Sunday 26 December 2021


Not mentioned in any New Zealand media I've seen.

I wonder why?

Myocarditis is taking out young, fit men all over the western world depite being a very rare condition until Covid vaccines were forced on the general public.

Obviously just a complete coincidence.




Saturday 25 December 2021

A Cold For All Seasons

 Boxing Day, the slime are promoting the new name to blame for communism now ruling the World.

Headlines everywhere about "Omnicrom" ruining Xmas.

Not one of them even attempting honesty.

Omnicrom is a mild cold and yet lefty controlled, cowardly countries are shutting down over it, preventing all except the communists from doing their thing.

Omnicrom IS NOT RUINING XMAS, gutless bastards too scared to think are, gutless bastards too shit-scared to actually stand up and say "No, that's bullshit" when the communists and their slime mates start depriving them of their liberty in the name of "health and safety" are doing the ruining.

Numbers from around the world demonstrate clearly that the recent Covid is about 1/3 as deadly as influenza, equally as infectious and has, in fact, replaced influenza in many countries.

"Vaccines" against this non-event virus are ineffective, non-vaccines used in most of the world (Pfizer etc.) have the sole effect of producing large profits for their manufacturers.

All Western-type countries have signed agreements that mean when the side-affects from the untested drugs become evident those manufacturers will be able to keep their profits.

Meanwhile, grossly dishonest Governments all over the world and particularly here in New Zealand use the panic to advance their racist, communist, destructive agendas.

Wake up, grow a pair and drive the scum into the ocean!

Friday 24 December 2021

Tuesday 21 December 2021

Sexism Posing as Justice

 What a disgusting place New Zealand has become!

Two people, legally allowed to travel outside of Jafaville, flew from Hamilton to Wanaka for a holiday.

Some slimy disgrace notified the stasi.

Despite not having the virus and therefore doing far more good (by assisting the incomes of some Wanaka businesses) they were charged by the stasi and today had there day in court where Judge Bruce Davidson further disgraced New Zealand by convicting the male of the pair and dismissing the charge for the female - for exactly the same action.

Neither should have been charged but they were and should have been treated evenly.

If I wasn't so old I'd emigrate!

Saturday 18 December 2021

Second Test the Same as the First

 Already the second Ashes test is showing signs of sameness as the first, the Ockers well on top, the Poms showing a hint of fight before collapsing to defeat.

This time against a diminished Ocker bowling attack.

Unfortunately for world cricket this seems to be norm, test series after test series simply repeating the formula of what's gone before.

A minor bitch compared with the biggie of penalties for slow over-rates when they don't affect the result of the game.

The only real change is the difference in size of championship points deducted for slow over-rates even when those over-rates actually add to the pleasure many members of the public get from watching a genuine contest instead of one interrupted by a couple of part-timers rushing through overs in an attempt to get the players paid.

I'm enjoying watching Green bowling to Root, Stark bowling to Buttler, Robinson bowling to Smith and Wood (when selected) bowling to damned near anyone.

That's what test cricket is about; individual contests within a team game.

These contests won't continue to happen if the ICC don't start changing their bloody silly rules!

Definitions for the Avid News and Opinion Reader

 I found this on the Spiked-on-line page for 18 December, 2021. 

Unconscious bias: I can’t find any actual evidence.

Systemic inequality: I can’t find any actual evidence here, either.

Equity: Enforced equality with an iron fist.

Diverse: Not diverse.

Inclusive: Inclusive of different faces, not opinions.

That’s unhelpful: Shut up.

That’s problematic: No, really, shut up.

The wrong side of history: I think the calendar dictates morality.

I think you’ll find that…: I’m smug and condescending.

It really is that simple: I’m exceptionally smug and condescending.

Brave: Conceited.

Transwomen are women: Wouldn’t it be great if all this Monopoly money was real?

I’m empowered: I write about myself. And my tits.

Being woke just means being polite: Shut the fuck up, you fucking fuck.

Patrick West is a spiked columnist. His latest book, Get Over Yourself: Nietzsche For Our Times, is published by Societas.

Saturday 11 December 2021

The Ashes part 1, A Travesty!

 The first test of The Ashes for this summer.

The match lasted just three and a half days. I watched damned near all of it.

Except for a session on day three when both teams seemed bereft of ideas on how to advance the game it was good cricket. The Poms were at that stage batting time as much as anything, the Ockers a bowler down and with a totally ineffectual spinner.

The fourth morning changed that and the Poms collapsed for a second time.

All good stuff.

Unfortunately I read this morning that the Poms were docked all of their match fees for a slow over-rate on day two.

Why, for christ's sake?

I can understand if there was a deliberate go-slow but for most of the day the Poms were two bowlers short and, notably, it was the first game of white-clothing cricket the two teams had played this summer.

It was the best day's cricket of the match!

Add to that that, as a spectator, I didn't feel the least bit short-changed by that over-rate.

This type of utter bullshit will accomplish only one thing: The demise of test cricket.

Players will avoid the longer form of the game.

Stop it! ICC get some sense in your rules.

Sunday 5 December 2021

Death Penalty Part II

 I stated before I'm opposed to a State killing it's citizens.

I'm also opposed to war and, for that matter, abortion of any viable fetus without abnormality.

I do however make some slight exceptions: I would provide ropes hanging from the ceiling of all prison cells holding rapists, kiddie-fuckers and gang members convicted of assault, robbery or murder.

The other exception I would consider would be abortion for any left-wing policians, up until the age of 50.

After 50, life without parole or contact with the real world would suffice.

The Death Sentence

 I notice a resurgence of the debate over the death sentence in the USA.

I find this remarkable, not because of the debate so much as the alternative suggested, usually life without parole.

I'm opposed to The State killing it's citizens, I admit. Equally I'm opposed to a State killing citizens of another country, usually referred to as "war".

However, most States that have removed the death penalty happily retain imprisonment for life without the chance of parole.

Isn't this simply the death penalty with only the time of death altered?

Saturday 4 December 2021

Polls and the Slime

 There is a new political poll result out in New Zealand.

It has the centre/right (National and ACT) slightly ahead of the communist dictatorship New Zealand now suffers.

This is significant because up until now the gutless cowards forming the majority in New Zealand have joined the communist racists to give the left a lead.

Notably, however, not a single mainstream "news" organisation has commented on or highlighted this poll.

The bought-and-paid-for are earning their pieces of silver!

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Keep Out!

 I  notice John Hatfield, unelected Governor of Northland, has said he doesn't want white Jafas heading north.

Going to be an interesting second halk of December.

Monday 15 November 2021

Climate Alarmism May Not Be Biggest Scam Ever

 I notice Jordan Peterson is calling climate change alarmism the "greatest scam in the history of mankind" .

While it certainly is a scam, a fraud aimed at keeping a certain part of the elite in power and putting the masses back in their place, I'm not, yet anyway, sure it's the greatest ever.

Climate alarmism, in my view, still has a long way to go in the greatest scam stakes to surpass chicken wings.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Really? I doubt it!

I notice this headline on one of NZ's bought-and-paid-for propoganda sites:


Labour crunch: NZ unemployment hits lowest level on record 

I wonder what they were counting? Maybe it's the country's cows.

Certainly not the number of those who are not working, even if you exclude those on subsidised wages because their employers can't operate.

Disclaimer: MT_Tinman = casual tourist industry driver (or should that be EX tourist industry driver?).

Sunday 31 October 2021

Noise Pollution

 Driving around greater Christchurch (but not in the central city) yesterday was fraught with unusual challenges.

Dodging the piles of Covid victims left out for collection while also avoiding the typical (very, very bad) Christchurch drivers made things interesting indeed.

One thing that really annoyed me was the incessant, obviously electronic, bell sounds and calls.

I understand the need for modern equipment to replace the old and inefficient but surely the almost-pleasant hand-rung bell ringing out melodically and the human voice, with it's imperfections are far nicer for the audible environment, even when the calls emanating from the slowly driven flat-decks is the time-honored "Bring out your dead".

Monday 18 October 2021

For Life!

 Block roads with a large group of traffic-law ignoring scum; fantastic, go ahead.

Ride small(ish) motorbikes through suburban and city streets seriously concerning residents; No sweat mate.

Take over and block public roads; Hell, We'll help.

Hold or attend a small social gathering of fit young things, in reality immune from the virus, and we're going to lock you up!

Tuesday 12 October 2021


 The headline started: QUEEN ELIZABETH II USES CANE

I immediately thought "Finally Andy gets what's coming to him".

But no, apparently the old lady needed assistance to walk into Westminster Cathedral.


Andy, of course, is guilty of lying about his use of a young prostitute some years ago.

Sunday 3 October 2021

Don't Vote Then.

 On there is a subheading asking "How long can I vote for a Government I don't like?"

This question raises a point I have attempted to explain several times in the past: Does one have to vote to be part of democracy?

The answer, of course, is NO.

Deliberately withholding your vote if there is no one offering a set of policies (or trust) acceptable to you is as important as any other part of the democracy process.

The old "You didn't vote, don't criticise the government you got" is bullshit. 

I include in that the bone-idle lazy who find it too hard to get off their arse and to a polling booth - if they were forced (or induced in some other way) to vote they are unlikely to have put the energy into considering which team to back, which erases the point of electing representatives in the first place.

You'd probably end up with the Current New Zealand Labour Party or lying fraudster racists (or both) in power.

What a complete and utter shambles that would be!

Thursday 30 September 2021

Mad I Tell Ya, Mad!

 Headline on the AP website:


Woman who survived 1918 flu, world war succumbs to COVID

She was 105 for christs sake!

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Goodbye, Farewell.

The PM has decided to take a tax-payer funded holiday to Europe.

Personally I think this is a great idea.

I will, however, have serious problems with the stupid bastard who lets it back into New Zealand after the holiday!

No Sir Bob, I'm Not!

 I'm an avid reader of anything that Sir Bob Jones puts into print, have been since the Muldoon years.

Don't always agree with him but love the way he uses words to put his point across. I envy that talent.

Lately however he has been using the label "anti-vax nutter" to describe those who refuse, for whatever reason, to get vaccinated against Covid_19.

I'm not vaccinated and have no intention of becoming so.

My reasons are varied, from not trusting a relatively untested vaccine that drops in efficacy very quickly to the simple fact that despite politician-led panic the vast majority of people in the world are still alive, most having not been physically affected at all by the virus - although many are dying because of the over-the-top reaction to the virus.

At the time of the virus arriving in New Zealand I, like dozens of others, was involved with the passengers of the Ruby Princess during it's ill-fated last trip.

Like many others I was enclosed in a small, confined space with these travellers for a significant amount of time.

The number of South Island drivers/guides and their close contacts who tested positive for the virus, in theory at it's most infective phase, from that contact remains zero.

Maybe the quickly-hidden Spanish study that showed the virus' transmission was reduced by sunlight, UV light and Vitamin D was correct.

I digress.

I'm not vaccinated, nor am I intending to be. I understand that I may be wrong and the virus may kill me if I am.  Just slap me a couple of pain-killers and let me die painlessly.

For the record I am NOT against vaccination, I'm not even against people getting the vaccine for Covid_19.

I'm  just this vaccine, for me, at this time.

I plead guilty to the "nutter" charge but I object to the "Anti-Vax".

Wednesday 22 September 2021


 The NewstalkZB website is highlighting a story about a backlash expected for letting athletes into MIQ ahead of workers, returnees etc.

I suspect that backlash can be avoided by allowing athletes representing New Zealand free entry back into the country while using the lack of MIQ spaces to keep ALL members of the current New Zealand Government and their mates out.

Sunday 19 September 2021

Arise Jafas! Break Free!

 No, Jafas should not accept a slight reduction in house arrest conditions (known as "Level 3").

Recent reports have noted Treasury is now estimating the average NZ lifespan as two years less than before the bloody dangerous (to us) govt. response to Covid_19.

Reports have also noted the increase of 100 deaths per month above expectation since NZ came out of the first series of house arrest.

It has also been noted that just the added cost of paying back the borrowed cost of the govt. led (ha fucking ha - they lead nothing! Don't have that ability.) response will reduce average NZ lifespans by at least two years for decades to come.

ALL decision makers and advisors (including, of course, higher ranking pollies, Ashley and the red-headed bullshit artist - among others) should instead be facing murder/manslaughter charges.

The incoming government ( while those bastards languish in gaol ) should introduce public flogging for the crimes the bastards are guilty of.

Meanwhile Jafas, rise up, tell the murderous scum "FUCK!", show a bit more intestinal fortitude than our gutless cricketers and resume your lives as they should be led.

Thursday 16 September 2021


 Three people died unexpectedly in Timaru last night.

Two people died unexpectedly in Christchurch the night before.

Both town and city continue on, relatively unexpected.

A 90+ year old died in Jafaville more than a month ago, not unexpectedly.

The whole fucking country was shut down for weeks, Jafaville still is.

NZ needs a bit of perspective here!

Sunday 5 September 2021

Law Change?

 The Government, following the attack by yet another non-citizen in Jafaville, has announced it will change the law.

I wonder what rights of ordinary citizens they will attempt take away this time?

The only law that needs changing is the one that prevents the removal of non-citizen scum from our shores.

Nothing should prevent non-citizens deemed to be a threat to New Zealanders being shoved onto an aeroplane and dropped off at their country of origin.

The airforce could assist in this, flying these scum back to their original home - they wouldn't need to land.

Saturday 4 September 2021


 Some European people are upset by what is claimed to be racial abuse aimed at a couple of Pom soccer players last week.

Problem is that immediately after the match the players in question stated they heard nothing untoward.

There is an old question that goes: If a tree falls in a forest and nobody witnesses it does it make a noise?

The answer, of course, is no because noise is defined as the action of sound waves on the ears.

So, if those targeted don't hear the racist abuse directed at them is it still racist abuse?

Or is it just another excuse to try and punish a nation that has recognised the current woke bullshit for what it is and has rejected it?


Reading Karl duFresne's excellent blog ( this morning I noticed a politician quoted as using the phrase "I'm gutted" when commenting on a local water-storage project that has been summarily cancelled by the local regional council.

I read that the PM used the same phrase when talking about the actions of the wanna-be terrorist responsible for the Grey Lynn supermarket attacks.

Both politicians are, of course, from the left - right-wingers would be far more eloquent.

I can't help but wonder: Maybe they should be!

Thursday 26 August 2021


 Two suicide bombers have killed 12 Seppos and a whole bunch of Afghanis at (or near) Kabul Airport.

I've seen, in overseas publications, warnings from various countries that this was likely to happen but in reality nothing is going to stop the poor, scared bastards trying to get the hell out (or, if you wish - get out of Hell).

Mr Biden has promised to hunt down the perpetrators.

The perpetrators were suicide bombers.

Is Biden going to wander around the carnage pointing out to his staff "There's a bit there, oh, and another bit over there ... and ....." until he can reassemble two scumbags from the bits?


EXPERT: That neighbourhood dweeb you cross the street to avoid. Always present at garage sales, fund-raising events etc.

PROFESSOR: Schoolteacher with delusions of grandeur.

MINISTER: (a) Racist, communist wanker with zero ability at anything.

                    (b) Preacher (as above).

Sunday 22 August 2021


 8667 "contacts" so far.

51 infections

5 in hospital

Out of 5,000,000!

And NZ is shut, it's citizens prisoners!

Saturday 21 August 2021

More on the Northwest Frontier.

Been thinking about the current Afghanistan hoorah.

Nothing else to do really because the scum has shut New Venezuela Zealand down because the gummint is failing at the polls and the craven cowards need waking up.

Back to the Afghanistan thing, I believe that the whole thing could be rather easily solved with one comparatively simple action that will cause the Taliban to just melt away, freeing up the country in one fell swoop.

The Poms, indeed the UN, should ask Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond (I suspect he will have retired to a London club by now) to lead the Third Foot and Mouth (The dreaded Men-in-Skirts) back into Afghanistan.

Problem solved!

Friday 20 August 2021

The North-West Frontier Folly

 At the end of 2008 or the beginning of 2009 I had the pleasure of a long chat with a USA pilot, still on active duty and at the time assigned to the USA Antarctic operation.

The timing is specific because it was the transitional time between G W Bush and Obama.

The pilot advised me that the USA was withdrawing from most activity in Iraq and shifting it's forces to Afghanistan - up until then the USA Afghanistan presence had been basically a search and destroy mission aimed at Al Qaeda and their allied Taliban

The intention had, quietly, already been conveyed to the USA Airforce, officially, by the incoming Obama Administration.

Obama had decided the USA would succeed where the Soviet Union had recently failed and militarily take over Afghanistan.

I write this because the slime, as usual, are attempting to re-write history so they can blame G W Bush (Republican) instead of the war-mongerer, Obama (Democrat) for the Afghanistan debacle.

Obama, of course, was part of a, slightly broken by Carter, line of seppos that also include Kennedy/Johnston and Clinton - warmongerers the lot of them.

You should add Bush for Iraq but not for Afghanistan and notably not add the peacemaker Trump.

These facts don't fit the Republican - bad, Democrat - saint-like narrative the slime are so keen to push and are therefore ignored.

As a New Venezuelan Zealander I, of course, have no say in this matter except, upon noting the current USA presidency, to be concerned whether the current racist, communist government of New Venezuela Zealand will destroy my country before the upcoming, Biden created USA-China war does.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Pathetic Bastards - All of 'em!

 The current Government of New Zealand are a bunch of totally incompetent communist c&*ts but they do know one thing - just what a bunch of craven cowards the gutless majority of the electorate are.

I have no doubt the new lockdown will scare all those weak-as-piss bastards back into the Labour fold, fixing the erring poll results for some time to come.

Saturday 14 August 2021


 That photo' has emerged again.

You know the one; It shows a young woman smiling broadly at the camera while an old man stands alongside her looking unable to believe his luck and an older woman in the background, looking contented.

The old man is of course "the spare", a man with now no purpose in life, living on mama's money.

If his mama wasn't QEII the photo would be long gone.

Based on the photo' and subsequent facts released, the young woman is a 17yo (at the time) whore who lucked in with a group of rich clients and is obviously enjoying that luck and the lifestyle it brings.

The no-longer-young woman now regrets here behaviour and is trying to make money out of her history.

Some would note this means she's still a whore.

I have no time for the old man or the institution that sustains him but surely it's time for realists to tell the whore to piss off and just let the matter die.

Wednesday 11 August 2021


 A typical example of the current clowns in power;

A half-witted Scandinavian highschool drop-out with no credentials and even less credibility followed her handlers' lead and mouthed off about New Zealand, no doubt for political reasons.

The New Zealand Prime Minister publicly cried about the comments, mouthing off things meaning "She doesn't understand us".

Seriously, this actually happened.

Covid? Doesn't matter. NZ being pushed into apartheid? Don't care. NZ closed? Doesn't matter. Citizens cannot return home? Yawn.

Pig-ugly Swede verbally masturbating? Hell, the world's going to end!

Such is NZ c.2021!

Saturday 31 July 2021

Labels of Disgrace

 Scientist. Expert.

Labels that now rival Journalist, Politician, Department of Health Spokesman, Senior Policeman as always dishonest.

To me, when I see people described thus I automatically think "Government controlled bullshit artist, probably schoolteacher" and make no effort to read, listen to or consider their comments.

What a shame it has come to this, that people who should know what they are talking about have disgraced their profession to the extent they have, mainly for political gain.

I suspect it will take a very long time before people again treat boffins the way they did after WWII - as respected members of society.

Even more time, of course, before Journalists, pollies, civil servants and politically appointed pigs cease to be reviled.

Certainly I will die before it happens in my household.

Friday 30 July 2021

Amazon AU v US

 I am a repeat customer of Amazon US.

I have found their service to be good, their prices and range of goods excellent (although why they want me to pay the price of another hat to package a crushable felt hat I can't figure) and the promptness of despatch to NZ great.

So I tried Amazon (Oz) when it started sending stuff to NZ.

I purchased a small electronic connector.

It took Amazon au nine days to put the small packet into an envelope and throw that envelope into the courier bag.

That's longer than it took Amazon US to get a pair of trousers to me a couple of months ago.

Given also the very limited range of goods offered:

I DO NOT recommend Amazon AU!

Wednesday 28 July 2021


 Just after lunch today I washed my car.

By 2pm a bird had shit on it.

Why don't the feathered %$@*s fly north for the winter?

Sunday 25 July 2021

Olympic Thoughts

 While watching some of the Olympics yesterday I was struck by one thing: How bloody boring some sports are to watch.

Yachting, with half-a-hundred small boats acting like a 5 year old's football match, shooting with competitors having what seems like 3/4 of an hour between shots, judo and taekwando where scoring is a complete mystery, boxing where if a competitor hits his opponent the referee stops the fight until the hittee recovers and, the most boring of the lot, beach volleyball.

A blogger I read the other day was telling people off for looking at the bodies of beach volleyball competitors.

Why else would anyone watch the bloody thing?

As a spectator sport it almost makes rugby-league watchable. Only "almost".

For mine, not even the sight of scantily clad young women can overcome the boring nature of the "action".

One other point: How much better could the shooting be if competitors were made to fire five shots in 20 - 30 seconds, with genuine hunting rifles/pistols?

I'm too nice to suggest, better yet that they shoot at each other, last man standing get's the gold ;-)

Don't Arm the Police

 There is currently, in the slime at least, a debate about whether Police should automatically carry firearms rather than just have them available in their vehicles.

As noted elsewhere the Minister of Police came out and stated that because she's a grossly incompetent racist she's opposed to the idea.

So am I!

Not because I support the racist but because I have met and observed a significant number of front-line police over the last 25 years.

90% of those men and women I've wouldn't leave in charge of a rubber-band without supervision.

The overall impression I got from them was they were an ill-disciplined, badly trained and poorly led group of cowboys fit for virtually nothing.

The 10% were exclusively male, older with years of policing experience and, unfortunately, often talking of retiring from policing due to the poor leadership in the force.

From what I've observed further arming the Police would be a serious mistake.

Saturday 24 July 2021

Olympic Noise Pollution

 I watched a bit of the "2020" Olympics yesterday.

Some fighting, some marksmen and some roadcycling.

I admit watching bits of the cycling only in hopes of seeing a major crash that would leave the competitors broken, bleeding and permanently incapacitated.

No such luck I'm afraid.

I was, however, left with one impression over the lot: The commentators and comments people have no bloody idea that I can see what's happening.

For some reason they must rabbit on endlessly, often brainlessly.


 NZ's Minister of Police has, this week, made a statement that she is a totally incompetent racist who represents only South-Jaffa Maori and Pacific Islanders.

She still has the job.

Note: While this disgusting thing is my local MP she DOES NOT REPRESENT ME!

Monday 28 June 2021

Weather - You Like It or Not.

 We are now a week on the cold side of the shortest day.

Queenstown has it's annual snowfall, the hills of the Banks Peninsula the same.

A cold Southerly wind is sweeping up the country and will probably leave snow on the Desert Road of the Northern Plateau.

"News" sites are awash with photographs and stories of these natural events.

How unusual!

Friday 25 June 2021

Gift With Purchase?

 In the last couple of days in the USA a former police officer has been jailed for being on the wrong side of politics and a lawyer has had his license suspended for stating his side an argument.

Maybe the movie was correct: Home of the brave, land of the free-with-purchase.

Land of the free without purchasing the latest woke shit it certainly ain't!

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Total, Utter Incompetence!

A price should be paid!

News is that some Covid-infected people visited Wellington recently.

Were it not for total Government incompetence this would not be a problem. The majority of the populace would have be vaccinated and immune to any transmission.

Due to Government's abject failure to do their job this is not the case, in fact serious vaccination of New Zealanders has not even started.

So, because of last October's disgrace and totally incompetent leadership, both of the country and the Dept. of Health, it looks like Wellington may have to shut it's commercial doors and pay a massive price.

Wellingtonians will once more be placed under house arrest. 

I suggest it's time for a price to be paid for this failure.

The reintroduction of public corporal punishment, specifically of the Prime Minister (Ha!), her Minister of Health and the talking-head of the Ministry would be a good start.

For a second, subsequent offense I recommend the reintroduction of capital punishment for all three!

Monday 14 June 2021

One Born Every Minute

 There is a story on NewstalkZB's site at the moment about an accident involving a turning milk-tanker and an idiot.

There can, of course, be no doubt in the idiocy of the Audi driver.... BUT .......

 there can be doubt as to the actions of the tanker driver.

As a young fart so many years ago (and a long-standing professional driver since) I was taught (and practiced) that when turning right it is safer to, when possible, pull to the left and let any following traffic clear before turning right.

Based on the video, that was possible in this case.

On South Island roads, at least, this practice has been discontinued and I have at times been forced to brake hurriedly to avoid some idiot "parked" in the centre of the road. 

The standard of driving in this country has been dropping remarkably in recent years and the NZTA would help make the roads safer if they addressed issues like this rather than continue their competition to create the most dangerous road designs ever and push newly-made-up gobblety-gook onto the public.

Saturday 12 June 2021

To Movie or not to Movie

 I notice the Mayor of Christchurch has stated movie crews working on a movie about Mr Tarrant and his ChCh escapade will not be welcomed by her.

I'll happily welcome them and provide not just labour but any other assistance they may need - as long as they tell the truth about the grossly dishonest harridan wearing the tea-towel.

Monday 24 May 2021

I'm shocked!

 NZ's new Governor-General will be a racist sheila.

How surprising!

I'm shocked to the core!

Thursday 20 May 2021

Predictions studied.

 In October, 2020, just before the big disgrace of the 17th I posted:

A few expectations if the wrong result is declared tonight:

The free-everything for Maori and the bone-idle lazy will increase exponentially. 

Basically you'll be working for the lazy bastards so they don't have to.

Taxes on working people and the productive sector will double within 12 months - to pay for the above.

House prices will collapse in most areas, particularly areas large groups of taxpayers want to emigrate from.

Immigration of the lazy and the violent will be increased dramatically - basically, if you have a brown skin and nothing you're in - "Here's your free house and car".

Open road speeds will be reduced to 70 - 80 kph, city speeds to a universal 30kph.

Maori will be encouraged to claim everything, including water, air, the sea and all land.

New Zealand will be renamed, first Ao-whatever the hell it is and then, within two years, The Pacific People's Paradise of Venezuela.

God Defend New Zealand!


Unfortunately it appears I am correct in almost everything so far.

I hope I'm wrong in the things not yet attacked by the current clowns!

Monday 17 May 2021


 I've noticed more and more blatant racists are consulted by New Zealand Media  the slime for comment when humans are accused of being racist.

They never, ever, seek comment from anyone who could even remotely be called "neutral" as far as race is concerned.

Are the slime now only working for a particular part of the Communist party?

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Racist Scum!

 A proven racist PoS representing an apartheid promoting racist party claims politicians questioning the government on racist policies designed to forward apartheid in New Zealand is exihbiting racism.

Not a single reporter/political commentator (basically the same in modern times) involved with NZ media has had the intelligence or intestinal fortitude to point these facts out.

Monday 10 May 2021


 Tarrant! Now some nutter with a knife in a supermarket.

I've been to Dunedin.

Having done so I can understand some people being driven insane by expense, unfriendliness and down-right grottiness of the place but murderously so?

I Wonder

 There was a stabbing in a supermarket in Dunedin.

Reports are vague on the details, particularly about the madman responsible and any claims or exclamations he may have made before, during or after the stabbings and published photographs deliberately obscure all details.

Can I take this as an assurance that the assailant was not a middle-aged, white National/ACT voter?

Tuesday 30 March 2021

The Jab

 I notice Government Ministers are among the first to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.

Why? Why them?

Surely people useful to New Zealand should be protected first.

Friday 26 March 2021

A hard act to follow

 This headline caught my eye.

It appears a "trans" role was being played by a non-trans person.

The Court Theatre company has apologised and recast.

It's going to be interesting when they next play Sweeney Todd.

Monday 22 March 2021

Important Message

 To all those precious property owning lovelies who voted for the current clowns: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha !!!!!!

Sunday 21 March 2021


 President-elect Harris has now bombed Syria and threatened Russia and China as well as attempting to dictate internal policies in the United Kingdom.

Be afraid!

Be very afraid!

Come back Donald the peacemaker!

Sunday 7 March 2021


 The link headline: ... social media fires back at All Blacks great Brooke over anti-lockdown stance

This link headline was proudly displayed  on Newshub today.

Apparently a couple of schoolgirls on Twit-book, or whatever it's called, disagreed with Zinzan Brooke.

I make no comment on the story, nor it's "news" value but I am seriously concerned that an editor at Newshub thinks "social media" is an entity.

How can anyone so stupid hold down a job (including as deputy assistant shit-house cleaner) at any news-type organisation?

Friday 5 March 2021

Lock 'Em Up!

 Lock 'em up, flog 'em, drive them through the streets naked, shoot 'em, cut bits off 'em, hang them by their heels from the lamp post.

Punish them any way imaginable , just DON"T fine them.

NZ Herald has the headline:

ANZ fined $280,000 by High Court for misleading customers over credit card insurance policies

What the headline in fact conveys is that ANZ customers are being charged (fined) $280,000 for being robbed by ANZ.

Any fines of companies not individually owned and most fines on any business are paid for by the customers of that business.

Even if the owners/directors dip their hands into their own wallets to pay the fines the money in those wallets, and the money to replace that used to pay the fines, comes from customers.

I won't at this stage comment on the bloody ridiculous shyster employment scheme that is the fining of Government Departments except to note that these fines also are paid by customers, called tax payers.

The grossly over-used fining scheme, the fallback of the absolutely corrupt and bone-idle stasi, may work on the poor and the downtrodden but ALL other fines are paid by the innocent as well as (and in most instances "instead of") the recipients of that fine.

I don't care what the punishment is but punish only the guilty, they're the bastards that done wrong!

Friday 26 February 2021


 I notice the Obama/Clinton push towards WWIII has already recommenced under President-elect Harris with a bombing in Syria and a political attack on Saudi Arabia.

The move to Western World communism is going to be disastrous.

Hopefully I shall be dead long before the worst is seen.

Thursday 25 February 2021

No, I didn't read the story either.

 Headline on, 26/02/2021:

New Zealand fastest rising 'soft power' nation in new rankings as Hillary Clinton praises Jacinda Ardern

The absolutely corrupt praising an up-&-comer.

Tuesday 23 February 2021

Assault, Rape or - Shock Horror - He Asked Her Out Once.

 What a strange world we live in.

When I was a lad if a sheila was assaulted or raped she ran straight, only stopping to pick up mum or substitute, to the nearest nick to file a complaint.

Either that or she went straight to mum who advised silence and it was only the poor bastard she later married who copped the consequences.

Two reports in today's news suggest this has changed, one about a Frog actor, one an Ocker pollie.

Nowdays it appears if a sheila is assaulted, raped or has some poor bastard she doesn't rate ask her out for a drink she waits years (often many years), then, with reporter in tow, fronts the best publicised cop-shop and files charges.

This method, of course, means the poor bastard accused has a very hard time remembering, let alone defending.

The reporter in tow does, however, ensure the trial-by-media is both immediate and complete no matter what the facts are.

The accused's life is ruined no matter what happens subsequently.

Sunday 21 February 2021

10 years ago today

 Ten years ago the earth moved - literally.

My city, and eventually my business, was destroyed.

The only official contact I received in the aftermath was from ACC trying to extract money they (fraudulently) hadn't earned.

In the interim years local and national pollies have demonstrated just how incompetent and dishonest they are, doing even more damage to Christchurch than the 20,000 earthquakes.

May each and every one of the bastards rot in Hell!

A Full Two Axe Handles

 I opened two different "news" sites this morning to be greeted by pictures of a massive arse.

Both British - the news sites not the arse.

The arse belongs to something called "Beyonce".

I have heard of "Beyonce" but have no idea what she does - if anything - to remain "famous" - I'm guessing she's a noise-maker ripping off millions of people not old enough to know better.

If so she is simply part of a 100 year old fraud and good on her.

I digress.

I don't understand why a (basically bare) arse is news.

It's not a particularly fine example of an arse, just big. I see more aesthetically pleasing arses, admittedly covered, just walking down the local high street.

It's not an arse being bared to protest, politically or otherwise.

It's just an arse.

The fact that it's basically bare (a G-string is apparently present) is not unusual and a quick perusal of some of the British news sites shows more and better arses, none of which are highlighted as the number one news item.

Maybe I'm getting old - or is there no news fit to print?

Tuesday 9 February 2021

What a wonderful group.

Rather than spend Saturday, Feb 6th on their knees kow-towing to a bunch of pretend-niggers a group of Jafa dirt-riders decided to go public and have some fun.

Reportedly, thousands of bikers took part in this activity.

Unfortunately having fun is both against New Zealand law and Jafa ethos so many citizens reported the planned activities, and the actual activities, to the Police.

Having immediately, upon receiving this information, gone into hiding for the duration of the event, Police are now taking action.

They have arrested ONE person.

Further they have been very busy releasing excuses why they hid during the actual event.

After the events in Christchurch a couple of Marches ago where Police vanished from the most heavily policed area in that city, coincidentally at exactly the same time Mr Tarrant was misbehaving in that area and now this on Waitangi Day, 2021, one must be very proud to be a New Zealand Policeman.

Monday 1 February 2021

More Racism

 Disgusting, lazy, fat, racist slug advises New Zealand's apartheid laws are to be strengthened.

NZ slime react immediately in usual way - by doing and saying absolutely nothing.

Tuesday 26 January 2021

Covid, Part II

 Approximately a year ago, before the do-what-I-tell-you scum got their way with cowardly New Zealanders there was public discourse about the newly-discovered virus and it's properties.

Before this discussion was shut down some genuine scientists noted that the virus, or it's ability to travel, was shut down by UV light.

Thanks to the gentleman who discovered that chlorofluorocarbons (Freon) were great as refrigerants one thing New Zealand has is in abundance is UV light.

A few days ago some sheila wandered away from MIQ (Why not just "Quarantine" for christs sake?) with the new, ultra-fantastic and efficient version of Covid-19 in her system - the South African variant.

The main selling point of this new variant is that it transmits considerably easier than the old, run-of-the-mill type.

Despite this it appears the sheila has infected no one - just like all those tourists later to test positive for Covid-19, who wandered all over New Zealand in February/March 2020 infected virtually no one.

Could it be that the lack of Ozone above the country is in fact protecting it, particularly during summer, and the closing of the country and destruction of 1/5th of it's earning power is actually unnecessary?

Monday 25 January 2021

Two Tests - Only Two Tests!

 NZC has just confirmed it will play just two tests in Britain this year.


At a time where cricket followers worldwide are having demonstrated to them just how superior and exiting test cricket is NZC once again disgraces itself by prioritising the candyfloss crap and only reluctantly playing as few tests as it possibly can.


A Long Weight Explained

 I notice in this article the statement "   

The new water service regulator, Taumata Arowai, would be looking at the ways waste water treatment was regulated, she said.

However, that new body will not tackle waste water for at least the next two years.

No bloody wonder it will take two years, the poor bastards involved will take at least this long to un-tongue-twist the bloody stupid, pretend-stoneage name they're saddled with.

Sunday 24 January 2021


It appears some New Zealanders are waking up to just what happens when you elect a bunch of proven incompetents to government.

I have no sympathy!

Monday 18 January 2021

Buy New Zealand?

Buy New Zealand?

You must be joking!

Being able to think ahead (evidence suggests this is an usual trait in New Zealand) I ordered my winter outerwear from the UK at the start of the new year.

I received the order today from an outfit called BooHoo. 17 days.

It cost me $NZ101.49 including freight.

It included a smart looking coat for those miserable Christchurch winter days, a double breasted jacket (both of a wool-blend material) and a pullover.

They all look good and fit perfectly for my (UK) 5x frame.

Hunting for a wearable jacket that fitted last winter in New Zealand, unsuccessfully, I found nothing under NZ$200.00 and the little I did see was rubbish. Cheap and nasty plastic trash with a zip (I like buttons or, at a pinch, domes).

My wardrobe now consists of Underwear from both USA and UK, Italian shirts purchased from the USA, polo shirts (USA) and trousers and shorts from, again, USA, plus, of course, the outerwear.

Shoes are the only thing I purchase in New Zealand.

Buy New Zealand?

I would if they stocked real man sizes of quality clothes at sensible prices.

They don't so I don't!

Slow Vaccination

 New Zealand is still, according to reports, a month away from starting Covid vaccinations.

This despite having a locked-down country containing a majority of gutless sycophants too scared to move without specific instructions from their brain-dead "leader" and her racist masters. 

Real countries, Israel, the UK are well into their vaccination programs.

I'm not sure whether in NZ this is simple incompetence or the desire to get anyone wielding a needle to first be indoctrinated on how and when to kow-tow to the wanna-be niggers now running the joint.

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Look Left, Look Right, Look UP!

 I refer you to this horrific headline found on

 Flying Cadillac VTOL unveiled by GM at CES 2021

 It's bad enough trying to cross the roads now, dodging all those fast moving cars and the rubbish they throw out..

Imagine when they're bombarding you from above as well, not just with expelled rubbish but, given this is an American car manufacturer, broken down Caddies as well.



Sunday 10 January 2021

The Snake

What happened to the poor bloody snake?

Was it admitted to hospital? 

Has inserting it's fangs into the disgusting pirate affected it's health?

Or did it commit hari-kari after finding out just where it's fangs have been?

No news outfit seems to care.

They're more interested in celebrating the inane censorship of the legally elected President of the country recognised as the leader of the free world by a small group of unelected, super-rich quasi-communist racists.

Personally I consider the snake (also unelected to my knowledge)  has more integrity than any (indeed all) of these censors!

Thursday 7 January 2021

This Time It's Trump Supporters.

 When Trump beat the grossly corrupt one the quasi-communists put on "Not My President" badges and protested.

Now the corrupt one's 2IC has bought the latest election Trump supporters are doing likewise.

It's amazing just how differently the latest protests are being reported.

Communists really are taking over the world, one corrupt election at a time!