Sunday, 25 August 2019

Disgusting at best

I watched the worst minute of television I've ever experienced last night (Sunday).

I watched it for about a minute because I was that shocked I needed the minute to believe what I was watching/listening to.

That minute was the most disgraceful racism I've ever heard broadcast.

It was the sort of thing sometimes heard in pubs or overheard in public, usually shouted by very small men or drunk and disheveled women who's main aim is to attract attention to themselves.

The sort of thing that passes for normal discourse among female (of both sexes) green politicians.

The program was something called The Comedy Cellar (or similar) and the minute was entirely a black sheila (it took some effort to restrain from a different word there) spouting racism.

The sheila was filmed in close-up, accompanied by what I assume iwas a laugh track - there was no humour, not even any attempt at humour in anything I heard during that minute so I doubt there was any noise at all from any audience present.

I enjoy comedy, particularly of the edgy kind, even when I'm the target, I enjoy laughing but to laugh something needs to be funny.

This wasn't.

"Each to his own, such is life" you may say but the problem I have was that had the role been reversed and this same shit spoken by a white, particularly by a white man, the slime would have a field day.

Every news organisation in the world would headline with demands for imprisonment, castration and anything else they could dream up.

Because it's by a sheila, a black sheila, it's somehow OK.

Why is any broadcaster, in this case SKY, allowed to present this blatantly racist crap?

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