Tuesday 17 September 2019


Organised crime scum killed.

The Slime lionize the mob POS because he died by the violence his lifestyle promoted.

Hard to believe?

That is what's happening as I type.

The slime have decided that a member of the Mongrel Mob, the illegal gang that terrorise people while dealing in illegal, murderous drugs and accompanying violence that is an anathema to law abiding, honest citizens, should be mourned.


Perhaps (I admit I guess) because this scum is of the special people.

The "special" people who strive to make New Zealand an apartheid country.

Apartheid, of course, is an Afrikaans word meaning "separate development" that stands in the modern world to mean the ultimate in deliberate racism.

NZ is a country peopled mostly by whites, about 67% was the last estimate I read.

Those whites started arriving (whalers first after the explorers found the place) 4-500 years after the first invaders, brown polynesians.

Those polynesians (no, they don't deserve a capital), after initial contact and disagreement, decided the only way forward was to beg the white invaders for protection.

The white Queen, half a world away and (correctly) not overly trusting her Frog neighbours, agreed.

In the late 1980s some idiot politicians (led by a short term Prime Minister) saw votes in pretending the special people were hard done by and should have access to the taxpayer's money.

To enable this the politicians started, dishonestly, attempting to purvey a sense of guilt to non-thinking whites (mainly sheilas of both sexes).

Another idiot politician, unfortunately also a PM, assisted by a very successful conman, followed, pushing the same line.

Many NZers of the female disability (not all thank the gods, the great Jenny temporarily intervened, if only for a short time) fell for the bullshit.

The browns, every one by then only partially brown, were acclaimed as the special people.

This continues to this day.

As an aside I also talk of a country that elected, and continues to allow, a complete moron, bone-idle lazy, too stupid to survive without direction and grossly dishonest in every thought and deed as Prime Minister.

Not a bright country!

I digress.

The "special people are now, based on the quoted above slime line, to be so far above taxpaying NZers that they must be mourned, no matter the disgusting things of their illegal, immoral activities.

Personally, given the chance, I shall urinate on the bastards grave!

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