Sunday 9 June 2024

They are now claiming they're trustworthy.

They are now claiming they're trustworthy.

The headline:

From the body of the story:

In August 2012, he was sentenced in a Melbourne courtroom to nine years and 10 months’ imprisonment after he was found guilty of strikingly similar charges – sexually abusing two other girls while living there.

Under Australia’s Migration Act, any non-citizen resident who serves a year or longer in prison can be deported under the controversial Section 501 character test. Court documents state Aleni was “endeavouring to travel to Samoa” in April 2022 after his release from prison, but it is not clear if the then-61-year-old was doing so under an order from Australian officials or if he was proactively going to Samoa to avoid being sent to New Zealand.

Does being in jail in Oz (note the serving of the full sentence, not just two days in a luxury motel as would be the case in New Zealand) constitute "being on the run"?

I make no comment on the rapist scumbag (except that one), just on the slime scumbag putting up the sensationalist headline.

No wonder trust in MSM is so low.

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