Monday 30 September 2019

Uber or a Cab

I refer you to

I admit having little sympathy for the thieves driving Uber vehicles (having been a cabbie) but suggest you look at what is now the NZ taxi industry.

Most companies I know (including the company I was a shareholder of) have been taken over by grossly dishonest immigrants from countries bordering the Gulf of Arabia (a body of water running from Somalia in Africa to India).

Passengers are now viewed as mugs, to be relieved of as much money as possible, service (unless viewed as lucrative) is a dirty word and drivers born in NZ are driven out, no longer needed nor appreciated because they tend to favour honesty.

The scum driving Uber (and now Ola) were happy to thieve from traditional cabbies, happy to rip off the system only now to discover driving a car costs money - a damned sight more money than a percentage of Uber's fares provide.

Driving a traditional cab used to mean working long hours for not bad money.

It also meant being a good people-person, being deaf (and sometimes blind), having the patience of Job and cleaning the vehicle after every job.

When Uber achieves it's ultimate aim and operates only driverless vehicles who's going to listen to your troubles, who's going to get the car laughing for that long drive home and, most important, who's going to clean up after the last dirty bastards so you can get home in that new dress (or suit) you paid $1,000 for without ruining it?

One thing I can guarantee: They will be listening to every word you say - with video!

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