Friday 24 June 2022


 Yesterday was a NZ public holiday marking something described as the "Maori New Year".

Given the facts that Maori were, until the arrival of humans starting with Cook, a number of hunter/gatherer tribal groups the majority of whom had no agriculture, no wheel, no written form of communication and in many parts of the country no common language two queries arise:

How did the develop a calendar?

Why did they develop a calendar year?

To expand on the second, pre-European contact the maori had only sea animals and fish, small birds, small dogs, rats, berries, naturally occuring weeds and other maori to eat.

None of these are particularly seasonal except for the odd fish.

They also, by the time Europeans arrived, had no transport other than small coastal boats (The larger raids noted in history involving transport - Banks Peninsula, Chathams etc. - required European-built ships) 

Why would Maori have any need for a "New Year"?

Wednesday 15 June 2022


Now they're coming for your booze.

An overtly racist slime member has just made a documentary against booze.

Every msm/slime outfit I've seen have decided to get on the bandwaggon, my guess is because booze is good and makes people relaxed and happy.

Relaxed and happy people don't vote for dictatorships or communists.

So the next thing the anti-freedom crowd want to use to control you is your booze.

Be Afraid, be very afraid!

Monday 13 June 2022

4 Day Work Week

 There is a movement afoot, originating in the UK, to move businesses to a 4 day working week

Over the years, when employed, I worked all sorts of "different" work schedules including 4 x 10hr shifts, 4 on 4 off schedules plus six day weeks and one where you were assigned 7x12 hours and used a pool of irregulars to organise time off when you wanted it.

All had their good and bad points but I found when running my own business (approx 20 years over two businesses) I stuck to 6 day weeks unless I had something to do.

The one thing I did find was that, whether having 3 or 4 days off, life became far more expensive.

Any benefit of the extra time off was quickly overcome by this larger expense to the point that when forced to have 4 days off each 8 days I took to assisting with a logging crew (swinging a chainsaw up trees) and running a friend's farm while he led a goat-shearing gang.

These jobs were taken not just for the money (or in the case of the farm, free meat) but also to prevent me from getting bored and spending money - there is only so much maintenance needed around the average house and section before you start projects you neither want nor need.

Overall having an extra day off was a negative rather than a positive experience.

Friday 3 June 2022

Perfect Timing?

 At a time where food supplies are dwindling world wide New Zealand's communists are demanding the country reduces food production, particularly the foods we export for profit.

No doubt our foolish gummint will happily accept their recommendations.

God Defend New Zealand!

The current clowns in power certainly wont.

Thursday 2 June 2022

Alarm in Jafaville

 There was a very alarming incident in Jafaville last night.

From the NewstalkZB report.

Nixon-Mead said they had been watching the situation unfold until they noticed a silver car drive up to a police blockade on Swan Crescent, near their home.

 He said police then got behind their cars and were shining their torches at the vehicle while yelling at the occupants to take the keys out of the ignition. 

I can understand the Police's concern; dealing with anyone tasteless enough to drive a silver car (other than a Mark 10 Jag) is sure to be terrifying.

Using several cars to do so though does seem to be overkill, Has recent criticism of Coster started to hit home?

Are NZ Police starting to do their job properly or was this just for the cameras?