Thursday 31 December 2020

Worth Reading (The link, not the post).

Although the site and author should be taken into consideration article is worth reading.    

Lock-downs and house arrests throughout the world, particularly the ex-free world, are doing untold damage to the future of people who are not part of the "elite"  classes - i.e. those making millions off the totalitarian regimes now in force throughout the Western world.

Note the (seldom presented) figure quoted as survival rate for the new flu - 99.85%.

Personally I have always been in favour of what I have called a "benign dictatorship" but we now have that worst of all forms of government, a benevolent dictatorship, thrust upon us.

God defend New Zealand and the free world!

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Road Toll Increases

The "holiday" road toll has doubled this year and it's only at the half-way point.

As a professional driver I find this unsurprising, the standard of driving on South Island roads has deteriorated badly over the last few years.

Notably the dramatic reduction in "Asian" and foreign drivers has not improved safety on the roads, their places seemingly taken by old farts who should not have a license and young women (of either sex) too distracted to concentrate on what they and other road users are doing.

The pigs, of course, have taken their usual, bloody stupid to the point of brain dead, position and blamed speeding instead of the halfwits who's slow, inconsiderate driving is causing most of the angst among road users.

The other thing of note is that the anti-car scum influenced, ridiculously slow speed limits are simply being ignored by most - to the point where it confirms these are only in place as revenue gathering devices and nothing at all to do with safety.

A serious rethink on what roads are for is needed desperately.

Saturday 26 December 2020

Trouble at T' Blackboard

 A bunch of schoolteachers pretending to be scientists are having a spat over Pom-flu and how to deal with it.

Entertaining, often funny stuff, worth following.

 The letter to the editor in the NZ Journal of Primary Health Care from academics of several top universities claims New Zealand is "one of few countries chasing elimination of Covid-19" and that it is "stamping out livelihoods and lives".

One quote got me though: "There is no mention of the adverse health effects of the virus, direct and indirect mortality impacts, nor the impact on healthcare services and staff," Town says of the letter.

 Town is correct. There is none - because these things are not relevant to the argument.


Wednesday 23 December 2020

"Racism Alive and Well"

 I draw your attention to this article in which Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon is quoted as saying "Racism 'well and alive' in New Zealand".

This man should be listened to; after all he was appointed to his position because of his race and has made nothing but racist statements since his appointment.

You could argue, successfully, he is the most racist man in New Zealand.

He knows what he is talking about!

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Personal Financial Expectations With Closed Borders

 A quick calculation reveals that my budget will be down by between $10,000 and 15,000 this year.

This fall is directly due to the bloody stupid government reaction to Covid-19, particularly the still-closed borders.

These closed borders are delaying reality for Godzone, pushing back the chance of any return to normality for New Zealand.

All for a "flu" that kills those who would die anyway.

If you doubt that statement observe Britain, where in October this year (2020), in the midst of a panic that has seen the country once again subject to house arrest, the total death toll was eight - that's right 8!, in a population exceeding 70,000,000 - above normal.

Back to the $10 - $15,000. 

This means I shall spend that amount less, mainly on food, booze and domestic travel.

One semi-retired old fart.

It won't cause me much hardship, being self employed for years, dealing with the public, means I live a relatively frugal existence, by choice mostly alone.

I doubt, though, that I am unique, that there aren't many more in NZ who also will have a greatly reduced budget.

The only comfort I have is that there is a good chance I shall be either dead or completely do-lally, pissing and mewling in a forgotten corner of an old-farts home, before this reduction in spending bites New Zealand on it's arse.

Racism - Telling the Truth?

 Racism becomes official in New Zealand.

MediaWorks is fined by an official Government watchdog because an interviewer didn't kow-tow to a bunch of brown thugs.

The interviewer told the truth about the group and those behind them.

"During the segment, Plunket called iwi "bullies", "rogues" and "highwaymen", questioned how many iwi members were on a benefit, and asked why, with no context, it didn't focus on issues like child abuse."

All pertinent questions given the illegal and racist nature of the thugs' actions.

There should be no place for racism in New Zealand, particularly given the handicap New Zealand already suffers because of it's brain-dead voters.

To see it made official disgusts!

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Free Speech? Not here mate!

This  is what the current Government (via Mr Little) are preparing for New Zealand.


Make the first person you verbally abuse a left-wing pollie, the second a pig.



Tuesday 15 December 2020

Sexuial assault, physical assault.children

 The Headline:

Up to 250,000 estimated to have been abused in state, faith-based care - Royal Commission

The story.

Mainly due to boredom I've been reading a bit about this story.

The numbers, rather than inducing shock/horror, are about what would be expected given that "abuse" appears to include being frowned at, told off, made to study or eat at times not agreeable to the complainants etc. and spread over a long period.

By including these "incidents" the commission makes light of the very serious and nasty sexual and physical assaults that were hidden by officials until recently, genuine horrors that must never be allowed to happen again.

The commission was created to assist the State to protect vulnerable children.

They have failed!

Saturday 12 December 2020

Fire, Road Closure.

 There was a fire in the unpopulated hills in South East Christchurch on Friday night.

A few hectares of scrub, grass and rocks above some storage sheds and houses were burnt.

The fire service contained the fire, then put it out - all on Friday night.

They then closed a well used highway, connecting the port with Christchurch, for all of Saturday until about 19:00 to punish travellers and residents for the fire.

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Road Rage? No Wonder!

 Cantabrians More Likely To Experience Road Rage.

That's the headline, you need read no further.

You have a city in Canterbury, making up the vast majority of the population.

That city has deliberately made driving in the city an unpleasant and slow exercise (except for Mr Tarrant, of course, who traversed the city far too quickly for the local constabulary) simply because council bastards, outside their rate-payer limos, are roadlice lovers.

Personally, sick of becoming grumpy every time I venture forth, I now shop in North Canterbury whenever possible - voting with my feet you might say.

Tuesday 8 December 2020

Nothing for nothing, even the chicks aren't free.

 Twice now, I have read of Government members mouthing off over a well publicised give-away in Jafaville, including that giant of industry and commerce, the PM.

As an aside this promotional stunt by a previously unknown online company has been a huge success.The name, The Safety Warehouse, will remain in peoples' minds for decades.

Back to the mouthing off; What the fuck has it got to do with them?

Who and what do they think they are?

These incompetent, know-nothing fuckwits were elected to lead the country.

I suggest they learn how to do this rather than play important personages poking their nose into private business practices.

As for the slime who have driven the story of a few something-for-nothing losers not getting what they dreamed of (they certainly were promised nothing) into the headlines, probably to cover up the continuing gross ineptitude of the clowns in power, their performance grows worse by the day.