Monday, 5 August 2019

MSM Panic

There is a meeting today, apparently, because the MSM is losing money.

They are concerned that people are finding alternative venues to get their news.

On the same front page of Stuff I read this is a headline:

Live: Ihumātao protests

12:36 PM  Hunt for the Wilderpeople actor Julian Dennison is among the crowd at Parliament. 

Maybe this is the reason people like me don't consult Stuff for serious news (and in my case wouldn't at all if it wasn't free)?

Could it be that the advent of some completely unknown (at least to me) who makes a living pretending to be someone else joining an illegal protest that would not exist if the police upheld the law of New Zealand is considered front page news indicates the Stuff are irrelevant to thinking New Zealanders?

Could it also be that the most likely to purchase the product of the MSM  are older people, the group that in recent times the MSM has been actively propagandizing against?

Those older people (many of whom are white males) value honest reporting without editorial (or reporter) comment and value, when comment is made, both sides of an argument being presented.

UPDATE: The very next day the headline given prime position on the front page.

Jack Tame ready to date again 


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