Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Reality Bites

 This afternoon, coincidentally just after I finished my late lunch, a lady knocked on my door.

My doctor ordered me to move out of my caravan** into a flat and I have just done so; this lady was looking for the previous tenant.

The door-knocking lady was there to deliver free food. She told me that was what she/they (she had accomplices) did. This was not meals-on-wheels type food, it was groceries.

It seems that there are people out there who are not only incapable of fending for themselves, they are too bloody useless to get off their arses and go to charitable organisations to receive help.

The previous tenant was brown and sometimes had a partner.

Every fortnight this lady and her team would deliver groceries.

I gave the lady a contact number that she may be able to find out where the previous tenant moved to (although Hell would be my guess), she offered me food, gave me thanks.

I had been advised that my flat looked new when I first viewed it because they had had the builders in. I think I now understand why.

I'm a pathetic old fart, largely incapable of ambulating but even I can go and get the food I require - which at my age ain't much. I can cook (although I can't enjoy).

I was shocked by what I heard today.

I include myself in this comment: If we can't (or won't) fend for ourselves put us down. You would a dog. We're higher than dogs on the evolutionary scale, we should be first.

Free Speech

 I've left this for a couple of days but this morning I came across a still-highlighted column - that I won't link to, it would only encourage the bastard. It was a couple of days old but still there.

I've just made peanut butter and while doing the dishes from that (my only automatic dishwasher is creating this comment) I had time to think about it.

To explain, I am a right-wing liberal and as such believe in free speech. Not just free speech I agree with but the right for ALL people to speak freely.

I was dismayed over the last few days to read several people who claim to also be right-wing (although mainly conservative) using their free speech to call out others for exercising their right to speak.

The two people targeted were two people I detest.

Helen Clarke and Don Brash.

They are calling for New Zealand to remain neutral rather than the current Government align us with one side in the most likely major clash in the near future.

Free speech is the one thing we have left that gives us a chance to regain hope, happiness and relative wealth.

Free speech, consequently, is constantly under attack from the scum, such as the racists, the communists, the sexists and, more recently, the pooftas.

Free speech also allows us to hear what the other guy thinks (and wants), analyse that and then explain why he is wrong.

Free speech, for every person on the planet, is the most important goal for mankind.

We must protect it, not try to limit it to only speech we agree with.


Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Yet More Waste!

 The Headline:

Emissions reduction plan focuses on "the big dots" to move NZ in "the right direction" - Simon Watts

 From the story:

"The new reduction plan includes investing in electric car chargers, waste minimisation, and planting thousands of hectares of pine and native trees."

 What a fucking waste of time, money and effort!

The World needs MORE CO2, leading to more plant growth and "greening". The world also needs more thought into how to mitigate climate change rather than misguided attempts to beat nature by stopping it and, based on the bloody cold, awful winter in New Zealand, more warming.

The goals: More electric car chargers simply means more support for the rich fuckwits who virtue signal by driving a vehicle that costs the environment, over it's life, more than any ICE vehicle does - although probably a few child-labour slaves die gathering rare metals for each car's construction so the planet benefits that way. 

More trees: Private enterprise will happily do this if the bloody Govt. would get the hell out of their way - and they'd do it cheaper and better.

More waste-minimilisation: They could start by stopping waste of tax-payer money but instead keep pretending that a group of 5 million people can have an effect on the waste production of 8 billion. By all means continue advertising on this but don't increase anything else - particularly don't increase the spend.

Let New Zealand lead the World, let New Zealand stand up proudly and state, boldly: "Fuck this, People come first!"

Friday, 12 July 2024


 I moved house. For health reasons I had to move out of my caravan and into a unit - Dr's orders.

I needed a fair bit of new furniture. The first three (bed, washing machine and bigger refrigerator) were easy.

The only thing that changes about Harvey Norman is the name of their sales. A month's pension and I had all three - delivered and installed.

I then needed some other stuff, like bookcases, bedroom furniture,  desks, table + chairs etc.

I went second hand with the table and chairs - including 6 chairs (one a wooden arm chair) and paid about a tank of diesel for my Hilux for the lot.

The armchair is brilliant reading in the sun.

There is some amazing kitset stuff out there very cheap. My only bookcase is black metal with oak so I stuck with the theme. Two desks with attached bookcases, delivered, cost me about $180. add the bedroom lowboy with top and bedside cabinet and I have change from $250.

Only the cabinet was assembled.

Today, having assembled some of the other stuff, I tackled the first of the desks.

Allowing for my hernia and the problems that causes I thought about 2 1/2 hours (with remarkable little swearing) was OK - until the final process when I found out why the price was so low. The final process was putting together the two assembled pieces to make one desk but there were no suitable screws supplied.

Four hours was still an acceptable time when you add in the trip to the next town to buy 4 bolt and nuts.

Tomorrow the TV stand and accompanying TV, Monday PM, assuming it arrives, the second desk/bookcase.

Listen for the swearing - it'll probably be audible in Kataia.

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Two Medical Tales

 There is an interesting column today reproduced on Bassett, Brash and Hide published originally by Lindsay Mitchell on her blog.

In it she describes a medical emergency (or rather urgency) and her experience.

I had an experience today I will share:

I emailed my doctor's surgery (at 08:40) this morning asking some questions about what appeared to me to be a possible allergy reaction to pain medication taken for a hernia problem.

I used email to avoid wasting the doctor's time.

Approximately half an hour later I received a telephone call from the surgery advising the doctors no longer accepted emails and I would have to attend personally.

An appointment was arranged for 14:00.

Due to problems finding a carpark I could "walk" from I entered the surgery at 13:58.

Two minutes later, exactly on time, the doctor ushered me into his consulting room and then spent about 15 minutes discussing and checking my ailments, advising me that I had been approved for surgery and writing a prescription about the size of "War and Peace" which was sent direct to the pharmacy of my choice.

The pharmacy people were great too.

The Doctor cost me $19. the drugs were free.

The health system ain't broken, you just got to live in a good place!

Saturday, 6 July 2024

Perfect Timing

 Fantastic stuff!

I was just reading a column about another call from a Democrat for Biden to step aside when, on the left half of the page an advertisement for Couplands Fruit Cake appeared.

Talk about truth in advertising.

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

It doesn't get better.

 I thought I was getting used to the stupidity published by New Zealanders but then a couple of new examples let me know I'm not:

 We're finally giving in to the shoebox apartments

 an HDPA special. The lady sometimes writes reasonable stuff but not this time.

"We" aren't "giving in" to anything. Some people may be happy to live in a small space, you only need to note the number of people voluntarily living in caravans to see that.

I was, until a week ago, one of them.

There is also no stories, no anecdotal evidence that people are being forced, against their will, to move into "shoebox' apartments and, thanks to the communist c#@t and it's cohort, there is a serious shortage of housing.

That shortage is being alleviated by this "shoebox"housing but if you don't like such shelter I'm sure there's a hedge with a hole in it somewhere close by.

The second, from Point of Order included in the Buzz from the Beehive section titled

And when food-producing land makes way for housing, don’t fret – there’s plenty of kina to be harvested

 New Zealand currently uses a tiny fraction of it's land so having to re-purpose some land further out to replace current food-producing land will not, for many years (and at least a tenfold increase in population) cause food shortages unless, of course, halfwit pollies ban land development while taking already developed (for food production) land. To ensure that stupidity doesn't happen don't vote left wing.

The second example was to create a segue but it missed - badly.

As an aside, while looking up "segue" to ensure I had the spelling correct I found you can now use "segway" instead although how you fall backwards onto your head off a segue wasn't explained.