Saturday 1 June 2024

Banks Are Not Policemen

 The Headline:

Family 'gobsmacked' after bank tellers help widow with dementia withdraw $300k

The headline should have read: Greedy Family Worried They May Have Missed Out On Something.

Banks are not policemen! Trading banks exist so people don't need to carry around large amounts of cash. People may still want to do so and, if they have the assets, they can.

If a client of a bank makes a legitimate transaction it's the responsibility of the client, not the bank, to ensure the security.

That, when you think about it is the way we all should want it. The last thing you (I, anyone) want is to explain to a fucking bank why you need a new pair if knickers.

If the greedy, lazy bastards in this story hadn't been so fucking lazy they would have talked to a shyster about limiting the access of the lady to her own money.

Of course this may have resulted in a new will removing the greedy bastards but hey, such is life.

This story is the most recent in an ongoing series of non-stories produced by pathetic communist scum attempting to destroy society (I suspect inadvertently - they're not the sharpest knives in the drawer) so other scum can impose dictatorship of the unwashed.

It's time the slime stopped presenting them!

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