Smart, a proven leader, particularly when his people needed a leader and an overall Good Guy.

To this non-voter DeSantis is the perfect Man (Note the capital) to lead the Free World for the next eight years.

I hope Trump finally sees sense and does the right thing by his country. I believe that he is a big enough man to do so.

May the Gods prove me right!


 Every day I read of employers crying out for reliable workers. Not a single day goes by when, usually right next to a story about the excessive numbers of unemployed, you find the story of an employer unable to do his job properly because he can't get staff who can get up on time, turn up ready to work and then put in a day's work.

This morning something called "Lincoln Tan" has a story, the main headline on NewstalkZB, reading:


Vietnamese migrants ‘sold everything’ for $203k of visas to NZ - to find no jobs

 What the story says is that the company who sponsored the immigrants has no work for them. The breadwinners are, apparently, painters. Promised jobs at $50. per hour.

Mr Tan records them wailing and gnashing their teeth in anguish.

If they are good painters there will be a queue waiting to employ them at that rate.

If they can't find that queue they're better off in Vietnam.

The story is nothing other than an attempt to discredit the Coalition, something NewstalkZB has been into since October - just like all the other slime.

The story, particularly the headline are not just typical sensationalism, both are pure, simple bullshit!



Wednesday 21 February 2024

Watch Out!

 I've reweighed myself.

At the current rate of weight loss I should weigh approx 0Kg in 12 months time.

No more joint pains!

I shall be dangerous.

VERY dangerous!

Why destroy your very raison d'ĂȘtre?

 Why, for christ's sake, Why?

 I refer to;

McLauchlan finally has something worthwhile to say but he fucks it completely by this line "I suspect this era will take a place in the storied political mythology of the nation, alongside the hubris of Think Big and the ponzi scheme of the Rogernomics share market" which are not just bullshit but simply turns off readers like me.

I was part-way through a good column that had me thinking when this shit stopped the process and meant I was more interested in bitching than continuing reading.

McLaughlan obviously writes to be read. He thinks (?) he has something to say but if he does he's just hidden it in  a couple of sentences that destroy his credibility among those who think.

He often writes well and although I disagree with 99% I will read his thoughts because of that but every time, every time, he destroys his arguments with unrelated communist bullshit.

An aside: I know I do this as well, as do many bloggers, but we don't take ourselves that seriously, not expecting the masses to be swayed by our opinions.

McLaughlan is serious.

I shall continue reading but with reservations already in my mind.

Tuesday 20 February 2024


 I don't consume a lot of eggs so I was pleasantly surprised, given recent publicity, to buy half-a-dozen eggs at the vegetable shop I am starting to frequent (Woodend) for less than $1 per egg.

I admit to a personal preference for "farm fresh" eggs. My preference is for all of the shells to stay in my fingers when the egg introduces itself to the frypan.

The eggs I bought were dark shelled, of various sizes but neither tiny nor massive and all had strong yellow yolks.

They went down well - I can't say the same about the bacon. Hellers = YUCK!

A day later I was in the supermarket and noticed eggs in 6s starting, for pigeon eggs by the look of them, at about $1.35 per egg. Most were at least $1.50. each.

My guess is because of this a significant number of people will be going without eggs.

They should shop in Woodend.

Descending Communal Intelligence?

 Is New Zealand getting stupider or am I just noticing it more?

I read on Breaking Views this morning Don Brash's argment for New Zealand neutrality, including some points made by another thoughtful and entertaining blogger on the 18th of this month that pointed out that China has not, in modern history, ever attempted conquest of land. In fact never threatened such.

It has only ever defended itself. Even in Vietnam and Korea it just wandered in, won the war and shot through again.

I include Taiwan in that comment, Formosa is part of China, temporarily invaded by some rather nasty elements much to the disgust (still) of the natives.

At the end of Brash's column the first comment rehashes exactly what Brash, with facts, just rubbished.

I scrolled down to note another columnist (KSK) writing that New Zealand needs to consider a cross-party approach to fixing the Country.

I didn't read the column. Even retired my time's worth something.

We've just managed to get rid of the communist fuckwits who polluted NZ Government for years and this thicko wants to invite some of them back.

These (the commenter and the second columnist) are not the only examples out there so back to my question: Is New Zealand getting stupider or am I just noticing it more?

An aside: The recent Labour Government was, first, not elected and then re-elected by middle-aged and old women (of both sexes). The children voted for Chloe. That stupidity was par for the course so doesn't count.


 The next few days are going to involve one hell of a dilemma for local academics.

Here they were in their own blind little world, pushing their socialist (i.e. communist without the intestinal fortitude) views out into the world via unquestioning (mainly due to an inability to think) main stream media.

Then, all of a sudden, they're joined by a BA-attired failure who, via his new position, will become to go-to-guy for that media.

The new fellow hasn't been there or done that either, nor has he any idea of the real world (an almost perfect "academic") but he has destroyed a nation financially which is far more than the average school teacher.

The slime (msm) will love him - the other bastards will feel left out.

Look for a raft of press releases from academia before he starts.

Sunday 18 February 2024

Beneficiaries - A new deal.

 The Coalition have announced that sanctions should be applied to lazy bastards.

They must now actually try to find employment.

One of the sanctions will, apparently be a managed money system where only $50. cash will be available from benefits.

This should apply to all working-age type benefits although why $50 and not $5. considering all legitimate costs are paid?

The sanctions don't go far enough!

Given a significant number of lazy bastards think nothing of thieving whenever they want anything I suggest that any person arrested and charged with a dishonesty or violence related offense be limited to basic expenses paid and a food parcel once a week until a court convicts or discharges and any sentence or other obligation is completed - zero discretionary money.

Of course these lazy bastards turning up for employment will create another problem - no sensible employer will touch them; so I suggest NZ create voluntary work gangs in places that need fixing (at the moment Hawkes Bay, jafaville, Wellington and The South Island spring to mind).

These camps MUST be voluntary but once a lazy bastard has committed, rules should be strict, penalties harsh.

Leaving and going back to sanctions also must be permitted but those sanctions MUST be strictly enforced.

The camps should also provide, outside of working time, education and training programs. 

Personally I would also prevent television, electronics, non-controlled communication with the outside world and recorded noise from being present - these are a problem, not a solution.

With that NZ may start to once again produce people able to work anywhere, at almost anything.

Saturday 17 February 2024

China. Why the aggro?

 More stories about China and it's military might, this morning in The Sun from UK.

These Chinese must be nasty, greedy people, wanting to take over the World - except I can't remember a single time in Chinese history they've done anything other than defend themselves.

They helped out North Korea and Vietnam against the easy-beat Seppos but even then they simply lent a hand and then moved back whence they had come. (A pity GW didn't learn from them.)

Except for some sabre rattling around Formosa, which is traditionally Chinese, and the odd fist/club fight on the India border the whole history of China is one of non-aggression.

Their main form of influence is spreading money where it can do the best for China and it's trade. Basically creating customers not enemies.

So why the continued anti-China rhetoric from Western pollies?

Is it because too little of that Chinese money has come into Western pollies' hands?

The only seriously wrong thing they have done was, when China, via Taiwanese explorers, transported a bunch of illiterate, nasty, pig-ignorant savages from where they had been kicked out of in the central Pacific to a group of islands that you needed brains (which they didn't have) to produce food - hence promoting cannibalism.

For that they can never be forgiven but, that aside, maybe it's time to give China a break.

Concentrate instead on the Middle East to North Africa to India scum who are openly trying to destroy civilisation and drag humanity backwards.

THEY need stopping!

Friday 16 February 2024


 I and the flies have just had my lunch.

Not in the forecast but it's going to rain.

Thursday 15 February 2024

Capitalism, best served with knowledge and education

 I have been reading a bit about capitalism vs communism (socialism is communism without the intestinal fortitude so include it in communism). Please note the small "c" and "c".

I was raised a communist in that I was free to succeed or fail knowing the State would pick up the pieces and give me another chance.

The problem was that I like reading and a diet of Westerns and Sci-Fi quickly was added to by every columnist I could access. 

I started thinking.

BIG problem.

As a young man wanting a "normal" life I tied up with a female, started working on a house and children. 

At that time the World was changing. The mid-late 1980s brought investment into play.

Unfortunately it did not bring information on how to use that investment.

I got tied up in an investment I would now know to avoid ( I hope Mr Renouf and Mr Judge have nightmares every night and waking moment until the devil shoves a hot poker up their ...but to continue) and lost the lot, leaving me behind where I started.

It was the lack of knowledge rather than the two tennis-playing scum that cost me.

I rebuilt, working 12 hours a day, often 7 days a week. My job, physically hard, was 12 hours, seven days a week. We had casuals and it was up to us to organise them so we could have days off.

Illegal then (but it worked), now some wanker would fuck it up and everyone would lose.

In the 90s New Zealand embraced gambling, particularly in pubs.

For some of us that only meant that the odd fellow got into trouble even easier than he would have normally.

I was in that camp until I found out my children's mother had a serious problem and I was again broke (I had relied on it to pay the bills - with my money).

We lost our house.

Eventually I packed my car, moved to the big smoke and started again.

I found I could work hard and long and earn a living by serving food and drinks to people who only needed a bullshit story to keep them amused. The bullshit I was good at.

I got sick of the bullshit for other people so I bought a taxi, a cab.

Cab driving involves two skills: knowing where you are going and being able to converse, on any level, with anyone.

Strangely I could do both

Starting with a pocket (no bank would touch me) balance of $29.00 in twelve months I bought my own cab (about $15,000) and carried on to create a business, all legal (we had police checks, tax audits etc) worth about $100,000. until a couple of East Asia import thieves decided to put pressure on Mr Bridges and Mr Joyce.

They,(the pollies) as is typical of their type, immediately put foreign thieves ahead of New Zealanders.

The value of my hard earnt business plummeted until I walked away, holding just the last vehicle I had.

A bit further on, after problems with a drug-addled son and another very large loss because of him, I live in a caravan in a holiday park.


I'll probably freeze to death in the winter but hell, I've got to die of something.

My point, though, is simple: Capitalism is great but it must (MUST!) be accompanied by information and the education that allows that information to be absorbed.

That information and education is sadly lacking. Children are instead being taught by Minto and communist scum like him.

For the sake of Humanity it is time for a cleanout.

Start with and old fart at Woodend beach Holiday Park - he deserves it!

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Predicted the Cellphone - not bloody likel!

I read today, on a blog, a comment that said everything that comes to pass was predicted by SciFi years before invention.

I read Sci-Fi, I have read, probably, thousands of books over the last 30 years (you work it out, two books a week (minimum) is100 books a year (minimum) is 3,000 over the last 30 years and those numbers are conservative.

Not once, before 1990, have I seen the cell-phone predicted.

Every time communicators are mentioned they are radio based i.e. they provide only one way communication at any time. You can't overtalk your mother-in-law on a communicator and, hopefully at least, convince beloved that the girl in the bar was your landlady's sister checking up on you.

You can on a telephone (if your wife is not the brightest).

I love sci-fi because of the reality and the fiction combined but let's not be silly. Sci-Fi ain't perfect either.


 It has been a cold, wet summer in a traditionally dry part of the country. It has rained, by my estimation, one out of three days since November and yet the City of the Damned Good is surrounded by fires.

We know the hills East of Christchurch have no natural water (They are the sides of two volcanoes) and near Rolleston water tends to travel underground so both areas will dry out overnight, even in wet weather

Not a single word I've read yet on the cause of the fires.

If they were natural the climate-halfwits would have been at it non-stop.

Is someone starting these fires?

Are they part of a climate-nutters group determined to destroy human progress?

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Rest Home?

 A bunch of old farts were waiting for god in a "rest" home up North.

Half a dozen got the 'flu and carked it.

This is considered "news".


There can be no other reason for being in such an establishment and from a personal point of view as an old fart, if I was languishing in his type of place I'd welcome death. That is exactly why I'd be there. i.e To die!

Problem solved, tell the reporters to piss off and grow up.

The Treaty - not the tea-tree or whatever

 The Treaty of Waitangi.

There is only one. That was written in English.

It was then loosely "translated" into a phonetic version so it could be explained to chiefs of maori tribes in  language they should have been able to understand.


 A month ago I bought a BBQ.

Having done my homework I wandered into Bunnings prepared to pay $1,000. for a well known brand two burner and stand.

In the BBQ section they had a two-burner Matador, still in it's box, that had had an argument with a forklift.

The tray that holds the gas bottle was bent so they had priced it down to $250.

I purchased it, took it home. It took me two hours to assemble and you can't see any damage.

Since then I have done several roasts (mainly short-ribs which have been well priced), a chicken, some bits of chicken and other beef and pork cuts. I used a dutch-oven for the chicken. Yet to do sausages but I bought it for the bigger cuts.

Apart from one monumental failure with beef and the dutch oven (my fault) it has been great - and I'm yet to replace the gas bottle.

I recommend both Matador and Bunnings for selling it to me.

Pro-Terrorist Whinging (Again)

 There is a story on The Spinoff about pro-terrorist scum attempting to disrupt activity (by blocking the road) at the Port of Lyttleton.

A thing called Minto - he's the half-wit who used to stand outside Stanley Street tennis courts in Auckland and shout at a little girl tennis player from Israel - whinges about the police using pepperspray.

This time I agree with him.

Instead the police should have sprayed him and his cohort of disgust with the same thing that his terrorist mates sprayed those innocent Jews (and their equally innocent friends) with on October 7 last year.

 That would have been fair and just. Even I wouldn't mind my taxes being used for those bullets.

Shame on those policemen and women.

As an aside I can only feel sorry for any poor bastard who was in a class "taught" by Minto - imagine a whole year of communist indoctrination.

Sunday 11 February 2024

Fantastic Stuff! I genuinely Needed The Laugh

Read this:

Fantastic stuff!

HDPA abuses Tucker Carlson because he asked for, and received, an interview with Putin.

HDPA never got one, maybe because it was too fucking lazy and stupid to ask for one. Putin, according to the people around Carlson, is happy to talk to anyone who will allow him to be heard without bias.

I suspect that excludes HDPA.

HDPA then goes on to the Reds (who call themselves Green - as in envious)). She calls out Swarbick,as thick (got that one right) but the suggests she is misguided. Swarbrick is a complete communist fuckwit (EVERY communist is a fuckwit by their very beliefs) and suggest Davidson (who couldn't run for a bus) is a "leader".

The lady should have stuck to ordering mail-order guns.

Saturday 10 February 2024


 I read recently an answer from a religious man to a child in which he said "yes, dogs do go to Heaven".

If there was a Heaven, imagine the flies.

Thursday 8 February 2024


 The headline on NewsTalk ZB reads:

Grandma attacked by motorist who 'tried to snap' her arm at popular beach carpark

Grandmother attacked by motorist who almost snaps her arm at Auckland’s Mission Bay beach. 

The story tells of a man attempting to stop traffic long enough for his car to get out of it's carpark.

The complainer tells that she decided to be pig ignorant and, despite in the act of looking for a carpark, refused to work with the gentleman and instead drove at him, forcing him to avoid her.

The complainer appears to have little english, her quoted remarks appear to be in pidgin and stone-age and I struggle to understand what happened then but the man ended up twisting her arm.

Now the complainer is milking the publicity for all it's worth, no doubt hoping for even more unearnt money.

I'll bet it gets it.

Meanwhile, if his arm hasn't got gangrenous (a very real consequence of touching things like the complainer) should be lauded throughout the land.

If more people stood up to these self-entitled f#@kwits New Zealand would be a better place.

NZ History- My Version


Around 700 years ago a fleet of Taiwanese fishermen operating in the Eastern Pacific can across a group of Islanders in very inappropriate boats suitable for inshore fishing and transport only.

The Taiwanese were the only people working the open seas of the Pacific at the time.

Upon investigation they found that these people were a separate race being driven out of the central Pacific because they were dishonest stone-age cannibals who refused to act civilly.

The Taiwanese knew of a land to the south that was pretty much useless, having no real value for food (no large mammals or herd animals and very little fruit) and too far away from home for anything else. A bloody awful climate made that land even worse.

The Taiwanese dumped the refugees there knowing no one with any sense would stumble upon them.

The Taiwanese were almost correct but they reasoned without the knowledge that the Western Europeans would become desperate for oil and start searching the globe.

The best sort of oil in large quantities at the time was in whales and seals with both animals providing other useful byproducts such as skins, fur, bones etc.

Those Europeans eventually discovered the islands with the stone-age cannibals, surprisingly still alive – but not thriving. They had stripped the islands of any large wildlife and survived by making use of any sea creature washed ashore dead and eating each other.

The first thing the Europeans found was the cannibals were particularly nasty and, once they realised the Europeans were as nasty, also that the "natives" were natural born thieves, basically pocketing anything that could be moved. (see contemporary reports) and grossly dishonest.

But they were small in number and breeding-age women were obliging.

Maori (for that was what they were) will tell you that maori recognised the need for new bloodlines and the breeding with whalers, sealers and, latterly, flax-traders was deliberate policy ..... and I believe every single word.

Eventually maori became white men in all but attitude. They remained thieves and cannibals up until a time when Europeans, often originally coming from the USA via Australia but more frequently from Europe, started settling in numbers.

The British, who had claimed the North Island, offered the white/maori the chance to become citizens of England but only if they gave up slavery cannibalism etc. Maori have never been known for their smarts but this offer was too good to turn down so the boss of the Englishmen wrote a document stating that was the case.


It should be noted that the English claimed the South Island only after noting the French taking an interest in late 1840.

Being stone-age and without even pictorial records being left on rock walls that document was translated into a newly invented written language pretending to be maori. This enabled the Europeans to describe the document to maori representatives – most (if not all) of whom couldn’t read the marks on the paper.

Maori and maori/whites were then asked to mark (very few could sign their own name) the document, signifying they had heard what it said. Most did.

Cannibalism and slavery ground to a halt and inter-tribal warfare was slowed because the main purpose (taking of slaves and food) was no longer a factor.


The people coming in introduced mammals, agriculture, horticulture and, basically, culture.

It must be noted that dishonesty and thievery unfortunately has just got more mature. Petty thieves are now outnumbered by those trying to steal millions.


With the help of a few useful idiots (and idiots in every sense they certainly are) they are attempting to change the name of New Zealand (invented by white men from Europe) to another name - also invented by white men from Europe.


Such is New Zealand today

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Help! Mr Luxon, Please put aside your woke bullshit and help.


On the way they passed a number of students, all of whom looked rather too respectively dressed for Purefoy’s liking. He was used to people in boots and with torn and patched jeans and with hair that was either very, very long and unwashed or hardly existed at all.........

and the one young woman he met smiled agreeably, which he found most peculiar. At (his last university) women didn’t smile. On the whole they scowled and practiced assertiveness on him”

Quoted from a novel published in 1995, Grantchester Grind by Tom Sharpe.

Written, given the production of Sharpe, probably 30 years ago.

Grantchester Grind is the follow-up book to Porterhouse Blues.

Both are bloody good reads but make sure you have time, they’re hard to put down.

The thing that strikes me (I have been a Sharpe reader since “The Throwback”) is that what he describes is 2024 NZ University and Government practice – although now the sexes would be reversed and most of the males would be in the latter paragraph.

New Zealand is now, thanks to the communist dictatorship, more like a novel than anything real life can throw up.

Please, Please, let the new(ish) Government bring us back to reality.

Mr Luxon, we seriously need your leadership!

Enquiry Into Corruption


Daily lately we see at least one news story about hidden economic problems for New Zealand.

Hidden from New Zealanders and, particularly, hidden from taxpayers.

The previous “government” (Govern they didn’t, destroy they did), the communist dictatorship was so dishonest you would think they were “socialists”.

Socialists, of course, are communists without the intestinal fortitude or honesty.

The previous lot described themselves as “socialists” – probably their only honest recorded moment.

That, however is not my point.

The daily reports point to a very obvious point that the last crowd were not just dishonest but, by hiding the results of that dishonesty, they became (or continued to be) corrupt.

I still await news of a thorough investigation of just how much the bank accounts of those close to the last PM increased around the time Pfiser was delegated the sole supplier for New Zealand of anti-covid poison as well as how much those same accounts benefited from the ongoing dishonesty from the “Pulpit of Truth” - acclaimed by the most dishonest of all as the “only truth” disseminator.

It is past time for enquiries, arrests, trials, convictions and, if I had my way, public floggings of those in and connected to, the communist crowd that recently polluted New Zealand politics.

Let them commence! I'll happily help at the floggings.

Muldoon: My Memory


I remember the 1970s, and the 1980s for various reasons.

One of those reasons was I became aware of politics, mainly of course, on how politics affected my wallet and my freedom.

I seem to be one of the few.

A couple of days ago I once more read, on a blogsite I usually respect, that the communist dictatorship was the worst Government ever in New Zealand – except for Muldoon.


Sir Robert Muldoon (then not a “Sir”) was a good and popular Prime Minister, his Government a competent group who were far better than anything the opposition put together.

Of the opposition only the great and good Sir Roger Douglas stood out for anything other than wet weakness. Soaking wet. He was demoted by Rowling for being too good.

The quote from that era for me was Muldoon describing Rowling as “a shiver looking for a spine to run up”.

Muldoon and his was popular for most of his nine years even though most didn’t agree with everything he did. One thing most of us did agree with was his treatment of the slime (media). He treated them for what they were, mostly gutless, know-nothing, cowering, near-do-wells or socialists (i.e. communists without the intestinal fortitude).

Only in the last couple of years, when his “team” started suffering from the relentless attacks by the slime and Muldoon was forced to become a lone defender of the faith that was New Zealand did the pressure start to show.

Before that, with “Think Big” and other projects (hydro-electricity generation springs to mind) Muldoon and his Government set the country on the road to prosperity – now destroyed by the scum communist dictatorship of 2017-2023.

New Zealand made more gains while Muldoon was PM than in any era since barring when the great and good Sir Roger held Lange in check and made “God Defend New Zealand” into an anthem rather that a pathetic plea.

The main critics of Muldoon nowdays seem to come from a time when they either left NZ as very young, impressionable people or the bitter, completely cowered lefties who were too scared of Muldoon even to fire from cover.

So, no more bullshit blaming Muldoon.

If you must pick on a National PM pick on Bolger – his Governance completely fucked New Zealand!

Tuesday 6 February 2024

A Day Later


The “celebrations” about my father’s birthday (I can think of no other relevant event with that date) have gone but not the utter rubbish from the slime (media).

Heir attempts to give credence to a small set of white racists set on enriching themselves by destroying New Zealand society is shameful.

What New Zealand needs is more democracy not less. The majority of voters recognised this fact last October and voted accordingly.

The slime, of course, voted for more communist dictatorship backed up by greedy racists.

Notably the noisy racists themselves only received a very, very small percentage of the racist vote.

One can only hope, with the display of gum-flapping incontinence seen in Northland over the last week New Zealand moves on.

If this means putting each and every member of the slime on a one way boat to the Auckland Islands (You wouldn’t wish that lot on your worst enemy, even Hamas is too good for them) so be it.

Make it happen!

Sunday 4 February 2024

Feeding Time

 Shopping the other day I decided to buy a frozen chicken. 1.5Kg for less than $10.Cooked on the BBQ in a Dutch Oven yesterday. I had the drums for lunch yesterday with corn on the cob also cooked on the BBQ and a spud cooked likewise.

Left-over chicken will give me 4 more meals. Given $1.50 cost per day for veges (the corn and spud yesterday cost me less than that) that's about $17 for meals for 5 days.

Politicians keep telling me that the poor can't feed themselves with the minimum wage but there I'm feeding myself for less than one hour's minimum wage - for 5 days.

Could someone be fibbing?

An aside: Lunch today was a small amount (about one hamburger patties worth) of mince cooked with 1 cob of sweetcorn cooked yesterday on the same BBQ and cut off the cob, half a tin of peas with their brine, red sauce, ground pepper and beef stock to flavour.

Cost:about $3.50.

Feeding yourself has never been easier and is still cheap - if you are prepared to think.

UPDATE: I have now had 4 meals off my 1.5Kg chicken and will get another two.

Today's effort was two-minute noodles, chicken with veges left-over from other recipes, Tomato, Mushrooms, Peas with a touch of spice.

Note: I'm a fat bastard. Meals need to be of significant size to satisfy.

I figure one meal a day for a week will be less than $30.

Lazy bastards get in excess of $1,000. per week on he DPB. How is feeding the kids a problem?

Saturday 3 February 2024


 This story amused me.

Maybe if Mr Barnes had not come out at the end of his career and admitted he was a biased cheat Mr Gilpin might have a point.

He did and he doesn't!

Thursday 1 February 2024



 That seems to be the problem.

Not increasing the existing group by 500 but recruiting and "training" 500. 

Policemen that is or nowdays I suppose, sworn police people.

Sworn at more likely.

Based on personal experience and observation 500 more bullies and liars who are a danger on the road and a joke off it.

Or maybe 500 more sheilas without a brain spread between the lot, far worse bullies than the fellows and grossly dishonest, every one of them.

500 bone-idle lazy dickheads who take the King's shilling, wear military-style uniforms (remind you of anyone?) and happily turn a blind eye when the wrong people are needing help.

Maybe I'm cynical (maybe?) but 500 won't do the trick.

Making the bastards now employed do their job, stand up to their vows and enforce the laws of New Zealand fairly and compassionably without fear or favour would be a far better way of spending tax-payer money.

Get off ........................ !

I'm getting old and at times losing it, memory wise. (I spent 7 hours looking for a set of wood-boring drills the other day because a couple of days before I'd changed the box I stored them in for a smaller, more convenient one).

Because of this I often write myself notes in the evening of things I need to do the next day.

Those notes always start with "Get off your lazy arse you fat bastard".

It works. I do.

 The right(ish) wing blogosphere in New Zealand appears to be full of praise for the "restraint" shown by the Coalition in the minimum wage increase. 

The left and the MSM are no doubt full of how nasty the Coalition is for not giving up the kitchen sink. I don't read that far.

Both sides are wrong! There should be no such thing as a legal minimum wage in New Zealand

We don't do slavery in New Zealand. In fact we haven't since those nice, friendly, peaceful brown people were forced to give up keeping slaves for labour and food upon signing the paper in 1840. They were New Zealand's only slavers.

Not doing slavery and feudalism having gone out of fashion means that every working person in New Zealand can choose to work (or not work) where-ever he/she likes.

Employers who don't pay reasonable wages will soon find their factories/shops etc full of lazy, non-productive dunderheads (ie Labour/Reds voters) who's production is pretty much zero

As an ex employer I can assure you that damned near all employers happily pay more for those who give their whole with a job, using their brains and brawn to make the job both easier and better

If you don't like the pay, conditions or the bosses family, get another job.

If a minimum pay job is all you can get it will be because you don't follow the advice I  give myself daily.

Maybe you should write yourself notes.