Saturday 11 May 2024

A Long-winded Question - Read At Your Own Peril

About one year ago (it was May, 2023) my taste buds died.

I don't know why, put it down to old age and abuse. Several weeks later I got a mild 'flu that was apparently Covid 19, so it wasn't that.

Taste buds dying was initially a curse I could no longer taste red wine and ice cream "tasted" horrible. Roast beef (cooked my way) no longer was mouth-watering. Cheese, particularly good cheese became ho-hum.

Snack food, (crisps, peanuts etc.), fish and chips, hot dogs etc. became a non-event.

I stopped eating.

I had already lost approximately 20 Kg from "peak Tinman" and was down to ~130 Kg.

A bit of stress, including, but not limited to losing my home and a drug-addled, grasping son taking most of my savings added and my weight dropped rather dramatically. I am now 89Kg. Life ain't always been kind to me.

Not all doom and gloom though. I can drink whisky and beer without hating it (although red wine leaves me cold), I own my own home (a caravan) and if I can sell my HiLux I will be financially viable. I also love where I now live - the Woodend Beach Holiday Park.

Hopefully I'll be here until I die.

But enough of me. I've just watched a video of a typically fat Seppo sheila whinging and stating she is in serious danger as far as her health and well being is concerned because she hasn't had her daily fix of fast food and sweet drinks.

Obviously the sheila wouldn't know hardship if it kicked her in her (very) oversized arse.

The sheila is part of a pro-terrorist protest at a Seppo university.

I presented my recent history (or part of it) to put into perspective my question: How does something like this sheila expect to be taken seriously and why does she not think her blind and absolute stupidity will not follow her the rest of her life when those she starves to support raped and murdered sheilas doing exactly as she is doing, at a "music" festival in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023?

A further question: Why do the relevant authorities not treat the terrorist supporters in the exact same manner Hamas treated Palestinian supporters (and Jews) on that day in October '23?

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