Tuesday 10 September 2019

Genuinely incompetent, disgustingly dishonest.

The deflection by the slime attempting to hide the incompetence and dishonesty of the PM over the Labour staffer sex assault scandal appears to be unraveling.

For the first time the slime are reporting just how bad Labour "leadership" has been in handling the now uncontested (by almost everyone involved) allegations of physical and sexual assault by the staffer.

Only now is the slime, with the exception of Hosking who raised the subject when it first came to light, starting to report just how totally dishonest and incompetent the party "leader" is.




Of course the big problem is this thing is running our country, making decisions that we, the tax payer, will be paying for from many, many years to come.

If that doesn't keep you awake at night, those pills are really good!


Views from the left and the right:



and the Adern-loving centre? Kiwiblog won't load but even Farrar is questioning the honesty of his heroine.

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