Saturday 26 October 2019

Gun Ownership

There is a column on Stuff with a sub-heading: "Violent, sexual and drug offenders are among the thousands of gun owners with convictions". 

 I haven't read the story which is almost certainly yet another left-wing attempt to justify the removal of more freedoms from innocent New Zealanders.

I do not however doubt the fact stated which is, of course, yet another indication of the depth of incompetence and complete lack of effective leadership within the New Zealand Police Force.

It is NZ Police who control, absolutely, NZ firearms licenses and therefore NZ gun ownership.

I include illegal firearm ownership that has, for so long, been ignored because so many of those illegal owners are gang (and/or special people) related.

The New Zealand Police Force is rotten and needs a complete overhaul - from the head down.

The performance around firearms law and it's compliance m,ay be a good place to start.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

End of Life Bill

The End of Life Bill appears to be going to referendum although that referendum does not appear, at least, to be binding.

I doubt I'll vote for it, I'll probably abstain.

The bill is a much watered down version of what it could be and doesn't address the issue I want it to.

I'm 66 and the future scares me more and more as time passes.

For the last 25 years I have worked in industries dealing with the public and one piece of advice I have been offered daily over those years is "Don't grow old!".

I don't want to grow old, I don't want to end my life in the back corner of a rest home, drooling, pissing and shitting myself, unwanted and forgotten. Wanting only, in my few and lessening lucid moments, to get it over with and die.

I'd far rather, as soon as I can no longer be of use to anyone (at the moment I'm a good bad example), including myself, some kind person puts me down - as you would a dog or cat in a similar position.

When the (a) bill addresses this part of life I'll vote for it.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Don't Ban for Thought Crime.

In 1981 I supported the Springboks tour of New Zealand.

Like the vast majority of New Zealanders I considered apartheid to be senseless but considered providing an example to South Africans a better way of arguing than simply refusing to communicate by banning them.

I would do the same today.

This is why I am becoming more and more concerned when reading of people being banned from our shores for holding views abhorrent to the PC classes.

The most recent being a Seppo god-botherer who doesn't like the capital letters people (among others).

Among those supporting his banning publicly is Farrar from Kiwiblog.

Farrar states among other things that this gentleman has " prayed for Obama and Caitlyn Jenner to die".

He (Anderson, the Seppo) has also called for homosexuals to be executed, denied the holocaust and suggested a shooting of a Seppo gay nightclub was not a bad thing - again according to Farrar.

One thing before I continue: Who or what the f@#$ is Caitlyn Jenner?

I digress!

I note that none of the charges are for inciting or committing violence.

He simply asks for a law change and "prays".

Praying, as most adults know, is mainly limited to the loser class and most often involves a card, six numbers, a horse or a roulette wheel.

It has never had any observable effect on either prayer or the deity to whom the loser is praying.

Obviously the Seppo is not the nicest nor brightest but surely banning him simply reinforces his prejudices while allowing him to come and witness life as New Zealanders (outside of politics and universities) live it may just make him think a little more.

Maybe even rationally.

Friday 18 October 2019

TV3 in trouble?

TV3 are apparently in trouble.

MediaWorks have had their radio and television news "service" on the market for some time and now are separating the two for sale.

I have switched to TV3 occasionally over the last few years. Each time I've wondered why they exist at all and switched away promptly.

TV channels are anachronistic, even the brain-dead realising the remote allows you to find entertainment you want to watch rather than the crap channels want you to watch, the only thing they should present well, the news, destroyed by allowing talking-head news readers to express their always-communistic "opinion" rather than simply convey the facts.

The call, as always when reality bites anything the left holds dear, is for the taxpayer to buy the outfit.


The taxpayer already financially support left-wing propaganda spewing TVNZ and RadioNZ.

If NZ has or needs another media organisation it should be one that targets those who actually work for their living and are prepared to personally pay for their pleasure.

i.e. those of a right-wing persuasion.

I wouldn't mind if my taxes supported such an organisation but, in reality, such an organisation would have no need nor desire for such support.

Friday 11 October 2019

Waste of time!

Christchurch and Auckland have re-elected two of the most useless bastards who ever drew breath to the highest office of their respective cities.

I understand the idea of equal opportunities for the challenged but this is taking it to the extreme - or is it that local body politics actually is removed from reality?

Small Meals

I live alone, one of a fast growing group in the Western World who choose to do so.

I am a reasonable cook, having spent many years in commercial kitchens observing, and sometimes learning from, very good chefs.

I often plan meals while driving home from work (30 minutes) and execute those plans once home, much more often than not enjoying the result of those plans.

I eat mainly left-overs.

This is because I have never been able to find cooking equipment small enough and efficient enough to produce a range of meals small enough to allow me to constantly have freshly cooked meals without waste.

When I do find small equipment it often costs far more than large equipment. eg a 1L electric jug will cost me at least $70 (often more) when I can buy a 1.7L for $30.

I can't find a small covered frying pan, I can't find a small electric frying pan or electric pot.

The small slow-cooker I have does not like small meals, needing constant supervision when I try to use it for such (negating, of course, the beauty of a slow cooker).

Then trying to find small quantities of food with which to prepare the meals I want to cook is almost impossible.

Yes a greengrocer will sell you one spud, one piece of ginger, one chilli but not happily and try buying a half-porterhouse, one pork loin chop.

I know we all have freezers but I'm lazy so tend to put trays of meat in instead of dividing the contents into several little bags.

Veges often go into the refrigerator  where half are used and half rot before being thrown out. Fresh herbs share a similar fate.

Wouldn't it be great if supermarkets and other food retailers sold pre-packed trays with three of four day's one-meal meat requirements plus, maybe, a small quantity of flavouring-type herbs/veges and small quantities of veges.

Of course, at the same time, cooking equipment manufacturers need to start producing the cookware suitable for preparing these meals.

With fast increasing numbers of people choosing (or having it chosen for them) to live alone I'm convinced this will be a very profitable move - one, were I not so old and tired, I'd enter into myself.

Thursday 10 October 2019


There is a post on labelled: "New research to get a better night’s sleep for tamariki"

The post appears to be of no consequence, saying nothing than excuse more free money for the special people.

I comment on it only because of the liberal use of gibberish throughout it making it incomprehensible even if I was interested in it.

This combining of two languages (if the gibberish is in fact a language and not a deliberate attempt at sabotage) seems to be a recent New Zealand thing, replacing perfectly good English words with some from the recently invented one often, I believe, referred to as "Te Reo".

Authors, it needs to stop!

You obviously want your creation to be read by English-reading people or you wouldn't start pieces in english so stick to english.

If you want it to be read by Greek, or Roman, or Maori in Greek, Italian (or Latin) or Maori write the entire column in that language.

I'm surprised! I managed to type this whole comment without swearing (I think, there's one word I copy-and-pasted I'm not sure about).

I have never though, come across an example of this gibberish-inclusion without doing so and I can assure writers that when I do so I immediately dismiss the argument as not worth the effort of thinking about it.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

More Tax!

From RNZ:

12:05 pm today

Big bills coming for motorists: 'Someone's got to pay for it' - govt

 The gummint is going to rob motorists to pay for more speed cameras and more instant-fine issuing snakes.

I'm sure there is, somewhere in New Zealand, someone living off the grid, producing 100% of their own food and clothing, never leaving the farm, who doesn't use the transport system.

 Why are only motorists going to pay for it? 


I don't know about you folks but I'm out to stock up on tinned tomatoes, Italian tinned tomatoes.

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Dear Countdown

Dear countdown.

I care not what nanny state, social engineering measures you introduce.

I shall simply shop with your opposition.

Hope you don't mind.



I refer you to the article on Stuff

 and a blog post by Karl DuFresne Here. about the article and the terrifying consequences should the left (including the CoL) manage to complete their task of censoring everything they disgree with.

The named academics are obviously learned people, their cause one that should be supported by every correct-thinking New Zealander but I must wonder whether the academics overplay their hand slightly.

Emerald Press are surely not the only publisher in the English-speaking world.

From the article: "Flynn will not be the last New Zealand academic – or the last New Zealander – to have their right to express their views effectively curtailed."

Why can't Mr Flynn simply use another publisher? Publish himself if no one else will?

Do the academics (and Mr DuFresne) weaken their argument, an argument I think is the major dilemma facing man today, by going the shock/horror route rather than just stating facts?

Monday 7 October 2019

Retail Struggling? No bloody wonder!

NZ retailers complain they are struggling. I refer you to:

The newshub article repeats retailers whinging about sales on line.

What it doesn't address is why online sales are so popular.

Let's start with price and availability.

I'm a fat bastard. Only one retailer in my area (I'm in a large NZ city) caters for fat bastards clothing (although the Warehouse is starting to). That retailer (and now the Warehouse) aim at being cheap. I want quality and will happily pay for it so reasonable price is acceptable.

Recently I needed shorts.

None of acceptable quality were available locally.

I went online to NZ companies.

The cheapest were $199. and then I didn't like them.

I went online to Amazon America.

Wrangler Brand denim shorts, bloody good quality, were less than $NZ50. - at my door with a three week delivery time.

As an aside they are GREAT!

I can accept a 100% mark-up but 400% for an inferior product suggests NZ retailers deserve to be struggling.

Next: Service.

The following quote within the article suggests retailers or their representatives actually have no real idea how humans work, something I've noticed when in shops recently.

"In many cases it's going to be possible to find cheaper goods online, but what you won't necessarily get if you're making those purchases online is that customer experience, that in-store experience - the ability to touch and feel goods, the ability to go in there with friends and family and see what's going on," he says. "There's that whole social aspect to retail which is really, really important."

What bloody "social aspect"?

If I want the ability to go in there with friends and family and see what's going on," I'll have a family bar-b-que, go to the pub, visit friends for a quiet drink.

I certainly won't go to a F$#King shop!

When I go into a shop (any shop) I want a salesperson to acknowledge me and ask (if possible) if they can help.

My purpose in that shop is to buy what I want the get the hell out.

I want service that enables that. It is the marketing department's (the Boss in a small shop) job to ensure I see what they are trying to sell, not the sales attendant.

The sales attendant is there to help me decide which option to choose.

One shop (electronics) I went to recently had a sign "Please wait here for a sales person".

I went to the opposition.

Retailers are struggling because they are not catering to what I want. Price is a very small component in this although certainly a consideration.

The main consideration is when I walk into a shop I want the salesman to approach me and tell me "Yes we have what you want, It's here. Please leave as much money here as you can. Did you see anything else on your travels through this shop that may enable me to lighten your credit card?", smile, process the sale and thank me for my business.

That is all.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Garry Lineker

I support Garry Lineker - and I don't even know what he said.

Man Made Global War...on Capitalism

A subject I have touched upon in my rather brutish way.

Mr DuFresne not just explains it better but uses far better language to do so.

Worth a read also.


I notice headlines saying something like: "Aviation Industry suffering from Greta effect".

I notice that part of the fraud was taking a yacht across the Atlantic to New York a crew member flew across to crew the boat back across so Greta could fly home in style.

The other attendees at the UN gathering (including NZ's own disgrace) all flew in - many in private 'planes - and, at least in that were honest.

That "suffering" (if not just in the slime imagination) must be caused by a serious upsurge in demand for flights.

Just shift it.

A subheading on states: The case for moving the trial of the man accused of the Christchurch mosque attacks to another city will be heard at the High Court in Christchurch today.

 Why the argument?

Just shift it to a place where a fair trial is guaranteed.

Karachi, Khartoom or Aden would be preferable.