Friday 31 May 2024

Setting New Standards

 In a country proving itself to contain complete and utter morons, every one of whom's utterances are duly reported on news sites front pages, no doubt by fellow morons, the bar in stupidity is constantly being lowered.

The latest attempt comes in the headline noted today in several msm sites:

Overseas aid falls further in Budget

 The country, thanks to the scum who voted communist in '17 and '20, is broke and seriously in debt.

The country doesn't have any money to spare!

Any sensible money managers would have cancelled ALL overseas aid and applied for some FOR New Zealand.

Giving away money we don't have is moronic, mourning the fact we aren't giving away more, completely bloody stupid.

Very much a new low. It's going to be interesting just how the slime top bottom(?) that.

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