Friday 27 September 2019

Why is this news?, breathlessly I'm guessing, announce that some stores are starting to promote the Xmas period.

At the end of September.


Why do commercial decisions and timing of annual promotions have anything to do with news or anyone else except those businesses and their customers?

Was a store to start putting Xmas items up in it's store on 27 December this may be news in the "today's funnies" column but other that is, in fact, of no interest at all.

Nor is the "fact" (this is a slime report so by definition remains suspect) that some stores are starting their Xmas promotions now.

I can only assume that are now so incompetent that the problems within the Labour Party re sexual assault, the problems farmers face providing our nation with export earnings and the problems NZ people face with an unlead, disgracefully performing government removing freedom of thought and expression from ALL New Zealanders are not important enough (in the Slime's view), to fill news content.

I disagree!

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