Tuesday 29 March 2022

A Bit Surprising, or is it?

 95% vaccinated and the headline on NewstalkZB is


Grim tally: NZ surpasses US Covid mortality rate for the first time


Could it be that someone is not telling us everything?

Have ALL bank accounts been investigated?



Monday 28 March 2022

A Prediction

 Within one month of the upcoming Local Body elections and just after the Tauranga bloodbath there will be urgent legislation introduced into Parliament to allow children (probably from 16 up) to vote in the next General Election.

NZ, China relations

 There has been a great deal said about China here in New Zealand lately, particularly after China's move to increase it's involvement with The Solomon Islands.

Much of that comment has been brainless.

China simply is too big to be effected by anything New Zealand can do financially or militarily.

The gutless behaviour of the West in the Ukrainian war demonstrates that a small country with no real use like New Zealand will also get no genuine assistance should China (or USA, Russia, Indonesia, Philipines or India) etc. decide they can do a better job growing grass than the current peoples of New Zealand do.

Rather than a call to arms New Zealand should treat China as a trading partner only, mind our own business as far as politics go and keep our heads down internationally. Only then can New Zealand, once rid of the current abortion, hope to become a successful country.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Next Stop Basement

 Ten (10) photos of the corrupt liar on the Newshub main page tonight.

Are the internal polls worse than the publicised ones?

Tuesday 22 March 2022

More Disgrace From On High

 Her contemptible lowness has announced that she will allow New Zealanders to attempt to rebuild their lives from April 4, 2022.

That's 11 days away by my reckoning.

More than two weeks after the corrupt, dishonest clowns opened up the border without MIQ for unvaccinated NZers coming home.

Tell me again how the whole mandate/vacc-pass carry-on has been other than another little power trip by communist scum intent solely on telling the populace what to do; on destroying society in an attempt to promote their disgusting ideology.

This government should not just be voted out of office, they should be arrested, tried, convicted, whipped through the streets and then hung.

Monday 21 March 2022

Time for a Rethink

 Many moons ago, in fact many, many moons ago a rich gentleman called Bobby Riggs took on two women at tennis.

Both women were champions.

He beat one, lost to the other - Bill-Jean King.

Mr Riggs at the time was an older amateur. Against a male professional champion he wouldn't have stood a chance of even competing.

The reason given for the matches was that they would demonstrate the differences between women's sport and the male equivalent at a time where women were starting to demand equal remuneration for, arguably, considerably less performance.

The slime of the time played these games up as something different, pretending that King's win demonstrated an equality that has never existed.

Move forward to another age and once again we have a similar occurrence with an average college swimmer, rated in the 500s in men's swimming, putting on a sheila's swimsuit, changing his name and competing in sheila's events.

The newly named Lia Thomas continues to swim mediocre times for men but is beating the women's records by very large margins - one "record" he recently set beat the existing record by 38 seconds - in a sport that usually measures differences in hundredths of a second.

There has been a lot of comment about this fellow and how it is unfair on women that he compete but I wonder if that complaint itself is actually fair.

Mr Thomas, although unintentionally, appears to me to be demonstrating exactly why women's sport so often is irrelevant; that running faster, jumping higher, throwing further, swimming better for a woman, is no better than being the best in under 8 athletics and should be rewarded as such.

Sports administrators, particularly those of sports relying on large attendances and television viewers to gain sponsorship, should note this and start telling lower-level athletes the truth - i.e. unless you attract the same level of income by (in most cases)  producing the same quality of performance you will have to accept lower remuneration.

Only then can sport, ALL sport, return to the top as the greatest form of achievement an individual can attain.

Monday 14 March 2022

Seriously Slipping

 The current Government is genuinely in trouble with it's slipping poll ratings.

It's becoming so unpopular that there are only seven photos of the PM on Newshub's site front page.

Thursday 10 March 2022


 Major headlines today stating the anti-covid "vaccination" is safe for pregnant women.

Based on the numbers of infections being published it's pretty safe for the virus as well.


 Based on headlines from media sites around the world it is now acceptable to celebrate people being killed while doing their job - as long as they're Russian.

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Ukraine Refugees

 There are stories all over the media about refugees from Ukraine fleeing westwards.

Most of those stories are positive with Europeans from every country offering them respite and care.

Well done those people.

What is notable is the refugees are almost completely women and children.

Men of fighting age have recently been forbidden to leave the country but even before that prohibition it was mainly women and children leaving, the men wanting to stay and fight.

How different is that compared with the refugees in recent years from northern Africa, which had a very large percentage of young men among them?

Monday 7 March 2022

Poor Wee Helen

 No Ones Listening?

 Helen Clarke, you are correct.

No ones listening to your Ukrainian whinging bullshit but here in New Zealand, as far as your pig-ignorant, racist, communist cunt mates go, no ones listening to New Zealanders re your scum co-Stalinist cohorts efforts to fuck out country.

Clarke, you did your damage.

Now fuck off!