Wednesday 17 July 2024

Reality Bites

 This afternoon, coincidentally just after I finished my late lunch, a lady knocked on my door.

My doctor ordered me to move out of my caravan** into a flat and I have just done so; this lady was looking for the previous tenant.

The door-knocking lady was there to deliver free food. She told me that was what she/they (she had accomplices) did. This was not meals-on-wheels type food, it was groceries.

It seems that there are people out there who are not only incapable of fending for themselves, they are too bloody useless to get off their arses and go to charitable organisations to receive help.

The previous tenant was brown and sometimes had a partner.

Every fortnight this lady and her team would deliver groceries.

I gave the lady a contact number that she may be able to find out where the previous tenant moved to (although Hell would be my guess), she offered me food, gave me thanks.

I had been advised that my flat looked new when I first viewed it because they had had the builders in. I think I now understand why.

I'm a pathetic old fart, largely incapable of ambulating but even I can go and get the food I require - which at my age ain't much. I can cook (although I can't enjoy).

I was shocked by what I heard today.

I include myself in this comment: If we can't (or won't) fend for ourselves put us down. You would a dog. We're higher than dogs on the evolutionary scale, we should be first.

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