Tuesday 6 August 2019

Another attack on free speech

Whangarei Police have prevented a citizen of New Zealand from exercising his right to freedom of thought and expression.


The gentleman was spouting christian-based nonsense in an area open for public speakers/buskers etc.

The police moved him on with threats of arrest.

The Police, admitting they are completely incompetent to do their job, claimed public safety and order was at risk because some people disagreed with the nonsense.

For the record I also disagree with this type of nonsense, indeed, while not offended, I am appalled any adult could actually believe this Falau-type bullshit

I cannot help but wonder what the Police's actions would have been had the gentleman had a brown skin and been spouting the recently invented gobblety gook that is an official language in New Zealand or, god forbid, spouting crap about a certain Mediterranean prophet.

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