When you look at newspapers from a time that newspapers were paper tools for delivering news, the first thing that strikes you is even the front page contained just news.
Only the odd line drawing advertisement broke the page, even when the news was dramatic and relevant.
Photographs were reserved for either inside sections or, occasionally, a special added outer-sheet designed to be removed to get at the news sections.
I miss those times.
I usually read the news in the mornings when drinking coffee, eating breakfast (or both), on-line. Every story, every item I click on is accompanied by a photograph.
Sometimes (i.e. Mr Musk's latest rocket test results) that photograph is both useful and topical but 99.999999999% of the time the photograph is a headshot of a fucking politician, often one who is not even relevant to the story. Always a grinning, ugly, pathetic publicity-type shot, usually altered to look positive or negative depending on whether the editor agrees with that person's politics.
Mr Publisher, I know what Biden, Trump, the communist c*&t, the whinging Ginger, Luxon etc. look like. Reminding me simply spoils the coffee/breakfast - one of the very few pleasures in this old man's day.
Mr Newspaper Publisher, Mr Editor, instead of this visual obscenity fill the gap up with more news. I realise this will probably mean your content will need to extend beyond the communist propaganda you now present exclusively but it could well be worth it.
I might start buying your newspaper again.
Thursday, 20 April 2023
A heartfelt Plea
Wednesday, 12 April 2023
A Polite Query
New Zealand is coming to the end (hopefully) of a so-far unique circumstance.
The end of the first Government in New Zealand's history where the Government has deliberately worked against New Zealand and the vast majority of it's people.
Given the disgraceful behaviour during the Covid panic, the move towards open apartheid, the seriously damaging destruction of health services and the total abdication of responsibility for the provision of useful education for young New Zealand, every rational person (and virtually all of us irrational people) in New Zealand must admit this.
Thankfully this Government has also been incompetent and we still get to hold a meaningful and democratic election this year - which, if the current clowns are re-elected will almost certainly be New Zealand's last.
The campaign for this election has started but with a whimper rather than a bang.
Rather than emphasise the total dishonesty of the current Government and promise to investigate the extent of that dishonesty, rather than promise to explore the individual rewards gained by members of this Government, if only to display that the current lot were deluded rather than corrupt, the opposition are treating the 20-23 Government as if they were faultless, even honorable.
There can be no doubt many, if not all, senior Government personnel have profitted from their terms in office - e.g. is the former PM in the position she's in because of her display of complete lack of competence?
Why are Mr Seymour, Mr Luxon, Mr Peters not demanding inquiries even now? Why are they not promising forensic inquiries of the 20-23 senior Government elected representatives' finances and circumstances (bribes ain't always cash in the hand) as soon as they take office, again if only to rule out widespread corruption among this Labour/Green/Racist group?
Are they too polite?
Or does New Zealand simply need a brand new batch of politicians?
Thursday, 9 February 2023
Truth In Advertising
Truth In Advertising
There are two advertisements running on New Zealand television that break the normal and actually demonstrate facts, albeit accidentally.
Congratulations must first go to MacDonalds who, with their advertisement for a larger burger (I think called a grand mc mac) graphically demonstrate the true nature of so many older maori, particularly sheilas i.e. greedy, grasping and totally selfish.
The second is for New Zealand Police and is boasting at how they are too busy pulling over responsible and safe drivers for very minor infractions to be able to police the absolute nutters causing major accidents and deaths on New Zealand roads.
I congratulate both these organisation, truth is so unusual nowdays.
Friday, 27 January 2023
What I want - A List
Since the demise of the scumbag many commentators have started listing what they think should be the future direction of New Zealand.
This is my (incomplete) list:
Government: A second level of representation in the House.
This second level should have one purpose, to review all legislation passed by Parliament and, if they vote so, delay that legislation until the next general election.
This group should be elected by nett tax-paying individual citizens only, it being those who supply the money needed to enact legislation.
Local Government: Councils MUST be made to address core services (roads, sewerage, water, general street cleaning and maintenance, parks (but not recreation) etc.) only. All other services (electricity, airports, ports, museums etc.) should be contracted out. Councils to be made to divest themselves of all assetts that fall outside the description of "core services" within ten years. Any council holding such assetts or investments are, in fact, thieving from their rate-payers in that that money should be used for core services before taxes (rates) are levied
Racism: Racism should be permitted as individual expression BUT no person performing any form of genuine racism should receive any taxpayer money or assett.
Denying part of your heritage or claiming only part of your lineage as your race (eg, a person with one caucasion, one black parent claiming they are black) should be added to the definition of racist for legal purposes.
Elections : Recall elections, national, electorate or local should be forced by a petition (vetted) of 15% of the electorate.
Law Enforcement: An immediate return to innocent-until-proven-guilty and the banning of any instant fine not agreed upon by the miscreant.
This should be accompanied by a policy of not prosecuting mistakes and genuine accidents. (NOTE: This should offset the extra court time needed with the abandonment of instant fines.)
Any question around whether a mistake, accident or a deliberate act to be decided, at the State's cost if found to be not deliberate, by a senior judge at the earliest possible convenience.
Law: All laws needing interpretation should be interpreted with the assistance of the writer of that law, that writer's interpretation to be paramount.
Any judge attempting to make law or comment on law should be imprisoned (general population of that prison only).
Traffic law and enforcement: All traffic laws to be based solely on safety and enforcement personnel to be instructed that driver stops to be made only for safety reasons. Prosecuters will need to prove a driver's actions were unsafe to others (or other's property) to proceed with prosecutions.
This measure must not prevent stops for crime prevention, criminal detection or arrest or for an enforcement officer to offer friendly advice on driver behaviour.
Wednesday, 25 January 2023
Getting What You Signed Up For
There is a story on the front page of NewstalkZB this morning about a family of Seppos resident in Nelson.
They're complaining that their mortgage has gone up.
To put things in perspective they almost certainly voted O'Bama, Clinton and then Biden. If they voted in NZ they would have voted communist (Green or Labour).
They purchased a house two years ago in Nelson, one of the highest house-price areas in the country. Purchased at the height of housing prices in New Zealand.
They took out a mortgage loan of $1,000,000. at the then historically low interest rates. They took a one-year fixed mortgage - twice.
Anyone with a brain would have noted the chance of interest rates increasing and locked in a reasonable rate for at least three to five years.
Now, thanks to the things they supported creating serious inflation, they are being asked to pay current market rates which are considerably higher.
A large part of their complaint is that the bank(s) are commercial operations needing to make their shareholders money, are taking a profit.
Based on their argument their folly should be paid for by someone else.
It will be a good day for New Zealand when these people and all their co-fuckwits go back where they come from.
They certainly add nothing to this country!