Friday, 16 August 2019

Self discipline

Stuff has a story about a young man turning his life around on it's front page.

I'm not going to link to it, it's just another anti-alcohol story as written, yet another block in the attempt by the communistic nose-pokers to stop people enjoying themselves.

The story is about a young man typical of his type: brought up in a household that did not value self discipline, went into the army where all discipline is enforced by superiors and self discipline has no value at all and got into trouble because of that lack of self discipline.

Like so many others he ended up first in jail, then home with a bracelet.

Now I wish to make myself clear.

This young man is maori, as are so many of his type, but this problem is not limited to maori although maori, as a group (unfair I know), tend not to demand self discipline from their young people.

There are many from other races, particularly europeans and, unfortunately and increasingly, asians, who suffer from the same handicap. Those with African, Persian and Arab heritage will not be far behind (I speak here of New Zealand only).

This is a relatively new development in civilised society, a development that appears in all of the western world.

Probably the worst example is the United Kingdom, particularly London, where thieving, maiming and killing by young (mainly) men are rife.

I believe that this is the one thing that we (partially civilised humans) must address urgently.

If we don't we risk a serious descent back to a time where all life was a fight for survival, where every time you venture abroad you risk life and limb.

Getting back to the young man, he was lucky.

He met a strong young woman who demanded self discipline as the price for their continuing relationship.

At the moment they appear to be living happily ever after.

I'm happy for them.

Unfortunately the world does not have enough people like that young women. We must, as a priority, start teaching young people, and those involved in the upbringing of young people, the value, in fact the need, for self discipline.

Only then will this young couple's (and your) children be safe.

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