Thursday 27 February 2020

F@#king Bullsh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NZ Police fined $7000 plus other penalties.

What a load of pure and utter bullshit!

NZ Police don't have any money, they use taxpayer money.

Fining them simply transfers taxpayer money from one place to another, at a cost - also to the NZ taxpayer.

Fining ANY Government department does this totally pointless, except to the civil servant paid to transfer the money, exercise.

Take any errant civil servant out and hang them, flog them, march them through the street naked. Fire them!

I don't care which but the waste of my money fining them must stop!

I realise that the steps I recommend will also cost money but if they're done in public and televised the entertainment and general lift in morale provided by the spectacle will be well worth the expense.

Simply transferring money for feel-good reasons is not.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Hunger Strike

There is apparently a prisoner in Rimutaka gaol on a hunger strike because he wants more apartheid introduced into New Zealand.

I hope prison management are monitoring his weight - his increasing obesity could cause medical problems.


Just what sort of dweebs are NZ schools producing.

Two half-wit louts yelled at a bunch of schoolchildren.

They were out of date and apparently yelled "coranavirus".

"Coronavirus" for christs sake, not a threat, not a put down, not a racist chant but the name of a virus causing concern among all races and peoples.

There are half-wit dickheads everywhere.

Did the adults near the children explain to those children about the prevalence of dickheads and that words only do harm if one allows them to?

Did they suggest to the children they should simply ignore the dick-heads and all those like them?

Did they fuck!

They made an issue out of it, made sure that the children will now fear words.

They created several mini-snowflakes.

The "educators" among those adults are not fit for purpose, the other adults who allowed the abuse by those educators to exacerbate the situation need to seriously rethink their actions.

Next time, maybe, instead of reacting like a wanker, those adults will simply councel the children exactly as we were at a young age; Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me.

Monday 17 February 2020

Free country?

I draw attention to this article on

I should state now I am not a landlord - and I'm glad of that.

Why would anyone be a (residential) landlord when your investment is completely controlled by the government.

You cannot rent to whomever you choose (without justifying your decision if someone non-white is rejected).

You cannot visit your property or control your property without meeting conditions agreed to by your tenants, even if those tenants have not met their obligations.

You cannot rent without first bringing the property up to standards far greater than many, if not most, normal people happily and healthily live in.

You cannot eject your tenants who are causing damage when you first notice that dam,age without involving seriously biased civil servants and now, to justify the civil servants payroll (I can see no other reason for the proposed changes to legislation) you must ask those civil servants' permission before you take back possession of your property.

According to the something-for-nothing crowd (including the CoL) New Zealand has a shortage of residential properties and yet they put more and more impediments into residential rental ownership.

If the State was filling the gap (without use of very expensive motels) there may be justification for this.

It's not and there isn't!

Friday 14 February 2020

Double Homicide

A fellow up in the Bay of Plenty killed two gang members.

Why is he in gaol?

Thursday 13 February 2020

Hate Crime?

NZ Police have announced they are going to police "hate crime" (i.e. thought crime) differently.

They are now going top monitor "incidents" of thought crime, I assume with a view to correcting those errant thoughts.

I notice that while racism is listed as a "hate" crime there is no mention of doing anything about the constant stream of racist crap flowing from the mouths of many left wing politicians  (including parliamentarians) and North Island brown people.

Friday 7 February 2020


I note the news that Pravda for the brain-dead are going to merge with Pravda the red noise.

The Spinoff reckons NZ journalists better watch out.

Are there NZ journalists?

Barring the very odd report everything I see is from commentators.