Friday, 31 January 2020


There are reports of a "Mankad" incident at the U19 cricket WC.

"Mankad"ing is when a batsman cheats and gets caught out doing so by the bowler - "out" being the pivotal word.

Many in cricket believe that a "Mankad" dismissal is not cricket (but that batsman cheating is) and call for the removal of this type of dismissal (despite it being technically a run-out.

There is one way to change the rule that should suit everybody:

Given that every international match is televised, with TV umpires, change the rules to penalise any batsman's team 1 run every time they cheat before the ball leaves the bowler's hand.

Monday, 27 January 2020

Van for Sale

This van is for sale via TradeMe:

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Progress - or more repression?

A headline on Stuff suggests progress.

Philip Arps, one of the people jailed for thought crime in NZ after the March 15, 2019 disgrace is to be released.

Readers may remember that the sentencing judge, the disgusting O'Driscoll, when sentencing him stated that he did not think the same as O'Driscoll thought he should and therefore he must be removed from society.

I doubt he does now but must pretend to do so to remain free. I wish him success in this endeavour.

I seriously hope the next election removes the scum who create thought-police from power but doubt it simply because so far they have preyed on low-lifes (like Arps) and children.

If the current lot get another three years expect a lot of "better" people to meet the "Arps" fate.

It really is a slippery slope!

Nailed It!

The best I have read so far on the "the-climate-emergency-is-a-threat-to-democracy" theme.

It is a landscape in which Western elites find themselves mortally threatened, not so much by climate change, but by those they can blame for it – the people.

Thursday, 23 January 2020


I've always had a soft spot for Chas.

Born into a life that could only be lived in the spotlight, married to a whore and always second fiddle to mommy.

Everything he did was always wrong to most slime and, I suspect, the vast majority of citizens in the western world outside of England.

I know damned well I'd hate his life no matter the luxury, privilege and wealth it entails

Overnight, by ignoring the Seppo VP and playing up to the Scandanavian fraudster drop-out child-abuser, he obliterated that soft spot.

That behaviour is unforgivable!

Well Done

I wandered into Spark, Northlands, ChCh to buy a new 'phone.

The young man who served me looked at what I had and paid for, told me I should change both my plan and 'phone.

I let him do his thing - which included signing me up for a two year contract paying the 'phone off at zero interest.

I got my first 'phone bill since then today.

The bill, including of course the payment for the new 'phone (which works great and I can read, even in the sun) is almost $50. less than I was paying.

Well done that young man, well done Spark!

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Four Minutes Wasted

I heard four minutes of Prime News last night.

I was doing something that required my hands and could not reach for the remote.

Four minutes of left wing anti-Trump bullshit that even Pravda, 1960, would have been ashamed to present.

"Fake news" is too kind of a description.

Using the term "News" in the title of this propaganda makes it false representation and the BSA should shut it down.

Saturday, 11 January 2020


I note this alarming headline on

Climate change education resource to be in schools in 2020 

 I understood religion was no longer taught in New Zealand schools.

Friday, 10 January 2020

TDS - It's Real

I bring your attention to this post on the usually very good Point of Order blog.

For some time now I have viewed TDS as a humorous label for left-wing nutters and the not very bright, accompanied by a few who rubbished Trump's chances of success four years ago and have never forgiven themselves for it (i.e. DPF over at Kiwiblog).

Recently, however, it appears to be affecting other, usually bright people.

Point of Order has been one of the very few non-partisan blogs, always worth reading but in the new year it appears that may not continue.

If the post linked to is an indicator of that I'm sorry.

The post starts off gently raising hopes that the Ockers may help NZ out, only to immediately dash those hopes then goes on to push a completely and provably false claim on Trump.

That claim is that he is an uncontrolled war-maker.

Mr Trump, who has in his presidency refrained from attacking Iran when they misbehaved in and near the Suez Canal (claiming consideration of innocent civilians as the reason), has brought North Korea's Kim to the table and is slowly withdrawing US troops from foreign soil, took out a terrorist responsible for thousands of murders and potentially saved thousands more people from a similar fate.

He did so cleanly and decisively and in doing so showed up Iran for the pathetic bully it is.

The Point of Order blogger ignores all the Trump positives, all the things that Trump has done and is doing to improve the world in which we live and implies Trump is an uncontrolled maniac.

Trump's record demonstrates the reverse.

TDS at it's worst!

Disclaimer: I am not Seppo but were I, I would have voted against Mr Trump's opponent in the last Seppo presidential election.

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Led by?

I call your attention to the following headline from

Mob members overrun Tarawera campground

 A headline that actually tells the story, (a miracle in itself)  that story being that Mongrel Mob scum have once again performed a criminal act (acts) and got away with it.

Got away with it because the NZ Police are totally incompetent, mainly due to the fact the perpetrators have brown skins.

Now there is no doubt NZ Police are incompetent in almost every aspect when those with darker than white skins are involved their incompetence knows no bounds.

March 15, 2019, ChCh proved they are also incompetent when bullying won't suffice, even when non-brown skins are involved.

Time for a total revamp of this disgraced, disgraceful organisation!

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Why the Dishonesty?

A headline, in fact the top headline, on Stuff reads: Kiwi Dad in Foreign Jail.

Leaving aside the Jail/Gaol argument (NZ follows English variants generally) the sentence (yes) needs addressing.

A reading of the attached story reveals a NZ/Ocker (dual citizenship) has been arrested in Singapore for fraud and theft.

He is being held awaiting trial.

The gaol is Changi - famous for it's harsh conditions in the early to middle 1940s.

The man travelled to Singapore on an Ocker passport.

The headline distorts the facts, the story is a disgusting attempt to gain sympathy for a suspected thief.

This is low, even for

If honesty ever breaks out the headline should be changed to: Ocker Theft Suspect in Singapore Gaol.

But then that wouldn't sell advertising, would it?

Friday, 3 January 2020


Stuff tells us:

There were 81 prisoners with white power gang affiliations as of June 30 - up from 53 in 2015 and 71 in 2017, according to information gleaned via the Official Information Act.

 It doesn't tell us the number of those with non-white gang affiliations (more than 81 I'm guessing) but goes on:

White power prisoners, often skinheads, get a hard time from Māori and Pacific Island inmates, who make up a disproportionate percentage of the population, he said.
"If you're a baldy, you get targeted."


"It is likely that the current demographic of most prison units acts as a deterrence for right-wing activity."

I can only interpret this as corrections being racially and politically biased towards lefties and non-whites, failing (deliberately, by the tone) to protect those who's thoughts they disagree with.

A disgraceful bias that can only be described as racial discrimination.

Where is the celestial fellow who is paid to ensure this discrimination doesn't continue?