Thursday, 26 September 2024

Racist Scum Mouths Off Again

 The headline:

Te Pāti Māori warns of ‘million Māori’ wrath over cut $30m te reo programme

 Oi Rawiri, why not just grab $30. each off those "million maori"?

Or is that number just another piece of bullshit from the racist piece of lying shit that you so obviously are?


 I bought a new pair of scissors today.

I need a good pair because they are the only thing I know of that gets you into the hard plastic sealed packs most things come in nowdays.

I have a couple of items still sealed just waiting for me to get new scissors to replace my old ones lost in the big shift.

I look forward to finally being able to open those packs with my new sciss..............


Friday, 6 September 2024

Yet Another FRAUD!

 The people checking supermarkets are checking the wrong aisles.

Everyone knows that the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the innocent public - worldwide - is chicken-wings.

Selling previously thrown away bits of skin and bone in double the amount of batter (the only taste), pretending it is premium food and charging accordingly to deliberately skinny people was the work of a genius.

Previously recorded music held the number two spot, wavering slightly with electronics but hold on simply through the me-too factor demanding the perennial stupid keep buying god-awful noise simply because it's "new".

Previously recorded music cemented it's hold on the number 2 spot by demanding you paid for from 2 to 12+ pieces in order to buy the one track you wanted.

The only recorded time when the second track was worth the purchase was when the Uglies (Uglys?) put "Ugly Blues" on the reverse side of (I think) "It's All Right".

But now there is, in New Zealand at least, a challenger.

I refer of course to the liquid being added to meat by retailers who then seal meat and (water?) in plastic and charge the liquid at the same rate of the already grossly-overpriced meat.

It ain't just Supermarkets of course, I've seen examples at the local butcher, the closest meat retailer (Northwood, Belfast) and last week, at Verkerks, the small-goods outfit on Vagues Road, Papanui, Christchurch. Verkerks smallgoods, particularly their salami and European-style sausage, remain excellent.

This water-at-meat-prices fraud is not going to surpass chicken-wings but it's pushing recorded music very close indeed.

Thursday, 29 August 2024



New Zealand appears to be short one King.

We do already have a real King, Charles the First of New Zealand, so which one was he who dropped out?

FucKING useless?

FucKING racists?

FucKING expensive joke?

Can't be the latter. That covers all Kings.

Friday, 23 August 2024

Life - maybe this is it

 Today was my 71st birthday.

One year ago today my world changed.

On my 70th birthday my landlord, a man I imagined was a friend for the last 16 years, told me he was a liar and I would have to move out of the flat that was "mine until until I died" wasn't and his whore wanted it for his whorespawn.

I would have to move out.

No worries thought I, I will move to my son's place.

Over the years I have supported my son to buy his own house and done everything I could to make his home ownership successful. He had invited me to join him.

Unfortunately he is a drug addict subject to mood swings, I lasted but two months there before I had to leave.

I purchased a caravan and moved to Woodend Beach Holiday Park,

I have never been happier, the people there are fantastic people, living there was great  ..... BUT

I got hurt. I developed a hernia problem that became a serious problem.

My doctor not just ordered me to change my living arrangements but initiated a series of events that has seen me move into a state house (read "pensioner flat") in Kaiapoi.

I sat in the sun today, over the day I have consumed a bottle of bubbles, a bottle of Pinot Gris, have had the meal I chose (I preferred, after serious consideration, not to dine out) and for the first time in years, I'm contented. I'm happy!

That's it. I'm happy!

Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Reality Bites

 This afternoon, coincidentally just after I finished my late lunch, a lady knocked on my door.

My doctor ordered me to move out of my caravan** into a flat and I have just done so; this lady was looking for the previous tenant.

The door-knocking lady was there to deliver free food. She told me that was what she/they (she had accomplices) did. This was not meals-on-wheels type food, it was groceries.

It seems that there are people out there who are not only incapable of fending for themselves, they are too bloody useless to get off their arses and go to charitable organisations to receive help.

The previous tenant was brown and sometimes had a partner.

Every fortnight this lady and her team would deliver groceries.

I gave the lady a contact number that she may be able to find out where the previous tenant moved to (although Hell would be my guess), she offered me food, gave me thanks.

I had been advised that my flat looked new when I first viewed it because they had had the builders in. I think I now understand why.

I'm a pathetic old fart, largely incapable of ambulating but even I can go and get the food I require - which at my age ain't much. I can cook (although I can't enjoy).

I was shocked by what I heard today.

I include myself in this comment: If we can't (or won't) fend for ourselves put us down. You would a dog. We're higher than dogs on the evolutionary scale, we should be first.

Free Speech

 I've left this for a couple of days but this morning I came across a still-highlighted column - that I won't link to, it would only encourage the bastard. It was a couple of days old but still there.

I've just made peanut butter and while doing the dishes from that (my only automatic dishwasher is creating this comment) I had time to think about it.

To explain, I am a right-wing liberal and as such believe in free speech. Not just free speech I agree with but the right for ALL people to speak freely.

I was dismayed over the last few days to read several people who claim to also be right-wing (although mainly conservative) using their free speech to call out others for exercising their right to speak.

The two people targeted were two people I detest.

Helen Clarke and Don Brash.

They are calling for New Zealand to remain neutral rather than the current Government align us with one side in the most likely major clash in the near future.

Free speech is the one thing we have left that gives us a chance to regain hope, happiness and relative wealth.

Free speech, consequently, is constantly under attack from the scum, such as the racists, the communists, the sexists and, more recently, the pooftas.

Free speech also allows us to hear what the other guy thinks (and wants), analyse that and then explain why he is wrong.

Free speech, for every person on the planet, is the most important goal for mankind.

We must protect it, not try to limit it to only speech we agree with.


Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Yet More Waste!

 The Headline:

Emissions reduction plan focuses on "the big dots" to move NZ in "the right direction" - Simon Watts

 From the story:

"The new reduction plan includes investing in electric car chargers, waste minimisation, and planting thousands of hectares of pine and native trees."

 What a fucking waste of time, money and effort!

The World needs MORE CO2, leading to more plant growth and "greening". The world also needs more thought into how to mitigate climate change rather than misguided attempts to beat nature by stopping it and, based on the bloody cold, awful winter in New Zealand, more warming.

The goals: More electric car chargers simply means more support for the rich fuckwits who virtue signal by driving a vehicle that costs the environment, over it's life, more than any ICE vehicle does - although probably a few child-labour slaves die gathering rare metals for each car's construction so the planet benefits that way. 

More trees: Private enterprise will happily do this if the bloody Govt. would get the hell out of their way - and they'd do it cheaper and better.

More waste-minimilisation: They could start by stopping waste of tax-payer money but instead keep pretending that a group of 5 million people can have an effect on the waste production of 8 billion. By all means continue advertising on this but don't increase anything else - particularly don't increase the spend.

Let New Zealand lead the World, let New Zealand stand up proudly and state, boldly: "Fuck this, People come first!"

Friday, 12 July 2024


 I moved house. For health reasons I had to move out of my caravan and into a unit - Dr's orders.

I needed a fair bit of new furniture. The first three (bed, washing machine and bigger refrigerator) were easy.

The only thing that changes about Harvey Norman is the name of their sales. A month's pension and I had all three - delivered and installed.

I then needed some other stuff, like bookcases, bedroom furniture,  desks, table + chairs etc.

I went second hand with the table and chairs - including 6 chairs (one a wooden arm chair) and paid about a tank of diesel for my Hilux for the lot.

The armchair is brilliant reading in the sun.

There is some amazing kitset stuff out there very cheap. My only bookcase is black metal with oak so I stuck with the theme. Two desks with attached bookcases, delivered, cost me about $180. add the bedroom lowboy with top and bedside cabinet and I have change from $250.

Only the cabinet was assembled.

Today, having assembled some of the other stuff, I tackled the first of the desks.

Allowing for my hernia and the problems that causes I thought about 2 1/2 hours (with remarkable little swearing) was OK - until the final process when I found out why the price was so low. The final process was putting together the two assembled pieces to make one desk but there were no suitable screws supplied.

Four hours was still an acceptable time when you add in the trip to the next town to buy 4 bolt and nuts.

Tomorrow the TV stand and accompanying TV, Monday PM, assuming it arrives, the second desk/bookcase.

Listen for the swearing - it'll probably be audible in Kataia.

Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Two Medical Tales

 There is an interesting column today reproduced on Bassett, Brash and Hide published originally by Lindsay Mitchell on her blog.

In it she describes a medical emergency (or rather urgency) and her experience.

I had an experience today I will share:

I emailed my doctor's surgery (at 08:40) this morning asking some questions about what appeared to me to be a possible allergy reaction to pain medication taken for a hernia problem.

I used email to avoid wasting the doctor's time.

Approximately half an hour later I received a telephone call from the surgery advising the doctors no longer accepted emails and I would have to attend personally.

An appointment was arranged for 14:00.

Due to problems finding a carpark I could "walk" from I entered the surgery at 13:58.

Two minutes later, exactly on time, the doctor ushered me into his consulting room and then spent about 15 minutes discussing and checking my ailments, advising me that I had been approved for surgery and writing a prescription about the size of "War and Peace" which was sent direct to the pharmacy of my choice.

The pharmacy people were great too.

The Doctor cost me $19. the drugs were free.

The health system ain't broken, you just got to live in a good place!

Saturday, 6 July 2024

Perfect Timing

 Fantastic stuff!

I was just reading a column about another call from a Democrat for Biden to step aside when, on the left half of the page an advertisement for Couplands Fruit Cake appeared.

Talk about truth in advertising.

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

It doesn't get better.

 I thought I was getting used to the stupidity published by New Zealanders but then a couple of new examples let me know I'm not:

 We're finally giving in to the shoebox apartments

 an HDPA special. The lady sometimes writes reasonable stuff but not this time.

"We" aren't "giving in" to anything. Some people may be happy to live in a small space, you only need to note the number of people voluntarily living in caravans to see that.

I was, until a week ago, one of them.

There is also no stories, no anecdotal evidence that people are being forced, against their will, to move into "shoebox' apartments and, thanks to the communist c#@t and it's cohort, there is a serious shortage of housing.

That shortage is being alleviated by this "shoebox"housing but if you don't like such shelter I'm sure there's a hedge with a hole in it somewhere close by.

The second, from Point of Order included in the Buzz from the Beehive section titled

And when food-producing land makes way for housing, don’t fret – there’s plenty of kina to be harvested

 New Zealand currently uses a tiny fraction of it's land so having to re-purpose some land further out to replace current food-producing land will not, for many years (and at least a tenfold increase in population) cause food shortages unless, of course, halfwit pollies ban land development while taking already developed (for food production) land. To ensure that stupidity doesn't happen don't vote left wing.

The second example was to create a segue but it missed - badly.

As an aside, while looking up "segue" to ensure I had the spelling correct I found you can now use "segway" instead although how you fall backwards onto your head off a segue wasn't explained.


Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Not Real. Get Over It

 There is a story on Fox today I'm commenting on. I won't link to it because I don't think I should but it is about a 14yo young lady in Texas who, one morning discovered her acquaintances were looking at fake nude photos with her head in them. She appears to be a typical, pretty teenager.

The story is one of the ongoing series seen worldwide of the "How Bad is AI" genre.

The young lady is, apparently, horrified.

I don't really understand why.

I know young females tend to be hysterical, something many don't lose until about 70, but a fake photo? It's fake!

If the photo(s) were real there would be a problem, but fake?

Doesn't she understand that most males form such photographs in their heads most of the time? Young girls, from the time their bodies start changing (in the West at least) play on that and most do very well out of it, with relationships, material goods etc.

But more importantly, can't someone talk to her and explain that the AI thing is fantasy taken to it's next step, a fantasy born out of the fact that man's natural imagination is now not allowed and the idea it must be suppressed?

The World will be a far better place when this young lady and the thousands of others who will no doubt be in her position at some stage are simply able to say "It's fake. You gotta work, hard, to earn the real thing."

Adults will do more for their young by reinforcing this than pandering to the hysteria of modern halfwit sheilas (of either sex).

Sunday, 16 June 2024

Torture By The Lazy

 Another day, another story headlined by the lime.

I won't link to it, the story is always similar: Some poor bastard makes a mistake, causes an accident and an innocent person (or people) is harmed.

The person hurt has my sympathy or condolences (as appropriate) and their family and loving ones the same.


In today's case a truckdriver didn't measure his load correctly, hit a bridge and is vehicle ricocheted and killed a man.

The truckdriver no doubt deserves a penalty, if just to make other drivers think about their journey and vehicle but IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!

The Judge, in summing up the case, demonstrated why she was promoted out of her law practice - she is a disgusting PoS.

The man did not cause the crash on purpose and I have no doubt the truckdriver has been through some horrible times since, regretting his actions.

THAT is a worse punishment than the courts can impose but the whole process is not justice, it is torture for a mistake.

Torture made worse by slime scum who have never witnessed, let alone taken part in, working life publishing half-assed stories about it.

The whole prosecution strikes me as a keeping-the-numbers-up exercise so the people employed to police New Zealand don't have to do their proper job and make the country safe from genuinely bad scumbags.

Note: I make this comment because there is no stated history of the convicted being regularly stupid on the roads

Saturday, 15 June 2024

Such is Life.

 Take a knife.

An ordinary knife, one of those semi-sharp, serrated-edged little vegetable knifes would be best.

Ram the knife slowly up into the join where your leg attaches to your body (front).

That is my day.

Sitting down helps, lying in bed is almost pain free, but seriously inconvenient when it comes to ablution, cleaning, eating and other optional extras. Any sort of movement, up, down, twisting the body just to pick up a coffee, anything comes with a reminder of the pain.

The most painful thing: having a shower.

I've just had one. I almost passed out from the pain at one stage. The walls turned blue, then red, just from the language I used.

That language helped by the way.

I will now need to sit for 30 - 60 minutes until the residual pain leaves.

The message: Don't get old!

Query to NewstalkZB

 Sir, I note your headline on you NewstalkZB site.  "Legendary TV presenter Kevin Milne loves the Between Two Beers podcast".

I admit to not being a listener; I am deaf.

Please publish a list of (and preferably details of) the legends this person has been responsible for.


I will advise through this blog the answer - should it contain legends.

Friday, 14 June 2024

Poor Busses

The headline: 

51-year-old man arrested for indecent assaults on Auckland buses

The act:

indecent assault


  1. The crime of touching another person in a sexual manner without consent, or where the person lacks capacity to give consent.


 It'd take a better man than me to figure out how to do that to a bloody great box on wheels.


Wednesday, 12 June 2024

First Home Buyers

 The headline:

Thousands of first-home buyers have deposits wiped out

The sub-heading:

More than 8500 first-home buyers who bought their homes during the market peak have properties that are worth less than they paid for them - and in a significant number of cases, that could be adding to the squeeze on their budgets. 

Leaving aside the fact that rates are generally set on improved value, meaning the budgets should have improved, not worsened, quite seriously who gives a fuck?

You buy a house to live in it.

Only when you want to upgrade or need to sell for financial reasons does the resale (i.e.value) of the house become relevant.

Only those buying as an investment lose out short term and that's what investment is all about: Yah pays yah money and yah take yah chances.

The headline is not just dishonest by implication and in fact, the story is also utter bullshit.

No doubt it'll win prizes at the next slime awards.

Sunday, 9 June 2024

They are now claiming they're trustworthy.

They are now claiming they're trustworthy.

The headline:

From the body of the story:

In August 2012, he was sentenced in a Melbourne courtroom to nine years and 10 months’ imprisonment after he was found guilty of strikingly similar charges – sexually abusing two other girls while living there.

Under Australia’s Migration Act, any non-citizen resident who serves a year or longer in prison can be deported under the controversial Section 501 character test. Court documents state Aleni was “endeavouring to travel to Samoa” in April 2022 after his release from prison, but it is not clear if the then-61-year-old was doing so under an order from Australian officials or if he was proactively going to Samoa to avoid being sent to New Zealand.

Does being in jail in Oz (note the serving of the full sentence, not just two days in a luxury motel as would be the case in New Zealand) constitute "being on the run"?

I make no comment on the rapist scumbag (except that one), just on the slime scumbag putting up the sensationalist headline.

No wonder trust in MSM is so low.

Wednesday, 5 June 2024


 A racist halfwit in Otara has, for some reason built a tower in the backyard of the house we pay for him to occupy.

Why, I neither know nor care.

The council has ordered it's removal.

The halfwit says he is "fighting" it's removal and that New Zealand laws and rules don't apply to him.

Fair enough. I'll accept that. Therefore any action to or around him is legal.

Shoot the cunt!


 ECE, Early Childhood Education.

Back in the day, in happy and successful times, we had a rather good ECE system.

We called it "mum".

Mum was paid by dad from his after-tax income.

Forward to the present and Mr Seymour is announcing he is going to tinker with the new-ish, tax-payer funded ECE once again but I'm betting, despite the taxpayer paying mum to get high, get pissed, get casually screwed while the taxpayer also pays to feed and look after the future money sponges, that tinkering will not include telling mums that they are being very well paid to provide both life's necessities and ECE so get on with it..

A pity!

Mr Seymour has the key to a happy and successful country in his hands. I'm betting it will go back in his pocket without even trying the lock.

Saturday, 1 June 2024

Banks Are Not Policemen

 The Headline:

Family 'gobsmacked' after bank tellers help widow with dementia withdraw $300k

The headline should have read: Greedy Family Worried They May Have Missed Out On Something.

Banks are not policemen! Trading banks exist so people don't need to carry around large amounts of cash. People may still want to do so and, if they have the assets, they can.

If a client of a bank makes a legitimate transaction it's the responsibility of the client, not the bank, to ensure the security.

That, when you think about it is the way we all should want it. The last thing you (I, anyone) want is to explain to a fucking bank why you need a new pair if knickers.

If the greedy, lazy bastards in this story hadn't been so fucking lazy they would have talked to a shyster about limiting the access of the lady to her own money.

Of course this may have resulted in a new will removing the greedy bastards but hey, such is life.

This story is the most recent in an ongoing series of non-stories produced by pathetic communist scum attempting to destroy society (I suspect inadvertently - they're not the sharpest knives in the drawer) so other scum can impose dictatorship of the unwashed.

It's time the slime stopped presenting them!

Friday, 31 May 2024

Setting New Standards

 In a country proving itself to contain complete and utter morons, every one of whom's utterances are duly reported on news sites front pages, no doubt by fellow morons, the bar in stupidity is constantly being lowered.

The latest attempt comes in the headline noted today in several msm sites:

Overseas aid falls further in Budget

 The country, thanks to the scum who voted communist in '17 and '20, is broke and seriously in debt.

The country doesn't have any money to spare!

Any sensible money managers would have cancelled ALL overseas aid and applied for some FOR New Zealand.

Giving away money we don't have is moronic, mourning the fact we aren't giving away more, completely bloody stupid.

Very much a new low. It's going to be interesting just how the slime top bottom(?) that.

Thursday, 30 May 2024

Great Place, even Greater People

 I want to be positive for a change. Those who are unfortunate enough to have read any of my outpourings will, no doubt, already be heading for the hills.

Anyway, positive.

With all the negative, sub-human crap dominating discussion at the moment I thought I'd share a good story.

I have had health problems the last year culminating (I hope) in current hernia and subsequent mobility problems.

That's positive? No, necessary background.

I needed to shorten a step to enable me to move around my home. A visit to a recycling yard called Graceworks (Mulcocks Rd. Rangiora, off lineside Rd) and I was given some flat blocks of wood perfect for the job. Payment was refused.

I live in North Canterbury - Woodend Beach - and advertised for a mobility scooter I could buy or hire, hoping a second hand one would be available in my price range,

A wonderful young lady, a mother of two, from Waikuku contacted me and has given me the use of her families device, at no cost. Britt is obviously a beautiful person.

I then needed a ramp to get the scooter out of the elements. Back to Graceworks where, for the cost of a (very) few coins, I was given a sheet of ply perfect for the job.

None of these people, the gentleman at Graceworks or the fantastic young lady from Waikuku had met me before their kindness.

When I do move, shop, etc within North Canterbury I have found people to be patient, kind and helpful. A gentleman from Rangiora Mitre10 happily carried the rather heavy purchase I made to my vehicle yesterday, made room for the box and placed it where I could remove it when I got home.

I live here by choice and have found that choice to be a good one.

People of North Canterbury, I thank you.

Wednesday, 29 May 2024


 Breaking news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Zealand political parties not involved in the current Coalition are opposed to the just announced 2024 budget.

This amazing, unforeseen circumstance, new to New Zealand politics, has been observed in Parliament and widely reported on front pages across the main stream media.

In a new, exciting breakthrough, confirmation has just been announced on New Zealand television that water is wet.

We live in wonderful times!

Friday, 24 May 2024

Crash? No, just a siren.

 When I first saw this headline I thought "I agree. Many years of professional night driving has convinced me Canterbury Police driving standards are atrocious".

Then I read the story and realised they are commenting on other drivers, particularly those who "cross the centre line".

There has been an epidemic of head-on crashes lately in North Canterbury resulting in (based on Media reports) very close to zero fatalities.

I suspect this is simply make work down at the piggery with the press release simply to justify the wasted expense in both money and manpower.

Crossing the centre line, if vision is clear and open, on narrow winding roads is often safer for all involved than sticking like glue to the left. It is the judgement that needs to be taught, not avoiding the action completely.

New Zealand Police should, after extensive driver training from experienced road users, employ people noted for their common sense to further train their drivers and start targeting the very bad, often very dangerous drivers polluting our near-city roads, many of them (us) way past their use-by dates, unable to see, let alone drive and totally senile.

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

About Time Too!

 The Headline:

Cat found dead 26km from home: Owners fear a cat-killer stalks their neighbourhood

My first thought, without reading the story was "Please, Oh Gods, let this be true!"

It's about time the birds and small animals fought back against these murderous immigrants.

Long live the feathered fellows!

Cold, Wet, Windy.



Leaders: Are they, no, They are the problem.

When man climbed down from the trees and decided that he preferred eating meat first he needed to catch that meat.

For that he needed two things: other men and a way of communicating with those other men.

Nature provided the first, other men climbing down just to imitate him, trying the meat, no doubt left over from another animal’s dinner, liking it and wanting more.

The second meant learning to talk and inventing a language for using that skill to communicate.

An aside: Vegetarians, THAT is how far backward your stupidity is!

Having mastered, sufficiently, those skills a group of men set out to hunt, kill and then eat that meat. A few took some home to the little woman, causing man’s first headache, but that is another story.

The group of men then encountered another problem, that of coordinating their efforts. Rather than go the commune route where each man could have their input and the others, by recognising the wisdom of input, act on it or ignore it some bastard piped up and said “I know, if Fred does this and Joe does that and the rest of you do that while I call the shots, we should eat tonight.”.

Leadership was born.

It’s been downhill since then.

Now we look around and we see the effects of that “leadership”. Very seldom do we see the average man say “I know, I’ll go out and die horribly so Horace there can dine in style tonight”. It’s always Horace sending Bill out to do the dying while he (Horace) carries on the dining.


From your local group of scrotes calling themselves a “gang” (most of whom, individually, are good companions) to the big gangs (called countries) and the really big gangs calling themselves “corporates”.

The “leaders” make the rules, the poor bastards do the paying, (99.99% of the time with no real input). The trouble is, over time, they no longer lead – they dictate.

I contend it’s time for a change.

Make leadership a capital offense. Shoot every leader (I’d prefer hanging, the ropes can then be repurposed, shooting is easier), at every level and restart afresh.

The World would become instant chaos, interesting, fun and a far, far better place.

There would be no countries, people would quickly recognise the only way of surviving would be cooperation and, without bloody “leaders” that cooperation would remain small and largely uncoordinated.

We would have found nirvana – and we could maintain nirvana as long as we remembered to destroy, completely, every potential leader.

Such is a rainy morning in North Canterbury. I’m bored, you get to share the boredom.

Now, where is the first “leader” in need of shooting?

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

C***s (Caution: Correct Language Within)

 I have developed what appears to be, based on symptoms, a small hernia.

Hurts like hell when sitting, driving my car (Driving the HiLux is surprisingly pain free) and particularly walking and standing.

Does give me an excuse not to get out of bed on freezing mornings so not all bad.

I went online, to a NZ Health Dept. site, to learn about hernias.

Gave me some useful information, particularly on the Dept. of Health (no doubt now using some bogus racist name) being no longer able to say "men".

Instead they use the fabrication AMAB (apparently "assigned male at birth), them being unable to understand that a penis attached to a baby means, 100% of the time, the baby is male. You cannot be "assigned" anything already a fact.

These fuckwits are in charge of NZ's health? I hope the Gods are kind.

However, it is the "AMAB" bit that causes this post.

As these fuckwits are invariably sheilas (of either sex) I suggest they shorten the name and create three new, more appropriate, names for the sexes.

Those without a penis should become "cunts".

Those with a penis should become "non-cunts".

Those pre-destined for or actually part of the Dept. of Health should be formally known from now on as "utter cunts".

Sunday, 12 May 2024

Just Stop Oil!

 In some ways I agree.

I propose the Government announce they will phase out the burning of fossil fuels and immediately replace those fuels by building nuclear power stations in, or very near, all major cities.

Nuclear now is cleaner, cheaper, far more reliable and better for the planet than any other option - at least until Hydrogen is developed fully.

The "environmentalists" and their co-environment destroying supporters won't have a leg to stand on.

Silence Question

 Last night, 12 May, '24, halfway through a Netflix movie (Monuments Men) I lost sound.

My internet connection is wireless so I thought, initially, that this was a consequence of the solar storm raging over the planet.

Then I thought "No, that can't be correct. The climate religionists assure me that the Sun plays no part in Earth's atmosphere - which is where the satellite signal travels to get to me.

I wonder what caused it.

A protester waving a Palestine flag has climbed on to the roof of the Christchurch City Council building. Photo / George Heard


Pro-Palestine protester climbs on to Christchurch council roof

I'm hip!

Let's treat him as Hamas and their Palestinian enablers would - shoot the bastard down!

Saturday, 11 May 2024

A Long-winded Question - Read At Your Own Peril

About one year ago (it was May, 2023) my taste buds died.

I don't know why, put it down to old age and abuse. Several weeks later I got a mild 'flu that was apparently Covid 19, so it wasn't that.

Taste buds dying was initially a curse I could no longer taste red wine and ice cream "tasted" horrible. Roast beef (cooked my way) no longer was mouth-watering. Cheese, particularly good cheese became ho-hum.

Snack food, (crisps, peanuts etc.), fish and chips, hot dogs etc. became a non-event.

I stopped eating.

I had already lost approximately 20 Kg from "peak Tinman" and was down to ~130 Kg.

A bit of stress, including, but not limited to losing my home and a drug-addled, grasping son taking most of my savings added and my weight dropped rather dramatically. I am now 89Kg. Life ain't always been kind to me.

Not all doom and gloom though. I can drink whisky and beer without hating it (although red wine leaves me cold), I own my own home (a caravan) and if I can sell my HiLux I will be financially viable. I also love where I now live - the Woodend Beach Holiday Park.

Hopefully I'll be here until I die.

But enough of me. I've just watched a video of a typically fat Seppo sheila whinging and stating she is in serious danger as far as her health and well being is concerned because she hasn't had her daily fix of fast food and sweet drinks.

Obviously the sheila wouldn't know hardship if it kicked her in her (very) oversized arse.

The sheila is part of a pro-terrorist protest at a Seppo university.

I presented my recent history (or part of it) to put into perspective my question: How does something like this sheila expect to be taken seriously and why does she not think her blind and absolute stupidity will not follow her the rest of her life when those she starves to support raped and murdered sheilas doing exactly as she is doing, at a "music" festival in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023?

A further question: Why do the relevant authorities not treat the terrorist supporters in the exact same manner Hamas treated Palestinian supporters (and Jews) on that day in October '23?

Friday, 10 May 2024

A Much Needed Fix

 Two things have been made obvious over the last six months.

First is that New Zealand needs to stop electing a three-year dictatorship.

I'm not a constitutional expert but the election of a Government who are free to do what they want, no matter their election promises or the election of a coalition Government who, by it's very nature, made no promises is dangerous.

The six years, 2017-2023, in New Zealand (Three years of each type) demonstrate that graphically.

Had New Zealand had a "recall" provision almost certainly the murderous "Covid" reaction would have been mitigated, less people would have had their lives destroyed or terminated and New Zealand would, at least, have had a chance to avoid the fiscal nightmare we now enter.

I refer, of course, to the deep unpopularity of the NZP/communist crowd of '18 and '19 that started by destroying the New Zealand energy industry.

The prospect would have prevented the communist c@#t from becoming a TV "star" at midday each day, appealing to brain-dead sheilas (of both sexes) with lies that ensured the election of the communist dictatorship.

That dictatorship should, alone, demonstrate just how much New Zealand's electoral system needs refining.

The second is the complete lack of responsibility and consequences for the actions of the 2017-2023 destroyers.

They should be in court, IMHO facing gaol time for the minor players, the rope for the "leaders" and complete stripping of ALL their financial assets of each and every one of the bastards. The defedents should include the pollies, their henchmen and the enabler slime.

Until these things are dealt with, (now, while the memory is fresh) New Zealand will remain just a small "banana republic" in the middle of nowhere.

Friday, 3 May 2024


 In my day - just post-asteroid - the sheilas (of both sexes) were running around with a little red book.

Supposedly the thoughts of Chairman Mao. In fact just communist propaganda, probably invented and compiled by some life-rejected little dweeb in a back room in Durham (or similar).

I was too busy trying to figure out how to play cricket, rugby and hockey (badly) at the time to realise joining them would have improved my sex life. Oh for lost opportunities!

Then the female ones got beautiful, (the "males" remained ugly, pathetic sheilas) discovered sex was fun, forgot the loser bastard and his communism and got on with life.

Having watched a few overseas reports and interviews lately the current anti-Jew bullshit is the same thing; fashion pretending it is intellectual.

The problem is that the current protest fashion, with it's threat to actual life, (the sit-ins are similar but the killing was done by the authorities back then) is being influenced by scum who should be wiped from the Earth.

That influence can, will, lead to serious violence and death

This, in turn, will lead to several of the "fashionistas", the dedicated followers of fashion, completely destroying their lives.**

The scum, of course, will just carry on creating and feeding bias and hate in the effort to lead to insurrection - they only know how to destroy.

Those of us in the human world need to wake up, destroy the sub-human scum, be they racist, religionist, or sexist, and then do what the scum can't do: Rebuild.

The first two steps will be the hardest and mean goodbye to the slime, scum supporters (read "slime") and the scum themselves.

Only mass slaughter can prevent mass slaughter.

I know which side of that mass slaughter I want to be on.

** "Dedicated Follower of Fashion" by The Kinks was a bloody good single.

While your looking that up also look up "The Ugly Blues" by the Uglies - and if you find it think "Genter" while you listen.

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Solved! That was Easy

Now for the genuine World problems such as how did the fraud of chicken wings eventuate? 

But first:

Reading through the "news" today, mainly from overseas sites, the New Zealand sites being unreadable and dishonest, I was struck with a one thing.

Every day I read someone warning of the big baddies, Mr Putin and Mr Xi, and their designs on World conquest and domination.

Their two capitalist countries are always referred to as "communist" although both are far right of "capitalist" countries like New Zealand, Australia and Great Britain and certainly no further left than the current USA, most of Western Europe and the dictatorship of Canada.

Notably though, Mr Putin just defends his border from the left-wing aggressors of NATO and Mr Xi, despite China for the last 50 years having the means to do so, has made not a single aggressive move towards expansion, has not even taken back the Chinese Island of Taiwan from the corrupt Imperialist crew who stole it.

About this time in a discussion I usually get a halfwit rabbiting on about Hong Kong. Hong Kong was CHINESE territory, leased to England for a set time due to blackmail and bullying. The only remarkable thing about Hong Kong is that both partners in the lease kept their word.

Meanwhile, but never mentioned at the same time, the Mediterranean Mysticism Triumvirate are constantly at war, attacking other countries at will and two of their group (The Persians and the Arabs) are sending their representatives out to destroy the free world constantly and the Free World does virtually nothing, intent as they are on the two, based on observed actions, non-threats, who get all the attention.

Maybe the West should ask Mr Putin and Mr Xi for their help in destroying, militarily, the Persians and the Arabs (militarily - although completely would see a far better world) and then then form a World Police (a bit like the UN only not corrupt) to keep the peace.

Note: Make no mistake. Although the Persians and the Arabs employ other races (particularly Africans and sub-Continent Asians) to work for them they are opposed to each other. If not stamped out that will be the next major war.

Tuesday, 30 April 2024


 I realise I am a bit strange. A big bit.

When I read a MSM headline or hear a television/radio headline my first reaction is invariably "bullshit!".

Often that reaction is proved correct so when I read of a poll commissioned by one (if not THE) of the most dishonest organisations in New Zealand the other day that was my first thought.

My second was "so what?". 

Polls simply don't matter. Barring some rather unlikely scenario causing an end to the current coalition the Government is here for three years.

That is the New Zealand system!

One that needs changing I admit but that is what we have.

Which is why I viewed with some sadness, but not surprise, the unfortunate reaction from Government to both the poll and the slime's baiting of those elected officials in Government.

What a service they could have done the electorate, the country, by simply telling the slime to fuck off and come up with real questions.

What a service they could have done had they simply stated "We're too busy for your bullshit. Look at the scoreboard. It says Government 10, slime zero."

Followed up by "We'll carry on running the country, you carry on masturbating, verbally and otherwise, while we do so." ..... and did.

The Government, particularly the National part of that Government need to grow some balls.

Dealing to the slime the way they deserve would be a great way to start!


Monday, 29 April 2024

Pollies' Pay

 For several election cycles I remember pollies have received a pay increase at the start of their term.

No matter which Government the reaction is always the same - negative - from the slime, the commentariat and I admit, from me.

As it should be - but not for most of the reasons stated every time.

I believe that we could cut off a steady supply of slime column/kilometers by simply setting a pay rate that will greet any incoming pollies, that rate to be fixed for the term of the Parliament.

The people should have their say on this rate, not just the pollies and their Yes-men and any pollie worth his salt should be prepared to negotiate a pay-packet under that grossly exorbitant rate, also for the term of the Parliament.

Any pollies not liking this solution should be told to go work for their living.

Wednesday, 24 April 2024


 Melissa Lee got sacked.

Apparently she got sacked because, as Minister of Broadcasting she was silent, made no statements, no speeches and appeared to do nothing.

The problem seems to be that a bunch of otherwise unemployable, self-opinionated halfwits are finding out that communist propaganda coupled with the promotion of paedophilia and blatant racism is not a big seller.

Lee chose to stay silent and let them reveal themselves for what they are.

I would have thought that this was the best strategy but the gutless bastard currently polluting the office of Prime Minister panicked.

His choice but considering the utter scum that preceded Lee, with his non-stop racist and communistic crap spewing from his mouth, Lee's (non) action was a breath of fresh air.

The current Government needs, for the sake of New Zealand, to undo the damage done by the communist dictatorship.

Then they need to take note of Lee's action plan and, other than making sure local Government keeps roads and water services up to date, sit, shut up and let us do our thing in peace.

Sunday, 21 April 2024

True Measure

 I'm starting to wonder if the true measure of a Man is the number of sheilas (of either sex) telling him he is wrong.

Old things break and fall down; I'm an old thing, I'm broke and I've fallen down quite a lot in the last six months.

Time for demolition?

I'm hungry! And I gained 1Kg in the last month.

So what? you ask.

So over the last six months I have lost approx 40Kg.

And I mean "lost" . I've looked for them all over the place - not a sign.

A week or so ago I purchased two new pairs of jeans. Wrangler Authentics replacing Wrangler Authentics. Despite the ten year age difference the main variation is that the recently purchased pair have a waist 16" shorter than the older ones.

I lost my taste about 12 months ago and my appetite around August last year. I'd already stopped most drinking (from a bottle of Red a day to nothing most of the time.) other than coffee and water. Then I stopped eating.

The coffee includes a T-spoon of Kanuka Honey in each cup (4 cups a day) that I believe kept the Faucci Flu at bay. (Chinese be fucked - they just supplied the labs!)

I moved "house" at the very end of November '23, moving to Woodend Beach. I now walk daily, regularly chat with whomever I can hear and, basically, I'm enjoying life (a bit).

Even then, up until now I'd lost 10Kg since I've been here, most of it this year.

I figure I was dying (I still am but slower).

Woodend Beach and surrounds is good for me - so sorry folks.

I suspect this old bastard may be around, spreading his brand of utter bullshit, seriously biased, RW liberal crap around the comments sections of political blogs for some time to come.

Suffer you bastards!

Three? No, give me Four.

 Three Strikes is back, protected again by the "manifestly unjust" clause.

I have no real problem with a clause that states that a Judge may ignore the wish of the People, as expressed by people given that power in a General Election (which the Judges don't go through) as long as that protection is itself protected by another clause.

That second clause should state that any Judge over-riding the 3 Strikes law should, if/when the criminal offends again, instantly and without trial or recourse, serve the time the criminal should be serving. That sentence to be carried out in a top security facility among the general population of that facility.

With that provision we should see less Judges and more Justice - both a positive.

Saturday, 20 April 2024


y race horses, dogs, cows, sheep,  goats (hair , milk and meat), deer, and during a stint at Orana Park, both brilliant young ladies and (mainly African) beasts.

The young ladies were the hardest work.

The animals tended to be relatively easy if you respected them.

At Orana park, when dealing with the (unhappy, if not) wild animals the staff tended to ensure their vehicle was between them and any dangerous animal.

In a farm situation you can't always do that but you can avoid a situation by knowing your animals and working to avoid problems ( a bit like taxi driving).

Things like knowing every bobby-calf in existence wants to stand on your feet.

The news recently has a ram killing an old couple on what I gather, based on reports, is a lifestyle-type block.

I suspect the dead people treated their animals as pets.

No animal big enough to hurt you is a pet.

The ram, no doubt ramming, killed two. A first as far as I know. He was slaughtered as punishment (a bit like James I) but will go down in history.

No doubt, up in that great paddock in the sky, he is even now regaling all who will listen with the story of how he got both the bastards.

I hope this story gives those going amongst animals, even if that's your local mall or supermarket, a chance to reflect.

We are all animals and if you don't respect us we will happily bite you in the ass when you are least expecting it.

Sunday, 14 April 2024


 `I note this headline on NewstalkZB:

 Govt investigating mega tunnel underneath Wellington


If they wait a year or two an earthquake will build it for them.


Friday, 12 April 2024

Bo(a)red Meeting

 Ministry of ......... Start of day; Monday :10:30am

Righto folks, pay attention.

The Minister has spoken and we need to downsize.

People must be fired.

I've made a list. Obviously the 2,037 who joined last year are sacrosanct. Too important and we haven't even created titles for their non-existent jobs yet. Besides, they all have brown skins. Untouchable!

My list: The Tea-lady's 2nd assistant has to go, the under-gardener (we don't have a garden here on the 8th, 9th and tenth floor) and, after a lot of anguish, I've decided one of that group in Tauranga who "work from home" and no one has ever met or seen anything from - just make sure it's a white male - has to be the third.

That's three.

We'll feed this to to our pet "reporter" They'll publish the "news" under headlines calling it "massive job cuts in Ministry announced" knowing most can't read and those few that can won't bother.

Should get great coverage from the TV outfits.

Meanwhile, back to the grind people. Lunch is still 45 minutes away and I need to check the wine list again.

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

sans oil

 The kiddie-wank the other day got me thinking.

Yeah, I know. You saw the smoke and wondered.

Anyway, could a modern human live in line with kiddie (and communist) wankery? Could they live without oil or killing anything - the two big wokery no-nos (although killing Jews seems to be fine).

For an "easy" start let's say you live just outside of a New Zealand village, near, but not in, the mountains.

You wake in the morning and greet the sun, then get up.

You must undress and stay naked because every item of clothing relies on oil in some way. You think of the woolen jersey Aunt Mary knitted you for xmas but even that is made from wool taken from the sheeps back with oil-lubricated tools.

The natural oil in wool you think, but no, first you have no way of extricating it and second, the oil in lanolin breaks down too quickly under pressure to be useful for lubrication (at least according to a Lincoln University fellow I asked that question of while he was trying to figure out a way of cleaning the wool and extracting the lanolin that would comply with EEC (at the time) standards.)

Shoes are also out, barefoot you go.

Electricity relies on oil to be made and stored and your wood-burning stove was made using oil in the process. Cold grass and shrubs for brekkie

Food not grown from your own seed gathered from the wild is also out, oil-burners delivered it and you probably used oil to bring it home. Even the seed packets are made, filled and transported using oil.

You go out to eat natural plants and berries. Of course you must first find them while naked and barefoot.

If there'e a chill in the air or if the ground is devoid of trees or large bushes that will protect you from sunburn, forget it until a warm dusk.

You find enough natural food to keep you going and now must address the clothing issue.

Small animals the die tend to be torn to bits, either while dying or soon after so you must find an animal as large as you who is unhappy. (A wild one will kill you first if you follow it.) You must follow that animal until it dies, beat the hawks, eagles, rats, pigs etc. to it's carcass and then skin it - without the oil-reliant knife you have at home.

At this point you will need flint - but how to identify it?

If you can you will then need to learn to shape it and cause sparks (fire) with it.

Trial and experimentation are your only methods of learning.

About now I figure you are dead but, maybe, not.

You get a fire going, dry the skin and survive the night - but where are you?

Tomorrow at sunrise you must start again.

First you have to find a dead animal you can get the skin of to enable you to carry flints etc. To fashion this you will need to make a needle and a knife. there goes a day and you've not had time to find food, drink or shelter.

Dead again.

Assuming you actually get through this you then need to find another dying animal, survive until it dies then start again.

No, just removing oil will kill you.

We won't notice the absence.

Monday, 8 April 2024


 I have convinced my brain about the end of daylight saving time.

The sparrow has managed to rearrange his fart.

I've persuaded my sleeping mechanism and my evening-get-yawny-at-10 body components of the new schedule.

All I have to do now is induce my bladder to change it's clock and the world will be a much better place.

Sunday, 7 April 2024


 Why don't New Zealand retailers want my money?

I only wear jeans in the winter, preferring lighter cotton pants or shorts in the summer.

This week I put on my jeans for the colder weather.

Luckily I use braces to hold my pants up. The jeans, which were slightly on the large size last year are this year quite a bit too large. 

It seems losing 40Kg has some effect on waist size. The tape measure told me at least 6 inches smaller was necessary.

I wandered down to the men's trousers outlets I know of that normally stock fat bastard sizes. None had more than skinny dweeb sizes available and not one had various leg lengths available, even in dweeb sizes.

The fraudulent "We'll shorten them for a fee" industry obviously still goes strong.

Amazon Au are selling me two pair of Wranglers (my preferred brand), with my exact required leg length, for less that $NZ105. delivered (in 8 days according to them).

My now too big Wranglers came from Amazon US - at about the same price.

I would have paid up to $200. in a shop in Nth. Canterbury, now I don't need to.

So, I repeat my question: Why don't New Zealand retailers want my money?

Meanwhile anyone wanting to purchase a couple of pair of used but still good, real-man sized Wranglers (150cm)  give me a yell.

Hard Right

 There is a headline on the NewstalkZB site leading to an audio containing an interview with Pom slime member Gavin Grey.

Gavin Grey: Hate crime law in Scotland targeted by far right and support for Ukraine is diminishing

 The latter part is no surprise, unfortunately neither is the claim of the first part.

Most intelligent people (and quite a few of us thick ones) understand that to most of the slime anyone right of hardline communism is now "far right".

I haven't (and won't) listen to the interview (partially because I have serious hearing difficulties at the moment and hearing aids are still more than a week away). I have no interest in listening to slime lies but this gives me the chance to highlight just how far the "media" have fallen.

Opposition to anything the media (as the pathetic little group of woke wankers they are) consider correct is immediately met with scorn and derision.

"The hard right", pretty much a non-starter in a World where bad and disgusting acts are dominated by the never mentioned "hard left", is used so often it now means 'people we disagree with but can't pin anything awful on".

 For the record, I consider myself a right-wing liberal therefore "Hard Right".

I'm happy with my position - unlike those of the slime who's position is lying on their backs, legs in the air, waiting for their belly to be stroked by their racist islamic and communist masters.


Saturday, 6 April 2024

Time for Real People to Take Action

 I was just reading yet more comment about the utter bullshit regulations around ecology and racism (they're for it) that handicaps the country.

Most recent comments stem from the Lyttleton disgrace that saw SailGP stopped because one Hectors dolphin was sighted.

This was but one example, and there are scores of stories all through NZ, about bureaucrats preventing action for pathetic reasons - the Army being refused permission to help Hawkes Bay post cyclone being the worst example I've seen.

The Coalition leaders have all made statements along the lines that they will do something about it - BUT should we be waiting like pathetic little serfs for them to act?

The racists make their fortunes knowing that pollies acting is a very slow process and in the meantime they can steal anything they desire with impunity.

Surely it's time for the real humans to act, against the racists, against the bureaucrats, against the "activists" (invariably communist scum), against everyone who says "nay" to progress, to having fun, to life.

It's time real people rose up and took back New Zealand!

Beyond politics, beyond the reaches of PC and woke.

Time for hangings, time for floggings, time for real people to say "Fuck You!" to the bastards, "Fuck off or we'll genuinely fuck you - the way a shotgun cartridge fucks ducks".

For the pathetic few you can do this metaphorically, for the majority, bring on the Public Executioner.

Friday, 5 April 2024

Pollies. Worth?

 There is a thing that writes columns for NewstalkZB under the name "Jason Walls".

I don't know what this thing is. I thought maybe AI but, based on the headlines, that would be just the "A".

I can only assume it's satire but it doesn't appeal so I don't read it.

The headline this week suggests national pollies deserve more pay. I suspect a national pollie had the keyboard this week.

If pollies, whether at local or national level, were paid what they're worth it would cost most of them large amounts to keep their positions.

A few, probably a dozen or so of the current lot, would be above the break-even point. The rest are parasites.

In my younger years a regularly heard suggestion was to sack the lot of them and put a married couple in to run the place.

I believe that still holds true today.

Climate Changs

 I understand some school pupils had a day off school to protest nature - and why not?

When I was at school, millennia ago, I (we)'d take any day off we could get. I wish I'd thought of protesting the natural world - I could have turned my regular Friday afternoon freedoms into the whole day.

Given the standard of "teaching" has gone backwards rather dramatically one extra day away from marxist indoctrination won't harm the kids.

What does worry me though is this whole anti-atmospheric carbon thing.

Scientists, real scientists not the climate change fraudsters, have shown that the planet is actually low in atmospheric carbon and the World would be far better were CO2 levels doubled.

Many now arid areas would green up, food would become plentiful and the animal life would thrive - humans being, of course, animals and part of the planet.

The climate alarm is, in reality, bullshit.; the landing place for communists after communism was proved to be a complete failure. Socialism is simply the completely gutless bastard child of communism.

Unfortunately, and March and April this year warn of this, the anti-CO2 halfwits risk bringing about another Little Ice Age.

Then the planet will be in trouble. 

We'll have to start sacrificing climate alarmists and "striking" schoolchildren to keep warm.

Thursday, 4 April 2024

Why pigs should never be given control of a shithouse brush!

 A man had an accident, a road accident, in which two of his daughters died, his third was injured badly, his wife and himself also injured seriously.

There is no hint of any foul play, of any intent, it was an accident.

There the matter should have ended.

The man and his surviving family had already been punished.

Instead some typically disgusting pig piece of shit decided the man must be prosecuted - and he has been.

There is not the slightest chance that prosecution will have any effect on drivers anywhere, will make roads safer, will, in fact do any use what-so-ever except add a little trophy to the piece-of-shit's (and those assisting the disgusting c%#t) wall.

All the prosecution has done is use taxpayer money and time to torture an already punished family.

The pig p-o-s who made the decision to prosecute, his(her) p-o-s prosecutor and all involved between the two should be taken outside, beaten until they are half conscious and left, naked, cold and alone, to die, slowly and horribly.

Only then would this prosecution have some meaning - the world would be a far better place without them! 

The Dole


I read  this with a bit of a smile on my face.

The Newshub slime are attempting to do a "How hard are we done by" theme.

"But in terms of impact as well, you know, obviously I'm not paying tax to anyone and then we've just pulled back all of the expenses."

That includes things like using the local lawnmowing and hairdressing services - as opposed to the fashionable, expensive outfits?

A now one income, one child (based on the slime-quoted comment) family genuinely hard done by. Get off the grass!

But back to my point: The story is about ex-civil servants not being able to find a job.

I suggest this means they, in fact, have no marketable skills. To be blunt they are useless to the workplace.

It states, beyond suggestion, that the "civil service" that used to employ them was not hiring workers but hiding the unemployed, the unemployable.

Their grossly inflated pay packets were not remuneration at all, they were dole payments dishonestly disguised as salaries.

The current Government is (very slowly) starting to recognise this. I hope they keep doing so, placing at least 40% of the current taxpayer funded lot on the proper, considerably cheaper, dole queue where they belong.

In time these unemployable layabouts may realise that to achieve anything they will actually need to get a proper job, to work for their living.

THAT will be education in it's finest moment!

Sunday, 31 March 2024

Discipline in Schools

 I have read several articles recently bemoaning the loss of discipline in schools.

I believe this loss can be corrected relatively quickly, by simple measures.

A staff meeting before school starts each week, attendance compulsory or no pay that week.

Discipline discussed and the worst offender identified.

That offender taken to the quadrangle (or other open, central location) stripped and beaten thoroughly.

I'm sure this will immediately improve that discipline and, when it does, the children can be assembled and threatened with the same if they transgress.

A Good Day to Die

 The road between Farlie and the Lindis Pass is some of the best driving road in New Zealand.

I admit I haven't driven it for at least two years but it is flat(ish), has plenty of width, great open vision, just enough minor features to keep you awake and fantastic scenery.

The only real hazard are half-wit tourists who need to stop in the middle of the road to gawk and take photographs.

Simply put, it's a road that is a pleasure to drive. Parts of it, if you are in a convertible or on a motorcycle, almost demand speed. Around the lakes I have regularly been passed by motorcycles doing approx 100mph.

I have ridden the road on a m/c and empathise.

There was a prang on it the other day (two vehicles and a m/c) and some people died.

At least two were foreigners, students, probably exploring the area for the first time, gawking at the scenery. I don't know how it happened but I can guess.

Two days later the inevitable headline appears in a slime publication calling for "safety improvements".

I didn't read the story but I could have written it.

The accident will be blamed, by the ghoulish bastard writer, on the fact that the road has no motorist-murderer fence and not even a single speed-bump, stop sign or set of traffic lights.

In other words motorists on this road are free from the complete control of the utter scum who demand to tell everyone what to do all of the time.

People like the last NZ Government and socialists.

My sympathy goes to those injured and the families of those killed but, if you've got to go, what a great place to do it in!

Saturday, 30 March 2024


 The Headline: 

Gisborne police declare war on anti-social drivers

What a pity they don't declare war on murderers, assaulters, thugs, scum who beat and murder kids, smash and grab lowlifes, racist thieves, stand-over merchants, slow, ignorant drivers and all those other criminals they put in the too-hard basket.

They might start earning back some respect!

They Needed Research?


New research reveals male mammals aren't bigger than females

A quick wander down any busy street in New Zealand would have told you that.

A slow wander would offer the explanation that a very large percentage of the females not just outweighed the males but matched the males height in width..

One Mistake.

 I noticed the headline on NewstalkZB this morning

200 cars involved in illegal street racing in Auckland targeted by police

and read the story. The headline says it all.

Having cogitated about this I figure that the boys and girls involved only made one error of significance.

They forgot to wear gang patches, where upon the police would have stood aside and waved them through.

Friday, 29 March 2024

Brilliant! A fantastic innovation.

 The most wonderful thing just happened.

I have been unwell and the illness affects my hearing, meaning watching movies etc. is a waste of time. 

Instead, when not trying to find opinion-type comment i have been playing no-noise games.

While playing one just now an e-mail came through. It was an advertisement from a menswear outfit advertising jackets.

Among those advertised was a jacket containing "vegan leather sleeves".

I admit I have long called vegans the most useless pack of halfwits on the planet - but, no more.

Now they have a use - they can be skinned, their hides tanned and made useful for keeping real humans warm.

What a wonderful innovation!

From Wikipedia:


Leather is a strong, flexible and durable material obtained from the tanning, or chemical treatment, of animal skins and hides to prevent decay.


 Recent reports note historical electronic spying on New Zealand by China.

Everyone appears to consider this, due to New Zealand's 2008 FTA with China to be reprehensible. New Zealand has even whinged to the Chinese ambassador about it.

I do mean "everyone", on this the left ad right seem unified.

Well, everyone but me maybe.

Consider the spying report: The report suggests that a decade or two ago China was spying on the "five eyes" countries.

How terrible, particularly because "five eyes" was set up after WWII to spy (they use "gather intelligence") on communist nations (mainly).

China at the time was becoming communist.

5 eyes goes strong, continues to spy on the world, including China.

The reaction to the report is rather interesting.

Do what we say, not what we do!

Thursday, 28 March 2024

NZ Today

 Another stabbing: Just another day.

Armed burglary: Ho hum.

Dangerous burglar in the house: Cops'll be there next week some time.

Retailers livelihood destroyed by ram raiders: maybe there will be a "reporter" in the neighbourhood.

Don't even bother to report that rape.

A bit of paint on a road protesting poffta child abuse: CRIME OF THE CENTURY!

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

English - As She Was Never Spoke

reference crime report.

This report is worth reading, not for it's content but for the absolute destruction of the English language and the use of a non-witness (who, of course, prefers not to be identified) to describe the event.

  “She saw a fellah all dressed in black. Black gloves, black everything.”

 A bit specific surely. How, driving past, she can ascertain the occupation of a black-dressed person ( A Saharan agriculture worker) wearing black gloves is beyond my comprehension.

My memory tells me that Flaxmere is a suburb of Hastings in Hawkes Bay.

Language is about communication. In this case Gary Hamilton-Irvine failed - badly.

Sunday, 24 March 2024


 The Headline (NewstalkZB):

Otago University expert disputes Sir Russell Coutts' claim about dolphins

Am I the only one who, upon reading the first three words, immediately thinks "Once again a Dunedin schoolteacher with no knowledge verbally masturbates for the publicity?".

Saturday, 23 March 2024

Savings to be Had


In the news recently has been a series of complaints about the dishonesty and overspending of the (remember this bit) duly elected communist  dictatorship of 2020 to 2022 and the the unelected joke of 2023.

Having considered this and not being a populist, think the below measures will help New Zealand both now and in the future.

Obviously New Zealand needs a financial boost. My solution(s):


A few ways New Zealand can save money:

Shoot every third “civil servant”. They won’t be missed and the savings will easily account for any post-shooting bullshit.

Put teachers on performance pay based on results of accredited-elsewhere tests. Any teacher (or should that be “teacher?) not getting his/her charges to perform should be offered either instant dismissal or a public flogging with dismissal automatic for a second offense.

What’s the bet, after a couple of dismissals, the fogging becomes the preferred option. Either way the children, therefore the country, benefit – both from improved standards and bloody fine entertainment..

In explanation; this should be in place until Bachelor level at State-funded Universities and schools. Private learning establishments should be, legally, permitted to take whatever steps they deem necessary to get results.

Your not going to like this next one: New Zealand’s standing Army should be stood down and a small (about 1,000 men) force set up and trained to fight bush, guerrilla style actions should the need arise.

To defend New Zealand, physically, against a determined attacker would need the entire population to be mobilised – twice each. The highly trained guerrilla force will do far more damage to an invader than anything currently available and will stop wannabe-pollies from using them for feel-good and get-me-re-elected purposes.

The remaining part of the Army can be set up as an unarmed force or as armed Police back-up when the racists get uppity, !! Wanker Alert!! for rescue, disaster relief etc.

NZ Navy would remain fisheries protection and observation, NZAF would be streamlined to provide transport and logistics for the new force and the Navy only.

Senior officers and politicians wanting transport for political reasons should be told to “bloody walk”.

Politicians should be made to itemise and justify all costs not already paid for by their inflated salaries. This work must be done and presented by the politician in question. The fraud-squad will probably need to be doubled just for this purpose but the savings to New Zealand.will well and truly justify this expense.

All traffic regulations should be removed, everywhere, and in their place rules against dangerous driving, inconsiderate driving and bloody silly driving instituted. Traffic enforcement must be on the basis of innocent until proven guilty. Cops who's charges fail this test should be made to personally compensate their victims and spend the rest of their careers as kindergarten pedestrian supervisors on minimum wages less expenses.

The racists should be told “No more! We don’t pay racist scum in this country!” and all finance for racists immediately cancelled. If they don’t like it tell them to keep on running as they were before they polluted New Zealand, I suggest next they take over the Auckland Islands,

Any person heard using imitation stone-age language, even if just as a greeting, should be beaten severely and left to crawl to the nearest refuge that will admit them.

This last measure won’t save taxpayer money but will make a lot of taxpayers very happy indeed – and a happy taxpayer is a productive taxpayer.


 I've lost another Kg.

I've hunted high and low for it and can't find it.

I can only surmise I've dropped it somewhere while out walking around.

I'm getting very careless, that's more the 40 Kg I've lost somewhere in the last eleven months.

Maybe that's why I'm feeling the cold this year - lack of insulation.

Friday, 22 March 2024

Slime are at it again

 Apparently the Mayor of Invercargill spoke what is referred as "The "N" word". I assume he refers to "nigger", a word deriving from French and English origins (basically a bastardisation of "negro") invented by Southern US Americans to describe Black slaves and, post 1865, black ex-slaves.

The slime are jumping up and down, which is why they are considered just below Paedophiles on the social scale.

Based on their own reports the Mayor quoted the word from "art" works and the name of a gang.

The slime say that the Mayor is being "racist".

This is the same group of pathetic bastards who happily report verbatim the racist and sexist bullshit from a dozen partially brown sub-humans daily and treat those rantings as words from on high

Thursday, 21 March 2024




There has been a fair bit of discussion over the Ocker court decision re Uber and their dishonest ways.

In many countries, including Oz and New Zealand, Uber came in and set up illegal operations.

In New Zealand they put anyone who wanted a go on their books.

At that time New Zealand had rather strict laws around transporting the public for monetary gain.

First you had to sit a couple of exams – one of those exams  I sat (The Area Knowledge for Christchurch) had 13 A4 pages of questions. You needed 80% to pass. You then had to have a police check to ensure you’d never been caught and the LTSA then had to approve your license. The P endorsement.

The license had to be renewed every five years although many chose renewal every year, mainly because of the cost.

Having that license (endorsement) you then could work for a authorised business.

If you wanted to own your own business you then had to sit more exams to gain a Passenger Service License at, of course, more expense.

You then took your shiny new PSL out into the world and purchased a vehicle.

Most I knew started with a used taxi, beaten up and very close to it’s use-by date. My first taxi (an imported 4 cylinder 1800 Camry) had about 250,000Kms on the clock. It had 350K when I sold it – to another cabbie.

If you decided to buy a new vehicle and set it up (quite often necessary due to the vehicle not remaining as pristine as the company demanded) on top of the coast of the vehicle you needed a sign-light, a metre (calibrated at CoF), cameras (Up to three depending on the vehicle) , a two-way radio and aerial. In many vehicles you also needed luggage racks and barriers.

Just setting up my last taxi (a 11 passenger van) cost me approx $10,000.

The CoF was every six months, company inspections at least as often and informal inspections daily.

In many companies drivers were also required to wear a uniform. I was a big, fat bastard and mine cost about $500. initially.

You then needed to buy a share in a taxi company (when I started anything from $10,000 to $35,000 depending on the company and subs in Christchurch, were normally in excess of $100. per week.

All that so you could go out every night with less than nothing and hopefully take enough to eat that week. As an example: With the van I needed to take just under $100. per day/night just to cover costs – those I mentioned plus fuel, RUC, maintenance and depreciation. You also had to earn enough to pay off any loan on the vehicle and/or save for the replacement you’d need in a few years time. In 17 years I wore out three vehicles and had started on no 4.

You then took the vehicle out where many members of the public tried desperately to damage it, after which you had to repair it.

Taxi drivers also have to deal with vomit and urine and the time spent not earning while those problems are fixed.

My share (the taxi number) in the company was at one stage worth, on paper, about $30,000.)

The Uber came in, publicly announcing that they would do none of the above. They would give anyone who asked an app for their ‘phone and let them go.

After a couple of rather nasty incidents the rules on “P” endorsement were tightened up but the company ignored New Zealand law and got away with it.

Two politicians in particular, Joyce and Bridges were terrified of being called racist because so many of the Uber scum were of brown skin, most hailing from the area encompased by the Sub-Continent across to North-East Africa (The area that celebrates theft and dishonesty as a honoured profession). So they ignored the honest, taxpaying New Zealand workers trying to feed their families and changed the law to accommodate the immigrant scum.

Bridges and Joyce gutlessness cost me approximately $100,000.

You may have got the impression I’m a bit bitter and twisted, still, over this.

I am!

I therefore applaud the Ocker decision and while it’s too late for me, hope it’s ramifications are felt this side of the Tasman forcing every Uber-driving scum and the disgusting business into bankrupcy.

May each and every one of the bastards die cold, starving, thirsty and very, very poor.

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Not Quite True


A post on Breaking Views this morning, taken apparently from Kiwiblog comments on free school lunches.

The post is worth reading.

Unfortunately, at the very end it makes an assertion that is palpably incorrect.

That assertion is that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

A quick perusal of the United Nations demonstrates the exact reverse.

Why do you think so many lefties end up there?

Monday, 18 March 2024

St John

 The Headline on NewstalkZB:

St John failed in care of heart attack patient after 111 call

Now think about this: When was the last time you saw the ambulance company called by it's human name?