Friday 28 June 2019

Many, many years ago.

Many, many years ago I was one of about three million who lived in a typical New Zealand house.

The house was a bungalow-type, single glazed and insulated by an air layer between the bricks and the interior wall linings and between the ceiling and the building paper lining the roof tiles.

The house was heated by the sweat of occupants' brows; coal was delivered by the truckload and had to be brought inside, wood was chopped usually twice, once when first brought to the house for stacking and again to usable size pieces prior to being brought inside.

Like most my age my winter trousers were usually (but not always) purchased and repaired in the home when required and throughout the winter, inside (most of the time) and outside (all the time) we wore hand knitted jerseys.

My only coat until I started work was an old hand-me-down gabardine one that started off as my father's and worked it's way down.

We slept under old blankets in unheated beds, in unheated rooms, getting up early each morning to help prepare breakfast usually of oat or wheatbix with warmed milk.

More often than not cold was worked off, even as a child, by restocking firewood, coal etc. before leaving for school or work.

During the day the home was aired and dried by opening the single-glazed windows.

At the end of the day the cold made you appreciate the hot, home-made soup that made up a significant proportion of the evening meal.

I'm buggered if I know how I (we) survived!

Now global warming has hit.

No longer is it safe to live in single-glazed, uninsulated homes.

Warming is done, not by that global warming but by whinging until someone else fixes it for you.

We need to stop the far right perpetrated slaughter now!

The headline:

Police check firearm licence applicants for signs of 'extreme right' after March 15 terror attack

The link:

 The story states that the police are checking gun license applicants for tattoos and Celtic, Nordic and Nazi symbolism, assumably prior to granting the licenses.

Fair enough too: Shootings in New Zealand by New Zealand far right activists for political purposes are at an all time high reaching exactly zero in living memory.

Police attribute tattoos and Celtic, Nordic and Nazi symbolism to far right ideology although why far right ideology is dangerous they don't explain.

What I do note is that the largest displayer of tattoos, Celtic, Nordic and Nazi symbolism, added to Nazi-like chants is not political at all but a largely brown gang of criminals.

The police are happy for these apolitical brown fellows to keep their guns.

Are the NZ Police and the government that is instructing them just a touch racist?

Friday 21 June 2019

Elder abuse

Elder Abuse: It's happening Now.

  • Psychological abuse includes threats, humiliation or harassment. This creates distress, shame, or stress, which often leads to a sense of powerlessness in the older person. It is often a factor in other forms of abuse.
  • Financial abuse ranges from illegal use of your money (or assets) to coercion (such as being pressured to change a will or sign documents).
  • Physical abuse includes any personal harm or injury.
  • Sexual abuse includes any non-consensual sexual activity.
Psychological abuse: Threats and harassment are common from young(ish) female members of the current government who's mantra of "Old, White, Stale and Male" is often repeated.

Financial abuse: The ever increasing taxes on necessities of life such as fuel combined with the theft of money through over-taxation and the refusal to return that tax money can only be described as financial abuse.

Physical abuse: The physical attacking of gun owners who's only "crime" is to purchase guns the CoL doesn't like and locking citizens up for thought crime.

Physical abuse at it's worst.

Sexual abuse: The constant raping of elder New Zealanders via increased taxation.

One can only conclude that the worst elder-abuse offenders in New Zealand are the clowns currently constituting the Government of New Zealand.

Wednesday 19 June 2019


I'm a liberal.

The right wing version.

Let me state now that I do not accept that I need to look after my fellow man, just ensure he has the same opportunities as I do.

Nor, if I fail to take advantage of those opportunities do I want some bastard interfering with my life to correct that failure.

As a liberal I believe in government only to do those things that individuals can't do.

Things like policing scum, defending my culture, stopping thieves such as communists, socialists from stealing my earnings, making roads and assisting private enterprise to do everything else by clearing all red tape.

I believe ALL trade should be unregulated and ALL taxes should be justified and any law be only to protect the individual from others who wish him harm.

I accept that some people will, temporarily, need help. That help must be specifically targeted to return the people to where they can look after themselves. No cash help should be given.

Yesterday on a broken blogsite

Yesterday, on a broken blogsite, yet another attack on liberals was posted.

This time using the old two cows comparison.

It states that the conservative sells one cow, buys a bull and starts a herd.

Obviously bullshit because the conservative, by definition, hates change so would do no such thing however, that is not the point of this post.

The liberal would, of course, do far better because, far from being pro-government and weak towards those far lazier than himself, he, by definition, is both a thinker and a doer.

The liberal would put his cows out to pasture and take the job managing the cow and bull of the conservative, who, of course, could not do so himself being, as he is, still stuck up his bloody tree in Africa.

The liberal would save enough to inseminate his cows and, while still earning his living from the ineptitude of the conservative, slowly build his herd by selling excess cows milk fattening bobby calves and raising and inseminating the female progeny - the artificial insemination getting around the problem the conservative would have due to the inbreeding within his herd.

The liberal would then sail on through his totally ungoverned life completely ignoring the socialist and the communist resigned to begging at the side of the road and just tipping his rather rich hat, condescendingly, to the conservatives still, incidentally, up their bloody trees in Africa.

Sunday 2 June 2019


Queen's Birthday Monday: Considering lefties don't believe in holding one person up above another there are certainly a whole heap of communist slags with new Royal inspired titles this morning.