Wednesday 10 July 2024

Two Medical Tales

 There is an interesting column today reproduced on Bassett, Brash and Hide published originally by Lindsay Mitchell on her blog.

In it she describes a medical emergency (or rather urgency) and her experience.

I had an experience today I will share:

I emailed my doctor's surgery (at 08:40) this morning asking some questions about what appeared to me to be a possible allergy reaction to pain medication taken for a hernia problem.

I used email to avoid wasting the doctor's time.

Approximately half an hour later I received a telephone call from the surgery advising the doctors no longer accepted emails and I would have to attend personally.

An appointment was arranged for 14:00.

Due to problems finding a carpark I could "walk" from I entered the surgery at 13:58.

Two minutes later, exactly on time, the doctor ushered me into his consulting room and then spent about 15 minutes discussing and checking my ailments, advising me that I had been approved for surgery and writing a prescription about the size of "War and Peace" which was sent direct to the pharmacy of my choice.

The pharmacy people were great too.

The Doctor cost me $19. the drugs were free.

The health system ain't broken, you just got to live in a good place!

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