Friday 24 May 2024

Crash? No, just a siren.

 When I first saw this headline I thought "I agree. Many years of professional night driving has convinced me Canterbury Police driving standards are atrocious".

Then I read the story and realised they are commenting on other drivers, particularly those who "cross the centre line".

There has been an epidemic of head-on crashes lately in North Canterbury resulting in (based on Media reports) very close to zero fatalities.

I suspect this is simply make work down at the piggery with the press release simply to justify the wasted expense in both money and manpower.

Crossing the centre line, if vision is clear and open, on narrow winding roads is often safer for all involved than sticking like glue to the left. It is the judgement that needs to be taught, not avoiding the action completely.

New Zealand Police should, after extensive driver training from experienced road users, employ people noted for their common sense to further train their drivers and start targeting the very bad, often very dangerous drivers polluting our near-city roads, many of them (us) way past their use-by dates, unable to see, let alone drive and totally senile.

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