Saturday 28 September 2019

The joys (or otherwise) of watching TV sport.

I watched part of a Caribbean half-cricket match (20/20) last night.

Even 20/20 is better than watching rugby with it's totally incompetent officiating and terrible commentators.

I stopped watching because Danny (Fizz-boy) Morrison was behind the microphone meaning mute was compulsory at such a time.

Prior to hitting that mute button I remembered just how very, very bad NZ commentators are, how they must continue yakking non-stop instead of recognising that people watching television can see what is happening.

Morrison, Doull  and Lose are the worst I've heard since Quinn hung up his noise-assister.

Most other NZ television sport commentators are also terrible.

Most of the time during play a commentary is unnecessary noise, what is needed is occasional interpretation of the play, the identification of particular players and fill-in information (may be history, player profile, competition or performance details etc.

The Seppos get it right, the Poms and english-language Indians are also good most of the time (cricket only) making baseball, american football and Pom/Indian cricket a pleasure to watch.

Most of the NZ fellows know their game, the three above were all international players, but they never learn when to talk and when to shut up.

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