Doomed I tell you. DOOOOOOOOMED!
I continue to read "Where we went wrong" posits from National people. The latest From Veteran at No Minister.
Trouble is each and every one I've read so far gets it wrong, very wrong.
National finds itself in the position it's in, not because it offered the voter the wrong thing but because it offered the voter nothing.
When New Zealand needed leaders, needed politicians to stand up and point out the realities of the reaction to the Covid virus, National hid under it's bed.
Occasionally someone would put his (always "his", shamefully no sheila ever did) head up and state the truth.
Labour, led by the slime, would immediately attack that truth-teller lest the public started to learn the facts and, importantly, that truth-teller would then be abandoned by his National colleagues, thrown to the wolves.
The changing of "leaders" had no effect what-so-ever, Soimon, Todd and Judith showing zero leadership between them.
At no point did National actually stand up and say "NO", point out why and demonstrate the correct way forward for the people of New Zealand.
Never, not once, did National even show signs they were a able to do better, in fact not once did they show signs they could do anything at all.
The only pollie who consistently presented the facts was the actual (unpaid as such) Leader of the Opposition, David Seymour.
New Zealand went into the 2020 election with only two genuine alternatives, Labour and ACT.
Nation got the tribal vote and some protest votes.
Until New Zealand is presented with at least two main-stream parties with alternative views and prospective actions we are doomed to remain the Democratic Socialist Pacific Peoples Republic of Ao-whatever-the f@#k-it-is.
DOOMED indeed!