Wednesday 5 June 2024


 ECE, Early Childhood Education.

Back in the day, in happy and successful times, we had a rather good ECE system.

We called it "mum".

Mum was paid by dad from his after-tax income.

Forward to the present and Mr Seymour is announcing he is going to tinker with the new-ish, tax-payer funded ECE once again but I'm betting, despite the taxpayer paying mum to get high, get pissed, get casually screwed while the taxpayer also pays to feed and look after the future money sponges, that tinkering will not include telling mums that they are being very well paid to provide both life's necessities and ECE so get on with it..

A pity!

Mr Seymour has the key to a happy and successful country in his hands. I'm betting it will go back in his pocket without even trying the lock.

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