Saturday 15 June 2024

Such is Life.

 Take a knife.

An ordinary knife, one of those semi-sharp, serrated-edged little vegetable knifes would be best.

Ram the knife slowly up into the join where your leg attaches to your body (front).

That is my day.

Sitting down helps, lying in bed is almost pain free, but seriously inconvenient when it comes to ablution, cleaning, eating and other optional extras. Any sort of movement, up, down, twisting the body just to pick up a coffee, anything comes with a reminder of the pain.

The most painful thing: having a shower.

I've just had one. I almost passed out from the pain at one stage. The walls turned blue, then red, just from the language I used.

That language helped by the way.

I will now need to sit for 30 - 60 minutes until the residual pain leaves.

The message: Don't get old!

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