Friday 3 May 2024


 In my day - just post-asteroid - the sheilas (of both sexes) were running around with a little red book.

Supposedly the thoughts of Chairman Mao. In fact just communist propaganda, probably invented and compiled by some life-rejected little dweeb in a back room in Durham (or similar).

I was too busy trying to figure out how to play cricket, rugby and hockey (badly) at the time to realise joining them would have improved my sex life. Oh for lost opportunities!

Then the female ones got beautiful, (the "males" remained ugly, pathetic sheilas) discovered sex was fun, forgot the loser bastard and his communism and got on with life.

Having watched a few overseas reports and interviews lately the current anti-Jew bullshit is the same thing; fashion pretending it is intellectual.

The problem is that the current protest fashion, with it's threat to actual life, (the sit-ins are similar but the killing was done by the authorities back then) is being influenced by scum who should be wiped from the Earth.

That influence can, will, lead to serious violence and death

This, in turn, will lead to several of the "fashionistas", the dedicated followers of fashion, completely destroying their lives.**

The scum, of course, will just carry on creating and feeding bias and hate in the effort to lead to insurrection - they only know how to destroy.

Those of us in the human world need to wake up, destroy the sub-human scum, be they racist, religionist, or sexist, and then do what the scum can't do: Rebuild.

The first two steps will be the hardest and mean goodbye to the slime, scum supporters (read "slime") and the scum themselves.

Only mass slaughter can prevent mass slaughter.

I know which side of that mass slaughter I want to be on.

** "Dedicated Follower of Fashion" by The Kinks was a bloody good single.

While your looking that up also look up "The Ugly Blues" by the Uglies - and if you find it think "Genter" while you listen.

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