Tuesday 21 May 2024

Cold, Wet, Windy.



Leaders: Are they, no, They are the problem.

When man climbed down from the trees and decided that he preferred eating meat first he needed to catch that meat.

For that he needed two things: other men and a way of communicating with those other men.

Nature provided the first, other men climbing down just to imitate him, trying the meat, no doubt left over from another animal’s dinner, liking it and wanting more.

The second meant learning to talk and inventing a language for using that skill to communicate.

An aside: Vegetarians, THAT is how far backward your stupidity is!

Having mastered, sufficiently, those skills a group of men set out to hunt, kill and then eat that meat. A few took some home to the little woman, causing man’s first headache, but that is another story.

The group of men then encountered another problem, that of coordinating their efforts. Rather than go the commune route where each man could have their input and the others, by recognising the wisdom of input, act on it or ignore it some bastard piped up and said “I know, if Fred does this and Joe does that and the rest of you do that while I call the shots, we should eat tonight.”.

Leadership was born.

It’s been downhill since then.

Now we look around and we see the effects of that “leadership”. Very seldom do we see the average man say “I know, I’ll go out and die horribly so Horace there can dine in style tonight”. It’s always Horace sending Bill out to do the dying while he (Horace) carries on the dining.


From your local group of scrotes calling themselves a “gang” (most of whom, individually, are good companions) to the big gangs (called countries) and the really big gangs calling themselves “corporates”.

The “leaders” make the rules, the poor bastards do the paying, (99.99% of the time with no real input). The trouble is, over time, they no longer lead – they dictate.

I contend it’s time for a change.

Make leadership a capital offense. Shoot every leader (I’d prefer hanging, the ropes can then be repurposed, shooting is easier), at every level and restart afresh.

The World would become instant chaos, interesting, fun and a far, far better place.

There would be no countries, people would quickly recognise the only way of surviving would be cooperation and, without bloody “leaders” that cooperation would remain small and largely uncoordinated.

We would have found nirvana – and we could maintain nirvana as long as we remembered to destroy, completely, every potential leader.

Such is a rainy morning in North Canterbury. I’m bored, you get to share the boredom.

Now, where is the first “leader” in need of shooting?

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