Wednesday 19 June 2024

Not Real. Get Over It

 There is a story on Fox today I'm commenting on. I won't link to it because I don't think I should but it is about a 14yo young lady in Texas who, one morning discovered her acquaintances were looking at fake nude photos with her head in them. She appears to be a typical, pretty teenager.

The story is one of the ongoing series seen worldwide of the "How Bad is AI" genre.

The young lady is, apparently, horrified.

I don't really understand why.

I know young females tend to be hysterical, something many don't lose until about 70, but a fake photo? It's fake!

If the photo(s) were real there would be a problem, but fake?

Doesn't she understand that most males form such photographs in their heads most of the time? Young girls, from the time their bodies start changing (in the West at least) play on that and most do very well out of it, with relationships, material goods etc.

But more importantly, can't someone talk to her and explain that the AI thing is fantasy taken to it's next step, a fantasy born out of the fact that man's natural imagination is now not allowed and the idea it must be suppressed?

The World will be a far better place when this young lady and the thousands of others who will no doubt be in her position at some stage are simply able to say "It's fake. You gotta work, hard, to earn the real thing."

Adults will do more for their young by reinforcing this than pandering to the hysteria of modern halfwit sheilas (of either sex).

Sunday 16 June 2024

Torture By The Lazy

 Another day, another story headlined by the lime.

I won't link to it, the story is always similar: Some poor bastard makes a mistake, causes an accident and an innocent person (or people) is harmed.

The person hurt has my sympathy or condolences (as appropriate) and their family and loving ones the same.


In today's case a truckdriver didn't measure his load correctly, hit a bridge and is vehicle ricocheted and killed a man.

The truckdriver no doubt deserves a penalty, if just to make other drivers think about their journey and vehicle but IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!

The Judge, in summing up the case, demonstrated why she was promoted out of her law practice - she is a disgusting PoS.

The man did not cause the crash on purpose and I have no doubt the truckdriver has been through some horrible times since, regretting his actions.

THAT is a worse punishment than the courts can impose but the whole process is not justice, it is torture for a mistake.

Torture made worse by slime scum who have never witnessed, let alone taken part in, working life publishing half-assed stories about it.

The whole prosecution strikes me as a keeping-the-numbers-up exercise so the people employed to police New Zealand don't have to do their proper job and make the country safe from genuinely bad scumbags.

Note: I make this comment because there is no stated history of the convicted being regularly stupid on the roads

Saturday 15 June 2024

Such is Life.

 Take a knife.

An ordinary knife, one of those semi-sharp, serrated-edged little vegetable knifes would be best.

Ram the knife slowly up into the join where your leg attaches to your body (front).

That is my day.

Sitting down helps, lying in bed is almost pain free, but seriously inconvenient when it comes to ablution, cleaning, eating and other optional extras. Any sort of movement, up, down, twisting the body just to pick up a coffee, anything comes with a reminder of the pain.

The most painful thing: having a shower.

I've just had one. I almost passed out from the pain at one stage. The walls turned blue, then red, just from the language I used.

That language helped by the way.

I will now need to sit for 30 - 60 minutes until the residual pain leaves.

The message: Don't get old!

Query to NewstalkZB

 Sir, I note your headline on you NewstalkZB site.  "Legendary TV presenter Kevin Milne loves the Between Two Beers podcast".

I admit to not being a listener; I am deaf.

Please publish a list of (and preferably details of) the legends this person has been responsible for.


I will advise through this blog the answer - should it contain legends.

Friday 14 June 2024

Poor Busses

The headline: 

51-year-old man arrested for indecent assaults on Auckland buses

The act:

indecent assault


  1. The crime of touching another person in a sexual manner without consent, or where the person lacks capacity to give consent.


 It'd take a better man than me to figure out how to do that to a bloody great box on wheels.


Wednesday 12 June 2024

First Home Buyers

 The headline:

Thousands of first-home buyers have deposits wiped out

The sub-heading:

More than 8500 first-home buyers who bought their homes during the market peak have properties that are worth less than they paid for them - and in a significant number of cases, that could be adding to the squeeze on their budgets. 

Leaving aside the fact that rates are generally set on improved value, meaning the budgets should have improved, not worsened, quite seriously who gives a fuck?

You buy a house to live in it.

Only when you want to upgrade or need to sell for financial reasons does the resale (i.e.value) of the house become relevant.

Only those buying as an investment lose out short term and that's what investment is all about: Yah pays yah money and yah take yah chances.

The headline is not just dishonest by implication and in fact, the story is also utter bullshit.

No doubt it'll win prizes at the next slime awards.

Sunday 9 June 2024

They are now claiming they're trustworthy.

They are now claiming they're trustworthy.

The headline:

From the body of the story:

In August 2012, he was sentenced in a Melbourne courtroom to nine years and 10 months’ imprisonment after he was found guilty of strikingly similar charges – sexually abusing two other girls while living there.

Under Australia’s Migration Act, any non-citizen resident who serves a year or longer in prison can be deported under the controversial Section 501 character test. Court documents state Aleni was “endeavouring to travel to Samoa” in April 2022 after his release from prison, but it is not clear if the then-61-year-old was doing so under an order from Australian officials or if he was proactively going to Samoa to avoid being sent to New Zealand.

Does being in jail in Oz (note the serving of the full sentence, not just two days in a luxury motel as would be the case in New Zealand) constitute "being on the run"?

I make no comment on the rapist scumbag (except that one), just on the slime scumbag putting up the sensationalist headline.

No wonder trust in MSM is so low.

Wednesday 5 June 2024


 A racist halfwit in Otara has, for some reason built a tower in the backyard of the house we pay for him to occupy.

Why, I neither know nor care.

The council has ordered it's removal.

The halfwit says he is "fighting" it's removal and that New Zealand laws and rules don't apply to him.

Fair enough. I'll accept that. Therefore any action to or around him is legal.

Shoot the cunt!


 ECE, Early Childhood Education.

Back in the day, in happy and successful times, we had a rather good ECE system.

We called it "mum".

Mum was paid by dad from his after-tax income.

Forward to the present and Mr Seymour is announcing he is going to tinker with the new-ish, tax-payer funded ECE once again but I'm betting, despite the taxpayer paying mum to get high, get pissed, get casually screwed while the taxpayer also pays to feed and look after the future money sponges, that tinkering will not include telling mums that they are being very well paid to provide both life's necessities and ECE so get on with it..

A pity!

Mr Seymour has the key to a happy and successful country in his hands. I'm betting it will go back in his pocket without even trying the lock.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Banks Are Not Policemen

 The Headline:

Family 'gobsmacked' after bank tellers help widow with dementia withdraw $300k

The headline should have read: Greedy Family Worried They May Have Missed Out On Something.

Banks are not policemen! Trading banks exist so people don't need to carry around large amounts of cash. People may still want to do so and, if they have the assets, they can.

If a client of a bank makes a legitimate transaction it's the responsibility of the client, not the bank, to ensure the security.

That, when you think about it is the way we all should want it. The last thing you (I, anyone) want is to explain to a fucking bank why you need a new pair if knickers.

If the greedy, lazy bastards in this story hadn't been so fucking lazy they would have talked to a shyster about limiting the access of the lady to her own money.

Of course this may have resulted in a new will removing the greedy bastards but hey, such is life.

This story is the most recent in an ongoing series of non-stories produced by pathetic communist scum attempting to destroy society (I suspect inadvertently - they're not the sharpest knives in the drawer) so other scum can impose dictatorship of the unwashed.

It's time the slime stopped presenting them!