Friday, 26 February 2021


 I notice the Obama/Clinton push towards WWIII has already recommenced under President-elect Harris with a bombing in Syria and a political attack on Saudi Arabia.

The move to Western World communism is going to be disastrous.

Hopefully I shall be dead long before the worst is seen.

Thursday, 25 February 2021

No, I didn't read the story either.

 Headline on, 26/02/2021:

New Zealand fastest rising 'soft power' nation in new rankings as Hillary Clinton praises Jacinda Ardern

The absolutely corrupt praising an up-&-comer.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Assault, Rape or - Shock Horror - He Asked Her Out Once.

 What a strange world we live in.

When I was a lad if a sheila was assaulted or raped she ran straight, only stopping to pick up mum or substitute, to the nearest nick to file a complaint.

Either that or she went straight to mum who advised silence and it was only the poor bastard she later married who copped the consequences.

Two reports in today's news suggest this has changed, one about a Frog actor, one an Ocker pollie.

Nowdays it appears if a sheila is assaulted, raped or has some poor bastard she doesn't rate ask her out for a drink she waits years (often many years), then, with reporter in tow, fronts the best publicised cop-shop and files charges.

This method, of course, means the poor bastard accused has a very hard time remembering, let alone defending.

The reporter in tow does, however, ensure the trial-by-media is both immediate and complete no matter what the facts are.

The accused's life is ruined no matter what happens subsequently.

Sunday, 21 February 2021

10 years ago today

 Ten years ago the earth moved - literally.

My city, and eventually my business, was destroyed.

The only official contact I received in the aftermath was from ACC trying to extract money they (fraudulently) hadn't earned.

In the interim years local and national pollies have demonstrated just how incompetent and dishonest they are, doing even more damage to Christchurch than the 20,000 earthquakes.

May each and every one of the bastards rot in Hell!

A Full Two Axe Handles

 I opened two different "news" sites this morning to be greeted by pictures of a massive arse.

Both British - the news sites not the arse.

The arse belongs to something called "Beyonce".

I have heard of "Beyonce" but have no idea what she does - if anything - to remain "famous" - I'm guessing she's a noise-maker ripping off millions of people not old enough to know better.

If so she is simply part of a 100 year old fraud and good on her.

I digress.

I don't understand why a (basically bare) arse is news.

It's not a particularly fine example of an arse, just big. I see more aesthetically pleasing arses, admittedly covered, just walking down the local high street.

It's not an arse being bared to protest, politically or otherwise.

It's just an arse.

The fact that it's basically bare (a G-string is apparently present) is not unusual and a quick perusal of some of the British news sites shows more and better arses, none of which are highlighted as the number one news item.

Maybe I'm getting old - or is there no news fit to print?

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

What a wonderful group.

Rather than spend Saturday, Feb 6th on their knees kow-towing to a bunch of pretend-niggers a group of Jafa dirt-riders decided to go public and have some fun.

Reportedly, thousands of bikers took part in this activity.

Unfortunately having fun is both against New Zealand law and Jafa ethos so many citizens reported the planned activities, and the actual activities, to the Police.

Having immediately, upon receiving this information, gone into hiding for the duration of the event, Police are now taking action.

They have arrested ONE person.

Further they have been very busy releasing excuses why they hid during the actual event.

After the events in Christchurch a couple of Marches ago where Police vanished from the most heavily policed area in that city, coincidentally at exactly the same time Mr Tarrant was misbehaving in that area and now this on Waitangi Day, 2021, one must be very proud to be a New Zealand Policeman.

Monday, 1 February 2021

More Racism

 Disgusting, lazy, fat, racist slug advises New Zealand's apartheid laws are to be strengthened.

NZ slime react immediately in usual way - by doing and saying absolutely nothing.