Monday 30 September 2019

A genuine hero!

A new Pom hero arises.

Watch a man serve mankind in the best possible way:

I suggest every parent should show their children this video and explain to them that this is the only way to deal with demonstrators who attempt to use violent bullying and standover tactics to get their way.

Uber or a Cab

I refer you to

I admit having little sympathy for the thieves driving Uber vehicles (having been a cabbie) but suggest you look at what is now the NZ taxi industry.

Most companies I know (including the company I was a shareholder of) have been taken over by grossly dishonest immigrants from countries bordering the Gulf of Arabia (a body of water running from Somalia in Africa to India).

Passengers are now viewed as mugs, to be relieved of as much money as possible, service (unless viewed as lucrative) is a dirty word and drivers born in NZ are driven out, no longer needed nor appreciated because they tend to favour honesty.

The scum driving Uber (and now Ola) were happy to thieve from traditional cabbies, happy to rip off the system only now to discover driving a car costs money - a damned sight more money than a percentage of Uber's fares provide.

Driving a traditional cab used to mean working long hours for not bad money.

It also meant being a good people-person, being deaf (and sometimes blind), having the patience of Job and cleaning the vehicle after every job.

When Uber achieves it's ultimate aim and operates only driverless vehicles who's going to listen to your troubles, who's going to get the car laughing for that long drive home and, most important, who's going to clean up after the last dirty bastards so you can get home in that new dress (or suit) you paid $1,000 for without ruining it?

One thing I can guarantee: They will be listening to every word you say - with video!

Saturday 28 September 2019

The joys (or otherwise) of watching TV sport.

I watched part of a Caribbean half-cricket match (20/20) last night.

Even 20/20 is better than watching rugby with it's totally incompetent officiating and terrible commentators.

I stopped watching because Danny (Fizz-boy) Morrison was behind the microphone meaning mute was compulsory at such a time.

Prior to hitting that mute button I remembered just how very, very bad NZ commentators are, how they must continue yakking non-stop instead of recognising that people watching television can see what is happening.

Morrison, Doull  and Lose are the worst I've heard since Quinn hung up his noise-assister.

Most other NZ television sport commentators are also terrible.

Most of the time during play a commentary is unnecessary noise, what is needed is occasional interpretation of the play, the identification of particular players and fill-in information (may be history, player profile, competition or performance details etc.

The Seppos get it right, the Poms and english-language Indians are also good most of the time (cricket only) making baseball, american football and Pom/Indian cricket a pleasure to watch.

Most of the NZ fellows know their game, the three above were all international players, but they never learn when to talk and when to shut up.

Friday 27 September 2019

Thought of several days

You read the stories of a young student dying in ChCh University Hall of Residence and you wonder how he was not found for two months.

Obviously no friends, no associates. Maybe that's why he died.

You also read the comments of students about that young man's age, about how there is no adult there to check on people, to ensure their safety.

While reading these comments one thought continuously goes through my mind: "..and people want to give these pathetic bastards the vote?".

Why is this news?, breathlessly I'm guessing, announce that some stores are starting to promote the Xmas period.

At the end of September.


Why do commercial decisions and timing of annual promotions have anything to do with news or anyone else except those businesses and their customers?

Was a store to start putting Xmas items up in it's store on 27 December this may be news in the "today's funnies" column but other that is, in fact, of no interest at all.

Nor is the "fact" (this is a slime report so by definition remains suspect) that some stores are starting their Xmas promotions now.

I can only assume that are now so incompetent that the problems within the Labour Party re sexual assault, the problems farmers face providing our nation with export earnings and the problems NZ people face with an unlead, disgracefully performing government removing freedom of thought and expression from ALL New Zealanders are not important enough (in the Slime's view), to fill news content.

I disagree!

Life is Terminal

I have been reading the slime reports of something I admit I've not seen (despite working in the city today). Apparently there was a "Climate Strike".

No not the climate striking, in any sense of the word "striking", but apparently a whole group of people tried to save the world by (I'm not making this up) not doing anything.

Of course some are incompetent at not doing anything so made up signs, polluted the inner city, talked to like-minded slime etc - proving they are actually pretty good at not doing anything (useful).

One caught my eye. From RNZ:

"Another organiser Luke Wijohnand said: "There's such a difference between what we see happening in our political area and what is coming out from these scientists. It's like they don't even read the stuff, it's like they can't even understand or they don't panic when they hear that billions of people are going to die."

ALL people die. Life is terminal.

Is Luke suggesting by causing the death of billions (which is what the implementation of Luke's mates ideas would cause - by starvation etc.) some will become immortal?

Tuesday 24 September 2019


There is a headline on the Spinoff:

 Behind the scenes of Funny As: New Zealand comedians on how they do it

 I haven't read the column, nor shall I.

I don't care how these NZ "comedians" do "it", nor, particularly, what "it" is.

It is the "Funny As" I question. Funny as what?

There is a photo/montage accompanying the headline, I assume of these NZ "comedians". I could name three, have seen and heard a few more, mainly on television advertisements.

From those occasions I suspect the answer is "as a 'plane crash".

Monday 23 September 2019

A Sad Continuation of Fraud.

The Swedish teenage fraudster continues to be given air-time by the left wing slime.

That her and her promoters are both wrong and dishonest is not in doubt and near the end of this rather good column

the reason is uncovered. i.e, Green is the new Red.

The current Green movement mirrors exactly the communist movement of the 60s and 70s where schoolgirls (and yes they were almost always schoolgirls, the wimpish schoolboys supporting them almost always did so for reasons not in the least political) ran around waving Mao's "Little Red Book" while condemning the West for it's attempts to stem the advance of totalitarian communism and it's gutless mate "socialism".

Saturday 21 September 2019


Do these people actually exist?

Sir Robert Jones probably says it better:

I'm an old fart.

At school I was taught rugby, whether I liked it or not.

I liked it, it didn't like me.

I played other games as well - almost as badly.

I still loved the game and followed it (while playing other games) most of my life.

For years I could name every All Black and every local player who should have been an All Black - and told you why.

That changed when the NZRU bought a player, who had no real idea of the game, with the promise of a guaranteed selection in the top team, i.e. the All Blacks.

I realised NZ rugby had become a business.

As an aside I observed this player leaving an Hotel offering electronic amusement when he was, according to publicity-type promotion, supposedly with the local team he was contracted to, learning the game he was being paid to play.

I divert.

My question stands: Do these people actually exist?

Do people who feel pain when the local team is not first in a tournament ( but may be the best team in the world) actually exist in the modern world?

Is Mel Brooks question in Blazing Saddles particularly prescient here?

"or are they just jerking off?"

Tuesday 17 September 2019


Organised crime scum killed.

The Slime lionize the mob POS because he died by the violence his lifestyle promoted.

Hard to believe?

That is what's happening as I type.

The slime have decided that a member of the Mongrel Mob, the illegal gang that terrorise people while dealing in illegal, murderous drugs and accompanying violence that is an anathema to law abiding, honest citizens, should be mourned.


Perhaps (I admit I guess) because this scum is of the special people.

The "special" people who strive to make New Zealand an apartheid country.

Apartheid, of course, is an Afrikaans word meaning "separate development" that stands in the modern world to mean the ultimate in deliberate racism.

NZ is a country peopled mostly by whites, about 67% was the last estimate I read.

Those whites started arriving (whalers first after the explorers found the place) 4-500 years after the first invaders, brown polynesians.

Those polynesians (no, they don't deserve a capital), after initial contact and disagreement, decided the only way forward was to beg the white invaders for protection.

The white Queen, half a world away and (correctly) not overly trusting her Frog neighbours, agreed.

In the late 1980s some idiot politicians (led by a short term Prime Minister) saw votes in pretending the special people were hard done by and should have access to the taxpayer's money.

To enable this the politicians started, dishonestly, attempting to purvey a sense of guilt to non-thinking whites (mainly sheilas of both sexes).

Another idiot politician, unfortunately also a PM, assisted by a very successful conman, followed, pushing the same line.

Many NZers of the female disability (not all thank the gods, the great Jenny temporarily intervened, if only for a short time) fell for the bullshit.

The browns, every one by then only partially brown, were acclaimed as the special people.

This continues to this day.

As an aside I also talk of a country that elected, and continues to allow, a complete moron, bone-idle lazy, too stupid to survive without direction and grossly dishonest in every thought and deed as Prime Minister.

Not a bright country!

I digress.

The "special people are now, based on the quoted above slime line, to be so far above taxpaying NZers that they must be mourned, no matter the disgusting things of their illegal, immoral activities.

Personally, given the chance, I shall urinate on the bastards grave!

Monday 16 September 2019

To Vax or not to Vax? That is the Question.

The vaccination/anti-vaccination argument continues.

I admit I don't completely understand it.

When I was young (and dinosaurs ruled the Earth) there were no vaccines available for many of these diseases.

Children went to school, measles, mumps and chicken pox ravaged the schools, all children caught them (often one after the other), the children then became immunised and the only ones we felt concerned about were those few who didn't because the diseases were known to hit adults harder.

For children in those days the diseases were often more good than bad: A couple of days not feeling well and being spoilt followed by a week of Dr Paul and Portia Faces Life until it was unfortunately deemed you were risk free and sent back to school.

Of course now days Portia Faces Life and Dr Paul would be replaced by the Cartoon Network and the Disney Channel.

Todays children miss out on so much!

Maybe the anti-vax crowd have a point.

Maybe if every child is allowed to get the disease and develop natural immunity the effect of measles etc. will actually be minimised and children, health wise at least, will become hardier.

Language: The use of

I love reading, particularly reading good columnists and blog writers.

One site I find very good is Spiked.

I can always find something entertaining and thoughtful to read and is such.

I must admit that prior to a couple of days ago when I read about this pro-noun nonsense declaration I'd never heard of Sam Smith.

I still have never, to my knowledge, heard the noise he makes. Nor do I want to.

Brendan O'Neill makes a great argument why this declaration by Smith is so wrong, as is the slime by acceding to the demand.

The only point he doesn't make, and I make now, is that language (any language) is a device for communication.

The use of that language is diminished if, as with Humpty Dumpty, language can be anything the speaker wishes it to be.

Language has set meanings and while those meanings may change with the times (not always for the good - try having a gay old time nowdays) those meanings, in Sam Smith's case pro-nouns, need to be adhered to.

Of course, in Sam Smith's case I'll make an exception - I don't give a hoot whether I understand what he says or not!

Wednesday 11 September 2019


The Gummint has announced that NZ History is to be a compulsary subject in all NZ schools.

Which NZ history?

The actual history or the one being made up every day by various lefties and maoris?

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Genuinely incompetent, disgustingly dishonest.

The deflection by the slime attempting to hide the incompetence and dishonesty of the PM over the Labour staffer sex assault scandal appears to be unraveling.

For the first time the slime are reporting just how bad Labour "leadership" has been in handling the now uncontested (by almost everyone involved) allegations of physical and sexual assault by the staffer.

Only now is the slime, with the exception of Hosking who raised the subject when it first came to light, starting to report just how totally dishonest and incompetent the party "leader" is.


Of course the big problem is this thing is running our country, making decisions that we, the tax payer, will be paying for from many, many years to come.

If that doesn't keep you awake at night, those pills are really good!


Views from the left and the right:

and the Adern-loving centre? Kiwiblog won't load but even Farrar is questioning the honesty of his heroine.

Sunday 8 September 2019

Ashes stay south

For a third Sunday this year the England cricket team needed a poor umpiring decision to save themselves from defeat in an important game.

For the first time they didn't get it.

Oh dear! How Sad!

Never mind.

Tuesday 3 September 2019


Stalin would be pleased, Trotsky more so.

Yet another brick removed from the wall separating Judiciary and State.


I refer you to


It gets worse, according to David Cumin of the Coalition.
Believe it or not, the [misnamed] HRC argues that freedom to form an opinion is only applicable in private – that freedom of thought does not extend to being allowed to adopt thoughts or beliefs at a public event ...
That an organisation calling itself by the name of "human rights' would argue this (if reported correctly) is appalling. It is good that the trial has helped reveal the true nature of this organisation.
Many have long known the HRC is badly faulted, imperfectly balancing political, sexual and racial bias.

By making this claim the HRC confirms this analysis.