Boxing Day, the slime are promoting the new name to blame for communism now ruling the World.
Headlines everywhere about "Omnicrom" ruining Xmas.
Not one of them even attempting honesty.
Omnicrom is a mild cold and yet lefty controlled, cowardly countries are shutting down over it, preventing all except the communists from doing their thing.
Omnicrom IS NOT RUINING XMAS, gutless bastards too scared to think are, gutless bastards too shit-scared to actually stand up and say "No, that's bullshit" when the communists and their slime mates start depriving them of their liberty in the name of "health and safety" are doing the ruining.
Numbers from around the world demonstrate clearly that the recent Covid is about 1/3 as deadly as influenza, equally as infectious and has, in fact, replaced influenza in many countries.
"Vaccines" against this non-event virus are ineffective, non-vaccines used in most of the world (Pfizer etc.) have the sole effect of producing large profits for their manufacturers.
All Western-type countries have signed agreements that mean when the side-affects from the untested drugs become evident those manufacturers will be able to keep their profits.
Meanwhile, grossly dishonest Governments all over the world and particularly here in New Zealand use the panic to advance their racist, communist, destructive agendas.
Wake up, grow a pair and drive the scum into the ocean!