Tuesday 30 April 2024


 I realise I am a bit strange. A big bit.

When I read a MSM headline or hear a television/radio headline my first reaction is invariably "bullshit!".

Often that reaction is proved correct so when I read of a poll commissioned by one (if not THE) of the most dishonest organisations in New Zealand the other day that was my first thought.

My second was "so what?". 

Polls simply don't matter. Barring some rather unlikely scenario causing an end to the current coalition the Government is here for three years.

That is the New Zealand system!

One that needs changing I admit but that is what we have.

Which is why I viewed with some sadness, but not surprise, the unfortunate reaction from Government to both the poll and the slime's baiting of those elected officials in Government.

What a service they could have done the electorate, the country, by simply telling the slime to fuck off and come up with real questions.

What a service they could have done had they simply stated "We're too busy for your bullshit. Look at the scoreboard. It says Government 10, slime zero."

Followed up by "We'll carry on running the country, you carry on masturbating, verbally and otherwise, while we do so." ..... and did.

The Government, particularly the National part of that Government need to grow some balls.

Dealing to the slime the way they deserve would be a great way to start!


Monday 29 April 2024

Pollies' Pay

 For several election cycles I remember pollies have received a pay increase at the start of their term.

No matter which Government the reaction is always the same - negative - from the slime, the commentariat and I admit, from me.

As it should be - but not for most of the reasons stated every time.

I believe that we could cut off a steady supply of slime column/kilometers by simply setting a pay rate that will greet any incoming pollies, that rate to be fixed for the term of the Parliament.

The people should have their say on this rate, not just the pollies and their Yes-men and any pollie worth his salt should be prepared to negotiate a pay-packet under that grossly exorbitant rate, also for the term of the Parliament.

Any pollies not liking this solution should be told to go work for their living.

Wednesday 24 April 2024


 Melissa Lee got sacked.

Apparently she got sacked because, as Minister of Broadcasting she was silent, made no statements, no speeches and appeared to do nothing.

The problem seems to be that a bunch of otherwise unemployable, self-opinionated halfwits are finding out that communist propaganda coupled with the promotion of paedophilia and blatant racism is not a big seller.

Lee chose to stay silent and let them reveal themselves for what they are.

I would have thought that this was the best strategy but the gutless bastard currently polluting the office of Prime Minister panicked.

His choice but considering the utter scum that preceded Lee, with his non-stop racist and communistic crap spewing from his mouth, Lee's (non) action was a breath of fresh air.

The current Government needs, for the sake of New Zealand, to undo the damage done by the communist dictatorship.

Then they need to take note of Lee's action plan and, other than making sure local Government keeps roads and water services up to date, sit, shut up and let us do our thing in peace.

Sunday 21 April 2024

True Measure

 I'm starting to wonder if the true measure of a Man is the number of sheilas (of either sex) telling him he is wrong.

Old things break and fall down; I'm an old thing, I'm broke and I've fallen down quite a lot in the last six months.

Time for demolition?

I'm hungry! And I gained 1Kg in the last month.

So what? you ask.

So over the last six months I have lost approx 40Kg.

And I mean "lost" . I've looked for them all over the place - not a sign.

A week or so ago I purchased two new pairs of jeans. Wrangler Authentics replacing Wrangler Authentics. Despite the ten year age difference the main variation is that the recently purchased pair have a waist 16" shorter than the older ones.

I lost my taste about 12 months ago and my appetite around August last year. I'd already stopped most drinking (from a bottle of Red a day to nothing most of the time.) other than coffee and water. Then I stopped eating.

The coffee includes a T-spoon of Kanuka Honey in each cup (4 cups a day) that I believe kept the Faucci Flu at bay. (Chinese be fucked - they just supplied the labs!)

I moved "house" at the very end of November '23, moving to Woodend Beach. I now walk daily, regularly chat with whomever I can hear and, basically, I'm enjoying life (a bit).

Even then, up until now I'd lost 10Kg since I've been here, most of it this year.

I figure I was dying (I still am but slower).

Woodend Beach and surrounds is good for me - so sorry folks.

I suspect this old bastard may be around, spreading his brand of utter bullshit, seriously biased, RW liberal crap around the comments sections of political blogs for some time to come.

Suffer you bastards!

Three? No, give me Four.

 Three Strikes is back, protected again by the "manifestly unjust" clause.

I have no real problem with a clause that states that a Judge may ignore the wish of the People, as expressed by people given that power in a General Election (which the Judges don't go through) as long as that protection is itself protected by another clause.

That second clause should state that any Judge over-riding the 3 Strikes law should, if/when the criminal offends again, instantly and without trial or recourse, serve the time the criminal should be serving. That sentence to be carried out in a top security facility among the general population of that facility.

With that provision we should see less Judges and more Justice - both a positive.

Saturday 20 April 2024


y race horses, dogs, cows, sheep,  goats (hair , milk and meat), deer, and during a stint at Orana Park, both brilliant young ladies and (mainly African) beasts.

The young ladies were the hardest work.

The animals tended to be relatively easy if you respected them.

At Orana park, when dealing with the (unhappy, if not) wild animals the staff tended to ensure their vehicle was between them and any dangerous animal.

In a farm situation you can't always do that but you can avoid a situation by knowing your animals and working to avoid problems ( a bit like taxi driving).

Things like knowing every bobby-calf in existence wants to stand on your feet.

The news recently has a ram killing an old couple on what I gather, based on reports, is a lifestyle-type block.

I suspect the dead people treated their animals as pets.

No animal big enough to hurt you is a pet.

The ram, no doubt ramming, killed two. A first as far as I know. He was slaughtered as punishment (a bit like James I) but will go down in history.

No doubt, up in that great paddock in the sky, he is even now regaling all who will listen with the story of how he got both the bastards.

I hope this story gives those going amongst animals, even if that's your local mall or supermarket, a chance to reflect.

We are all animals and if you don't respect us we will happily bite you in the ass when you are least expecting it.

Sunday 14 April 2024


 `I note this headline on NewstalkZB:

 Govt investigating mega tunnel underneath Wellington


If they wait a year or two an earthquake will build it for them.


Friday 12 April 2024

Bo(a)red Meeting

 Ministry of ......... Start of day; Monday :10:30am

Righto folks, pay attention.

The Minister has spoken and we need to downsize.

People must be fired.

I've made a list. Obviously the 2,037 who joined last year are sacrosanct. Too important and we haven't even created titles for their non-existent jobs yet. Besides, they all have brown skins. Untouchable!

My list: The Tea-lady's 2nd assistant has to go, the under-gardener (we don't have a garden here on the 8th, 9th and tenth floor) and, after a lot of anguish, I've decided one of that group in Tauranga who "work from home" and no one has ever met or seen anything from - just make sure it's a white male - has to be the third.

That's three.

We'll feed this to to our pet "reporter" They'll publish the "news" under headlines calling it "massive job cuts in Ministry announced" knowing most can't read and those few that can won't bother.

Should get great coverage from the TV outfits.

Meanwhile, back to the grind people. Lunch is still 45 minutes away and I need to check the wine list again.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

sans oil

 The kiddie-wank the other day got me thinking.

Yeah, I know. You saw the smoke and wondered.

Anyway, could a modern human live in line with kiddie (and communist) wankery? Could they live without oil or killing anything - the two big wokery no-nos (although killing Jews seems to be fine).

For an "easy" start let's say you live just outside of a New Zealand village, near, but not in, the mountains.

You wake in the morning and greet the sun, then get up.

You must undress and stay naked because every item of clothing relies on oil in some way. You think of the woolen jersey Aunt Mary knitted you for xmas but even that is made from wool taken from the sheeps back with oil-lubricated tools.

The natural oil in wool you think, but no, first you have no way of extricating it and second, the oil in lanolin breaks down too quickly under pressure to be useful for lubrication (at least according to a Lincoln University fellow I asked that question of while he was trying to figure out a way of cleaning the wool and extracting the lanolin that would comply with EEC (at the time) standards.)

Shoes are also out, barefoot you go.

Electricity relies on oil to be made and stored and your wood-burning stove was made using oil in the process. Cold grass and shrubs for brekkie

Food not grown from your own seed gathered from the wild is also out, oil-burners delivered it and you probably used oil to bring it home. Even the seed packets are made, filled and transported using oil.

You go out to eat natural plants and berries. Of course you must first find them while naked and barefoot.

If there'e a chill in the air or if the ground is devoid of trees or large bushes that will protect you from sunburn, forget it until a warm dusk.

You find enough natural food to keep you going and now must address the clothing issue.

Small animals the die tend to be torn to bits, either while dying or soon after so you must find an animal as large as you who is unhappy. (A wild one will kill you first if you follow it.) You must follow that animal until it dies, beat the hawks, eagles, rats, pigs etc. to it's carcass and then skin it - without the oil-reliant knife you have at home.

At this point you will need flint - but how to identify it?

If you can you will then need to learn to shape it and cause sparks (fire) with it.

Trial and experimentation are your only methods of learning.

About now I figure you are dead but, maybe, not.

You get a fire going, dry the skin and survive the night - but where are you?

Tomorrow at sunrise you must start again.

First you have to find a dead animal you can get the skin of to enable you to carry flints etc. To fashion this you will need to make a needle and a knife. there goes a day and you've not had time to find food, drink or shelter.

Dead again.

Assuming you actually get through this you then need to find another dying animal, survive until it dies then start again.

No, just removing oil will kill you.

We won't notice the absence.

Monday 8 April 2024


 I have convinced my brain about the end of daylight saving time.

The sparrow has managed to rearrange his fart.

I've persuaded my sleeping mechanism and my evening-get-yawny-at-10 body components of the new schedule.

All I have to do now is induce my bladder to change it's clock and the world will be a much better place.

Sunday 7 April 2024


 Why don't New Zealand retailers want my money?

I only wear jeans in the winter, preferring lighter cotton pants or shorts in the summer.

This week I put on my jeans for the colder weather.

Luckily I use braces to hold my pants up. The jeans, which were slightly on the large size last year are this year quite a bit too large. 

It seems losing 40Kg has some effect on waist size. The tape measure told me at least 6 inches smaller was necessary.

I wandered down to the men's trousers outlets I know of that normally stock fat bastard sizes. None had more than skinny dweeb sizes available and not one had various leg lengths available, even in dweeb sizes.

The fraudulent "We'll shorten them for a fee" industry obviously still goes strong.

Amazon Au are selling me two pair of Wranglers (my preferred brand), with my exact required leg length, for less that $NZ105. delivered (in 8 days according to them).

My now too big Wranglers came from Amazon US - at about the same price.

I would have paid up to $200. in a shop in Nth. Canterbury, now I don't need to.

So, I repeat my question: Why don't New Zealand retailers want my money?

Meanwhile anyone wanting to purchase a couple of pair of used but still good, real-man sized Wranglers (150cm)  give me a yell.

Hard Right

 There is a headline on the NewstalkZB site leading to an audio containing an interview with Pom slime member Gavin Grey.

Gavin Grey: Hate crime law in Scotland targeted by far right and support for Ukraine is diminishing

 The latter part is no surprise, unfortunately neither is the claim of the first part.

Most intelligent people (and quite a few of us thick ones) understand that to most of the slime anyone right of hardline communism is now "far right".

I haven't (and won't) listen to the interview (partially because I have serious hearing difficulties at the moment and hearing aids are still more than a week away). I have no interest in listening to slime lies but this gives me the chance to highlight just how far the "media" have fallen.

Opposition to anything the media (as the pathetic little group of woke wankers they are) consider correct is immediately met with scorn and derision.

"The hard right", pretty much a non-starter in a World where bad and disgusting acts are dominated by the never mentioned "hard left", is used so often it now means 'people we disagree with but can't pin anything awful on".

 For the record, I consider myself a right-wing liberal therefore "Hard Right".

I'm happy with my position - unlike those of the slime who's position is lying on their backs, legs in the air, waiting for their belly to be stroked by their racist islamic and communist masters.


Saturday 6 April 2024

Time for Real People to Take Action

 I was just reading yet more comment about the utter bullshit regulations around ecology and racism (they're for it) that handicaps the country.

Most recent comments stem from the Lyttleton disgrace that saw SailGP stopped because one Hectors dolphin was sighted.

This was but one example, and there are scores of stories all through NZ, about bureaucrats preventing action for pathetic reasons - the Army being refused permission to help Hawkes Bay post cyclone being the worst example I've seen.

The Coalition leaders have all made statements along the lines that they will do something about it - BUT should we be waiting like pathetic little serfs for them to act?

The racists make their fortunes knowing that pollies acting is a very slow process and in the meantime they can steal anything they desire with impunity.

Surely it's time for the real humans to act, against the racists, against the bureaucrats, against the "activists" (invariably communist scum), against everyone who says "nay" to progress, to having fun, to life.

It's time real people rose up and took back New Zealand!

Beyond politics, beyond the reaches of PC and woke.

Time for hangings, time for floggings, time for real people to say "Fuck You!" to the bastards, "Fuck off or we'll genuinely fuck you - the way a shotgun cartridge fucks ducks".

For the pathetic few you can do this metaphorically, for the majority, bring on the Public Executioner.

Friday 5 April 2024

Pollies. Worth?

 There is a thing that writes columns for NewstalkZB under the name "Jason Walls".

I don't know what this thing is. I thought maybe AI but, based on the headlines, that would be just the "A".

I can only assume it's satire but it doesn't appeal so I don't read it.

The headline this week suggests national pollies deserve more pay. I suspect a national pollie had the keyboard this week.

If pollies, whether at local or national level, were paid what they're worth it would cost most of them large amounts to keep their positions.

A few, probably a dozen or so of the current lot, would be above the break-even point. The rest are parasites.

In my younger years a regularly heard suggestion was to sack the lot of them and put a married couple in to run the place.

I believe that still holds true today.

Climate Changs

 I understand some school pupils had a day off school to protest nature - and why not?

When I was at school, millennia ago, I (we)'d take any day off we could get. I wish I'd thought of protesting the natural world - I could have turned my regular Friday afternoon freedoms into the whole day.

Given the standard of "teaching" has gone backwards rather dramatically one extra day away from marxist indoctrination won't harm the kids.

What does worry me though is this whole anti-atmospheric carbon thing.

Scientists, real scientists not the climate change fraudsters, have shown that the planet is actually low in atmospheric carbon and the World would be far better were CO2 levels doubled.

Many now arid areas would green up, food would become plentiful and the animal life would thrive - humans being, of course, animals and part of the planet.

The climate alarm is, in reality, bullshit.; the landing place for communists after communism was proved to be a complete failure. Socialism is simply the completely gutless bastard child of communism.

Unfortunately, and March and April this year warn of this, the anti-CO2 halfwits risk bringing about another Little Ice Age.

Then the planet will be in trouble. 

We'll have to start sacrificing climate alarmists and "striking" schoolchildren to keep warm.

Thursday 4 April 2024

Why pigs should never be given control of a shithouse brush!

 A man had an accident, a road accident, in which two of his daughters died, his third was injured badly, his wife and himself also injured seriously.

There is no hint of any foul play, of any intent, it was an accident.

There the matter should have ended.

The man and his surviving family had already been punished.

Instead some typically disgusting pig piece of shit decided the man must be prosecuted - and he has been.

There is not the slightest chance that prosecution will have any effect on drivers anywhere, will make roads safer, will, in fact do any use what-so-ever except add a little trophy to the piece-of-shit's (and those assisting the disgusting c%#t) wall.

All the prosecution has done is use taxpayer money and time to torture an already punished family.

The pig p-o-s who made the decision to prosecute, his(her) p-o-s prosecutor and all involved between the two should be taken outside, beaten until they are half conscious and left, naked, cold and alone, to die, slowly and horribly.

Only then would this prosecution have some meaning - the world would be a far better place without them! 

The Dole


I read  this with a bit of a smile on my face.

The Newshub slime are attempting to do a "How hard are we done by" theme.

"But in terms of impact as well, you know, obviously I'm not paying tax to anyone and then we've just pulled back all of the expenses."

That includes things like using the local lawnmowing and hairdressing services - as opposed to the fashionable, expensive outfits?

A now one income, one child (based on the slime-quoted comment) family genuinely hard done by. Get off the grass!

But back to my point: The story is about ex-civil servants not being able to find a job.

I suggest this means they, in fact, have no marketable skills. To be blunt they are useless to the workplace.

It states, beyond suggestion, that the "civil service" that used to employ them was not hiring workers but hiding the unemployed, the unemployable.

Their grossly inflated pay packets were not remuneration at all, they were dole payments dishonestly disguised as salaries.

The current Government is (very slowly) starting to recognise this. I hope they keep doing so, placing at least 40% of the current taxpayer funded lot on the proper, considerably cheaper, dole queue where they belong.

In time these unemployable layabouts may realise that to achieve anything they will actually need to get a proper job, to work for their living.

THAT will be education in it's finest moment!