Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Cooking water

I've started cooking with peanut oil.

It was suggested to me that it would be better than my usual cheap-brand olive oil and it is.

Tastes better.

Peanut oil, though, doesn't thin like olive oil.

I found this out the other day when I purchased a couple of chicken fillets from my local supermarket.

I'm using an induction hob and a wok. Didn't bother with a lid, it's a little chicken in a wok not a shallow frypan.

Heated the wok, heated the oil, threw in the sliced chicken and the dish started spitting, heavily.

The chicken had been pumped so full of water it instantly released it into the oil causing a fairly major cleaning job after the meal, cleaning my cooking knife rack, the bench and hob and even the window behind the cooking area.

Oh, and cleaning my head where a rather large drop of hot oil landed 😬

I literally had to drain the wok of water before continuing cooking - and this is after throwing only 2/3 of one breast in.

That's a lot of $10. per kg water going to waste.

A group of local idiots have been protesting about approx. 1% of 1% of available water being bottled and sold to China.

Why aren't they protesting about bloody Pak'n'Save wasting as much water by pumping it into chicken?  Or beef?

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