Wednesday 1 May 2024

Solved! That was Easy

Now for the genuine World problems such as how did the fraud of chicken wings eventuate? 

But first:

Reading through the "news" today, mainly from overseas sites, the New Zealand sites being unreadable and dishonest, I was struck with a one thing.

Every day I read someone warning of the big baddies, Mr Putin and Mr Xi, and their designs on World conquest and domination.

Their two capitalist countries are always referred to as "communist" although both are far right of "capitalist" countries like New Zealand, Australia and Great Britain and certainly no further left than the current USA, most of Western Europe and the dictatorship of Canada.

Notably though, Mr Putin just defends his border from the left-wing aggressors of NATO and Mr Xi, despite China for the last 50 years having the means to do so, has made not a single aggressive move towards expansion, has not even taken back the Chinese Island of Taiwan from the corrupt Imperialist crew who stole it.

About this time in a discussion I usually get a halfwit rabbiting on about Hong Kong. Hong Kong was CHINESE territory, leased to England for a set time due to blackmail and bullying. The only remarkable thing about Hong Kong is that both partners in the lease kept their word.

Meanwhile, but never mentioned at the same time, the Mediterranean Mysticism Triumvirate are constantly at war, attacking other countries at will and two of their group (The Persians and the Arabs) are sending their representatives out to destroy the free world constantly and the Free World does virtually nothing, intent as they are on the two, based on observed actions, non-threats, who get all the attention.

Maybe the West should ask Mr Putin and Mr Xi for their help in destroying, militarily, the Persians and the Arabs (militarily - although completely would see a far better world) and then then form a World Police (a bit like the UN only not corrupt) to keep the peace.

Note: Make no mistake. Although the Persians and the Arabs employ other races (particularly Africans and sub-Continent Asians) to work for them they are opposed to each other. If not stamped out that will be the next major war.

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