Thursday 30 September 2021

Mad I Tell Ya, Mad!

 Headline on the AP website:


Woman who survived 1918 flu, world war succumbs to COVID

She was 105 for christs sake!

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Goodbye, Farewell.

The PM has decided to take a tax-payer funded holiday to Europe.

Personally I think this is a great idea.

I will, however, have serious problems with the stupid bastard who lets it back into New Zealand after the holiday!

No Sir Bob, I'm Not!

 I'm an avid reader of anything that Sir Bob Jones puts into print, have been since the Muldoon years.

Don't always agree with him but love the way he uses words to put his point across. I envy that talent.

Lately however he has been using the label "anti-vax nutter" to describe those who refuse, for whatever reason, to get vaccinated against Covid_19.

I'm not vaccinated and have no intention of becoming so.

My reasons are varied, from not trusting a relatively untested vaccine that drops in efficacy very quickly to the simple fact that despite politician-led panic the vast majority of people in the world are still alive, most having not been physically affected at all by the virus - although many are dying because of the over-the-top reaction to the virus.

At the time of the virus arriving in New Zealand I, like dozens of others, was involved with the passengers of the Ruby Princess during it's ill-fated last trip.

Like many others I was enclosed in a small, confined space with these travellers for a significant amount of time.

The number of South Island drivers/guides and their close contacts who tested positive for the virus, in theory at it's most infective phase, from that contact remains zero.

Maybe the quickly-hidden Spanish study that showed the virus' transmission was reduced by sunlight, UV light and Vitamin D was correct.

I digress.

I'm not vaccinated, nor am I intending to be. I understand that I may be wrong and the virus may kill me if I am.  Just slap me a couple of pain-killers and let me die painlessly.

For the record I am NOT against vaccination, I'm not even against people getting the vaccine for Covid_19.

I'm  just this vaccine, for me, at this time.

I plead guilty to the "nutter" charge but I object to the "Anti-Vax".

Wednesday 22 September 2021


 The NewstalkZB website is highlighting a story about a backlash expected for letting athletes into MIQ ahead of workers, returnees etc.

I suspect that backlash can be avoided by allowing athletes representing New Zealand free entry back into the country while using the lack of MIQ spaces to keep ALL members of the current New Zealand Government and their mates out.

Sunday 19 September 2021

Arise Jafas! Break Free!

 No, Jafas should not accept a slight reduction in house arrest conditions (known as "Level 3").

Recent reports have noted Treasury is now estimating the average NZ lifespan as two years less than before the bloody dangerous (to us) govt. response to Covid_19.

Reports have also noted the increase of 100 deaths per month above expectation since NZ came out of the first series of house arrest.

It has also been noted that just the added cost of paying back the borrowed cost of the govt. led (ha fucking ha - they lead nothing! Don't have that ability.) response will reduce average NZ lifespans by at least two years for decades to come.

ALL decision makers and advisors (including, of course, higher ranking pollies, Ashley and the red-headed bullshit artist - among others) should instead be facing murder/manslaughter charges.

The incoming government ( while those bastards languish in gaol ) should introduce public flogging for the crimes the bastards are guilty of.

Meanwhile Jafas, rise up, tell the murderous scum "FUCK!", show a bit more intestinal fortitude than our gutless cricketers and resume your lives as they should be led.

Thursday 16 September 2021


 Three people died unexpectedly in Timaru last night.

Two people died unexpectedly in Christchurch the night before.

Both town and city continue on, relatively unexpected.

A 90+ year old died in Jafaville more than a month ago, not unexpectedly.

The whole fucking country was shut down for weeks, Jafaville still is.

NZ needs a bit of perspective here!

Sunday 5 September 2021

Law Change?

 The Government, following the attack by yet another non-citizen in Jafaville, has announced it will change the law.

I wonder what rights of ordinary citizens they will attempt take away this time?

The only law that needs changing is the one that prevents the removal of non-citizen scum from our shores.

Nothing should prevent non-citizens deemed to be a threat to New Zealanders being shoved onto an aeroplane and dropped off at their country of origin.

The airforce could assist in this, flying these scum back to their original home - they wouldn't need to land.

Saturday 4 September 2021


 Some European people are upset by what is claimed to be racial abuse aimed at a couple of Pom soccer players last week.

Problem is that immediately after the match the players in question stated they heard nothing untoward.

There is an old question that goes: If a tree falls in a forest and nobody witnesses it does it make a noise?

The answer, of course, is no because noise is defined as the action of sound waves on the ears.

So, if those targeted don't hear the racist abuse directed at them is it still racist abuse?

Or is it just another excuse to try and punish a nation that has recognised the current woke bullshit for what it is and has rejected it?


Reading Karl duFresne's excellent blog ( this morning I noticed a politician quoted as using the phrase "I'm gutted" when commenting on a local water-storage project that has been summarily cancelled by the local regional council.

I read that the PM used the same phrase when talking about the actions of the wanna-be terrorist responsible for the Grey Lynn supermarket attacks.

Both politicians are, of course, from the left - right-wingers would be far more eloquent.

I can't help but wonder: Maybe they should be!