Thursday 30 May 2019

For the last twenty plus years I wore a uniform.

Despite being self employed the uniform was mandatory.

Now having retired (and working casually for someone else) I have found I don't have much clothing to wear in casual situations.

Being a big, fat bastard I have found both the choices and prices fairly limiting within NZ and there now are no reasonably good quality fat bastards clothing shops I can find in Christchurch.

The shops that sell casual trousers, for instance, appear to be all in Auckland.

These Jaffa shops will sell me trousers my waist size but only with long legs causing me to have to pay $20. per pair to get the legs shortened appropriately.

Ocker fat bastard shops are the same.

I have been unable to buy a blue, lightweight jacket in NZ. Available underpants are of the type that constantly try to keep my ankles warm.

Finally I turned to Amazon. The USA one, the Ocker one is useless.

I resisted purchasing from the USA simply because returning anything that doesn't fit or is faulty is not worth the cost - freight being often equal to or more than item cost but finally gave in.

Suddenly I have trousers that fit unaltered, underpants that stay in place, denim that is wearable - and a lightweight blue jacket.

All at a price, delivered to my door, that is about half that I would have paid in a NZ shop (without P & P).
I note the badly parented, teenage Ocker thug who viciously attacked an Ocker pollie from behind because someone told him (no way the dimwitted delinquent formed any coherant thought himself) that pollie said something not nice, has had to give away the proceeds of his crime.

These proceeds were apparently donated by leftie scum who think anything goes in their attempts to destroy freedom.

What a shame the Ocker police are not strong enough to now track down and prosecute these donors for supporting crime.

Thursday 23 May 2019

And male, and heterosexual, and employed!

It ain't bad being old right now either.

You don't have partially white sheilas looking down at you pretending you need their help to do anything. (From what I see when I get to that stage it'll be Filipino sheilas and they're generally nice people.)

You can point to your achievements without everyone wondering whether you only achieved it because someone made it easier because of your race or skin colour.

You can move around knowing that you don't look like a terrorist.

Your not obliged to get seriously upset when someone makes a simple mistake in how to address you.

"Comedians", "entertainers" etc. don't even pretend to be interested in you.

It certainly is fucking great to be white!

Tuesday 21 May 2019


I note the Ocker ChCh mass murderer has been charged with terrorism.

I suspect the trial will be held in secret to prevent the public from hearing any truths that may upset them but on the off chance that is not the case the trial should be very interesting indeed.

Terrorism by it's very definition means trying to create terror by violent means.

Mr Tarrant was not trying to create terror, according to his remarks at the time, but to create terrorism.

He has been rather successful: among other things using force, arresting and bullying people because they don't think the way the CoL does is to me, terrorism.

It will be very interesting what the murdering Ocker's lawyer makes out of this fact.

Saturday 18 May 2019

Too Far

Politics has always been an emotive issue but the left led, slime supported, "protest" crowd have gone too far.

Arnie was, overnight, viciously attacked (remember Arnie is 71) by a Jaapie kid, black of course, who decided it's OK because Arnie represents the right.

In Britain police have been stopping milkshake sellers because they are worried lefty nutters will throw them at Mr Farage.

Mid March an Ocker Senator (so obviously not the brightest) was criticized for slapping down an out-of-control brat who broke an egg on his head.

I noticed at the time there was no criticism of the pigs who should have shot the little cunt before he could attack Mr Anning.

A lefty sheila (that description defines insanity) threw a dildo at Joyce a few years ago in NZ - and the scum and slime praised it.

All over the western world rightwing pollies have been hit by eggs and other rubbish thrown by lefty nutters.

In American the scum have gone further, attacking schoolchildren for wearing pro-Trump clothing, driving pro-Trump people from restaurants etc.

All of these instances, and in fact many more all over the world, are examples of the disgrace that is the current left, where anything goes as long as it is aimed at the right.

The left does it, often using kids too young to know better or sheilas (too mad to know better), because they know in a legitimate discussion they lose to logic.

The slime leads this, in fact encourages it, if just for the "photo opportunity".

With the attack of Arnie however, things have gone too far.

From now on the pigs must do their duty and protect ALL the people, not just the mad, the stupid and the communists.


I love oxymorons.

I am informed New Zealand now boasts a political party called the "New Conservatives".

Talk about confused!

Being conservative means rejecting the new.

This party starts off being divided in a game where you can only succeed by being united.

Still it will, simply by being, provide mirth among the serious business that is the direction our country needs to take.

I wonder if Rik Mayall is available to lead it?

Long live the "New Conservatives"!

Thursday 16 May 2019

More Wasted Money

The spending of even more taxpayer money, this time in the form of an inquiry into the March 15 shooting starts next week.


A foreigner came legally into NZ, resided in Dunedin quietly (on what no one seems to know) and then went mad and shot a couple of groups of mainly foreigners.

The guns he used were legal.

His presence and travel were legal as well.

He was arrested, finally, by a couple of out-of-town cops while the locals hid well away from any action.

What questions can an inquiry answer?

Anyone who has had business with ChCh Police over the last 15 years knows they are lazy, incompetent, badly managed blowhards in the main. A finding of this will be no news.

Will it show how to prevent an occurrence? No.

A committed loner is almost impossible to detect or stop unless they draw attention to themself.

The mad Ocker didn't.

The inquiry terms of reference will prevent it considering the blatant police and Govt. led attack on freedom of thought and expression that followed the shooting.

As far as I can see this inquiry will just keep the March 15 incident on the front page, pushing more important information about the constant failures and fiscal vandalism by the current clowns largely out of sight.

Saturday 4 May 2019


The headline TV1 News reads:

Welfare overhaul: 'Walking into WINZ is a humiliating and hostile environment'

I hope it's true! 

Walking into WINZ should be humiliating.

When you walk in to WINZ as a customer you are admitting you have failed, you cannot survive in life without charity.

As a (very reluctant) taxpayer I expect every cent of my stolen money to go where it's needed and I have every right to expect the beneficiary of my largess, enforced though that largess is, to be both grateful and embarrassed enough to do their level best not to need further charity.

To rephrase: I expect all the useless bastards to get off their fat, lazy arses and at least try to help themselves (to other than their neighbours' hard earned possessions) before they get more of my sweat.

Thursday 2 May 2019

Sex Trade

There is a report on Stuff headlining that Britain is the largest recipient of sex slaves.

The report quotes <b>one</b> person saying the Britain is the largest recipient of East European sex slaves.

It then quotes an Italian example (the slave coming from Romania) and tells you how bad this trade is.

Unfortunately the author does not tell you who is buying these sex slaves.

Leaving aside the headline which I assume is there simply for shock/horror purposes because it certainly is not supported by facts in the story I couldn't help think that maybe the sub-editor is correct.

Britain, particularly the North of England, has seen several trials in recent times of groups of men sharing the sexual "favours" of very young (well underage) girls.

These men have been, invariably, from countries bordering the Gulf of Arabia, have had brown skin and most often follow the teachings of a fellow paedophile.

I can't help but wonder if the purchasers of the East European sex slaves are not the same (or similar) group and if this is the reason this report attempts to shame all of Britain rather than just the people committing the offense.

Cash, John

There was a documentary on Johnny Cash last night on television immediately followed by one on John Denver.

Both good (but not great) singers, both creators of music that sold many millions of copies and I doubt anyone who's age has reached double figures in the western world has been able to avoid hearing both of them or songs they wrote.

I enjoyed both but the one thing that hit me immediately was, compared to Denver, just how bloody good Cash was.

With Denver I realised at one point that everything he did was the same, one song pretty much blended with any other.

With Cash, the reverse is true.

Despite the same style, the same method, the same voice, most of the time the same tone each song was distinct from those either side of it.

Personally I enjoy damned near everything he produced and this program reminded me of this.

I have been, and remain, very critical of the recorded music industry, regarding it as the second biggest fraud ever committed (after fried chicken wings) but can only thank it for recording and making available the music of Johnny Cash.