Friday 27 September 2019

Life is Terminal

I have been reading the slime reports of something I admit I've not seen (despite working in the city today). Apparently there was a "Climate Strike".

No not the climate striking, in any sense of the word "striking", but apparently a whole group of people tried to save the world by (I'm not making this up) not doing anything.

Of course some are incompetent at not doing anything so made up signs, polluted the inner city, talked to like-minded slime etc - proving they are actually pretty good at not doing anything (useful).

One caught my eye. From RNZ:

"Another organiser Luke Wijohnand said: "There's such a difference between what we see happening in our political area and what is coming out from these scientists. It's like they don't even read the stuff, it's like they can't even understand or they don't panic when they hear that billions of people are going to die."

ALL people die. Life is terminal.

Is Luke suggesting by causing the death of billions (which is what the implementation of Luke's mates ideas would cause - by starvation etc.) some will become immortal?

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