Sunday 16 June 2024

Torture By The Lazy

 Another day, another story headlined by the lime.

I won't link to it, the story is always similar: Some poor bastard makes a mistake, causes an accident and an innocent person (or people) is harmed.

The person hurt has my sympathy or condolences (as appropriate) and their family and loving ones the same.


In today's case a truckdriver didn't measure his load correctly, hit a bridge and is vehicle ricocheted and killed a man.

The truckdriver no doubt deserves a penalty, if just to make other drivers think about their journey and vehicle but IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!

The Judge, in summing up the case, demonstrated why she was promoted out of her law practice - she is a disgusting PoS.

The man did not cause the crash on purpose and I have no doubt the truckdriver has been through some horrible times since, regretting his actions.

THAT is a worse punishment than the courts can impose but the whole process is not justice, it is torture for a mistake.

Torture made worse by slime scum who have never witnessed, let alone taken part in, working life publishing half-assed stories about it.

The whole prosecution strikes me as a keeping-the-numbers-up exercise so the people employed to police New Zealand don't have to do their proper job and make the country safe from genuinely bad scumbags.

Note: I make this comment because there is no stated history of the convicted being regularly stupid on the roads

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