Monday 16 September 2019

Language: The use of

I love reading, particularly reading good columnists and blog writers.

One site I find very good is Spiked.

I can always find something entertaining and thoughtful to read and is such.

I must admit that prior to a couple of days ago when I read about this pro-noun nonsense declaration I'd never heard of Sam Smith.

I still have never, to my knowledge, heard the noise he makes. Nor do I want to.

Brendan O'Neill makes a great argument why this declaration by Smith is so wrong, as is the slime by acceding to the demand.

The only point he doesn't make, and I make now, is that language (any language) is a device for communication.

The use of that language is diminished if, as with Humpty Dumpty, language can be anything the speaker wishes it to be.

Language has set meanings and while those meanings may change with the times (not always for the good - try having a gay old time nowdays) those meanings, in Sam Smith's case pro-nouns, need to be adhered to.

Of course, in Sam Smith's case I'll make an exception - I don't give a hoot whether I understand what he says or not!

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